Monday, December 30, 2019
Analysis Of Horkheimer And Adorno s Dialectic Of...
Published in 1944, Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of Enlightenment raises certain themes curated by different institute members of the Frankfurt School. A Psycho-analytical theory is applied to ‘anti-Semitism’, authoritarianism and fascism; it initially however, discusses the mass culture industry, the power of instrumental reason and of course the philosophy of enlightenment. Adorno argued, in regard to both cultural production and mass culture that Capitalism has: ‘hi-jacked’ art and its requirements of the market, this notion can also be applied to the ‘relationship’ between media/power and the elite, today. Thus, reliance needs (dependency) are fashioned in the minds of consumers of said culture by fresh forms of culture curating a set of conditions of dependency by the powerful. The aim of commercial ‘art, it goes on to argue, is to be presented without any critique, thus making its produce essentially ideological; the extra dominated interpretations of reality are reproduced, reinforced and strengthened through this. The authors’ state that the Enlightenment and science, developing from the thoughts and concepts of Francis Bacon, has focused primarily on dominating nature and therefore other humans and thus formulating a critique of both positivism and the philosophy of history. The domination of nature is integral to the philosophy of the Enlightenment. However, it could even be said that a basis that was once linked to liberation has been modified into aShow MoreRelatedCulture is a Mean of Social Control: Theodor Adorno998 Words  | 4 PagesTheodor Adorno is a representative of the Frankfurt School of Sociology, where the main theories and ideas were influenced by Karl Marx’s work. His main idea that the society is simply divided by a base-superstructure model and that the economy influences everything from religion to politics, referred to as economic determinism, is challenged by Adorno’s thought. Therefore, the Frankfurt school is part of the neo-Marxist approach as they interpret and add new things in Marx’s ideas. The fundamentalRead More Transcending Herbert Marcuse on Alienation, Art and the Humanities4411 Words  | 18 Pagesnecessary to theorize our society critically if we are to have a vehicle for correctly informed transformative practice. The problem is that much of what is called critical theory today is rooted in ideas developed by Herbert Marcuse, Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Georg Lukacs. What I want to argue here is that their work has tended to formulate a particular approach to aesthetic educationand a unique version of a philosophical humanismwhich is then presented as critical theoryagainst the debilitatingRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesmanaging, organizing and reflecting on both formal and informal structures, and in this respect you will find this book timely, interesting and valuable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-provoking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act - 2352 Words
What is child abuse? From the word â€Å"abuse†we can understand that it is some sort of a maltreatment of a child, causing harm and damage both to his physical and psychological well-being. At the Federal level, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) describes child abuse and neglect as: â€Å"any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.†Child abuse is a very substantial and widely spread problem in U.S. affecting children of any age, gender, race, background or income, with almost 3 million cases reported every year and on average, killing more than 4 children every day . The main issue of child abuse is that the abuser is usually someone a child loves or depends on (a parent, step-parent, sibling, coach, neighbor, etc.), who violates child’s trust putt ing personal interests first, therefore official numbers of how many children suffer maltreatment might be not accurate enough as remarkable amount of these cases go unreported. Each case of child abuse is unique, with a lot of individual factors involved, nevertheless, we can distinguish some of the common causes, such as poverty, lack of education, depression, mental or physical health problems, alcohol/drug addictions, social isolation, marital problems, insecure attachments between a parent and a child, etc. The followingShow MoreRelatedThe Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1136 Words  | 5 Pagesdefine child neglect and abuse is both criminal and civil. The civil definitions that determine the grounds for intervention by State child protective agencies, at the Federal level, by the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) January 31, 1974.By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America and Congress assembled this act may be cited as, â€Å"the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act. Section 3 of the Law said†For purposes of this Act the term child abuse andRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1400 Words  | 6 PagesChild abuse is when a parent or caregiver, through action or failure to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. According to The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, at a minimum, child abuse and neglec t is defined as, Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or An act or failureRead MoreThe Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Of Act1184 Words  | 5 Pages Gimme Shelter The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Reauthorization Act (2010) Kristan Maxwell Eastern Illinois University April 17, 2015 Movie Title: Gimme Shelter Based on a true story, the movie â€Å"Gimme Shelter†(2013) depicts a 16-year-old named Agnes â€Å"Apple†struggle after leaving her abusive home. Early on in the movie it was evident that Apple wanted better for herself and her future. In the past she had been in multiple shelters, foster homesRead MoreThe Child Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act992 Words  | 4 Pagesanother person (Goodmark, 2004). When a child is exposed to domestic violence that can be considered a form of child neglect, even if the child is not harmed. This includes seeing, hearing, or simply witnessing the aftereffects of violence, such as an injured victim (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2012). While this is a large part of the laws, they are mainly in place to protect children from experiencing firsthand abuse. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) was enacted in 1974 and designedRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1605 Words  | 7 PagesJoseph Meadow croft Research Essay Composition 1 Childhood Abuse Every child will certainly have many life experiences before they are mature. A child is very susceptible when developing, at every corner there are dangerous things from the environment surrounding them which might seriously impact their entire life. As definition in the Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act: Child abuse is any action from adult to a child that could be harmful to the child’s body or mental state (kidsmatter)Read MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act973 Words  | 4 Pages The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was originally enacted on January 31 1974(US Government 2011). The act has been amended several time throughout history. It was recently amended on December 20 2010 (US Government 2011). The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act is also abbreviated as CAPTA. The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act provides federal funding to states for the support of prevention, assessment, investigation, prosecution, and treatment activities (US Government 2011)Read MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1351 Words  | 6 Pages CHILD ABUSE By Anastasiya Drevinskiy Child Development and Learning in Cultural Context /EdPs 620/ Professor Jerry Gissinger Spring 2016 What is child abuse? From the word â€Å"abuse†we can understand that it is some sort of a maltreatment of a child, causing harm and damage both to his physical and psychological well-being. At the Federal level, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) describes child abuse and neglect as: â€Å"any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parentRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act1017 Words  | 5 Pagesand often the intervention too late. Abuse and maltreatment of children have similar faces that may go unknown, silent or unseen. Is child abuse different from the today that n the past, which caused an increase of this type of abuse? Many children are unprotected form physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and by parents and friends. Is the problem with the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act that was passed to protect all children from abuse not been enforced? The way the worldRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment A ct1159 Words  | 5 PagesChild Abuse Crisis in America What is the difference between discipline and abuse? The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), (42 U.S.C.A.  §5106g), as amended and reauthorized by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: â€Å"Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or an act or failure to act which presents an imminentRead MoreChild Abuse Prevention And Treatment Act2692 Words  | 11 Pages Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Danielle Seele JS 189-02 F-14 San Jose State University I. Introduction In the United States child maltreatment is a common universal problem that can effect children of all ages (Fang, Brown, Florence, Mercy, 2012). Additionally, it is responsible for the main cause of mortalities among children who are the age of five years and younger with majority of the injuries inflicted by an adult caregiver (Schnitzer Ewigman, 2005)
Friday, December 13, 2019
Prison Overcrowding Free Essays
â€Å"Overcrowding in Americas Prison System†ABSTRACT In the early years of this country flogging, exile, branding, and the â€Å"stocks†were some of the ways used to punish a guilty offender. Today, though, these types of punishments would quickly be labeled as cruel and unusual forms of retribution. Since we can no longer utilize such forms of punishment, the criminal justice system has turned to; imprisonment, probation, fines, and even the death penalty to help and deter offenders from a life of crime. We will write a custom essay sample on Prison Overcrowding or any similar topic only for you Order Now As the prison population continues to rise in this country health and safety questions rise as well. Not only for the prisoner but for also for the guards that are there to watch over and protect the inmates. It is time to ask some very important questions regarding sentencing alternatives including; â€Å"Do we rely too much on the prison system†, â€Å"Are there better ways to punish some crimes? †and probably most importantly, â€Å"Does prison truly act as a deterrent to crime? †The Bureau of Justice’s statistics in the recent years have shown a dramatic increase in the prison population which has led to a large amount of United States prisons being overcrowded. State prisons, on the average, are 16 percent over their capacity with Federal prisons holding an average of 38 percent more inmates than their original construction capacity. (Bureau of Justice) Overcrowding, though, is just part of the problem. Many of the prisons in America today are rundown and substandard. Inadequate security is also an issue, often times lacking the personnel to keep the inmates safe from assaults and other violations. For years, it has been the belief of the American public, politicians, and criminal justice authorities that crime rates in this country were just too large. It has also been the general consensus that in order to stop the rising crime rates, there had to be a great push in the severity of sentencing in the courtroom. Mostly this was done by way of utilizing the maximum sentence for a crime in hopes of deterring others and decreasing the amount of recidivism. One other method was to impose a minimum sentence for certain nonviolent crimes including; driving while intoxicated, drug offenses, child molestation, spousal abuse, and sexual assault. â€Å"Over the past three decades, the United States has built the world’s largest prison system. This system is ten times larger today than it was in the mid-1970s. †(Lynch, 2007)As America’s prison population has grown there has been a lot of debate on whether or not prison is working. Arguably, all intents and purposes of a prison system are to deter crime. The hopes of our criminal justice system, all of its judges, lawyers, and even the American people is that either someone will not commit an offense with fear of going to prison or that if they do, they will not do it again once they have stepped foot inside a correctional institution. Is this the case? Do prisons in fact act as deterrents and reduce crime rates? Lynch goes on his book after a review of several studies on the effects of prison as a deterrent to say, â€Å"While sentencing reforms seemed to reduce crime, they did so only by substantially increasing the size of the incarcerated population. In light of this observation, and in an effort to avoid the problem of extensive prison growth, the use of selective incapacitation strategies that carefully target specific kinds of offenders may be of the more benefit. (Lynch, 2007) Michael Jacobson is a former Commissioner of Probation for the City of New York, appointed by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, supports the fact that the use of prisons may not be the deterrent we have been hoping for and is best suited for the most violent of offender. In his book, â€Å"Downsizing Prisons: How to Reduce Crime and End Mass Incarceration†Jacobson explains; After all is said and done, the number of people in the U. S. jails and prisons-almost 2. 2 million at the time of this writing-reflects a public policy gone mad. Prisons and especially long prison sentences should be reserved for the most violent among us. There is no need to lock away for years hundreds of thousands of nonviolent drug offenders or to keep people in prison well past their crime-committing years, effectively turning some prisons into the equivalent of secure nursing homes. (Jacobson, 2005) It is easy to see that the use of harsh sentencing guidelines does not necessarily have the effect that it once was thought to have. Not only that ut now we are using and already overcrowded prison system to punish minor crimes and to house parole violators. What is the cost of such action? The answer simply put? Way to high. Over the years, the costs of running a prison have increased dramatically. Today, it can cost well over $75,000 to build a single cell and over $25,000 to house a prisoner for a year. Let’s put this in an even better prospective by saying that, in today’s society, it could cost well over $330 million to bu ild and run a 500 cell prison over a period of 30 years. If a state struggling to run a prison has to obtain money, where does it come from? More and more states are starting to shift funds from their higher education departments. If states are taking money away from schools to fund prisons, it may be time for a change. There has to be to reduce the American criminal justice system’s use of prison. Community corrections legislators believe that there are several alternatives to prison from which the court can choose from. One of the most popular types of intermediate sanctions is, of course, probation. Probation is used in lieu of incarceration and affords the offender the ability to be supervised in their community by a probation officer who works as an agent of the court. Other types come in the form of; house arrest, electronic monitoring, shock probation (boot camps), intensive supervision, day-reporting centers, community service, fines, restitution, and forfeiture. To make intermediate sanctions work and to decrease the reliability on the prison system, there has to be a change in the sentencing guidelines for some crimes. We can no longer look to prison to punish every crime that an offender may commit. Drug offenses, theft related crimes, driving while intoxicated, parole violations, and other nonviolent crimes need to be handled in the community with a combination of the intermediate sanctions mentioned earlier. Michael Tonry, in his book, â€Å"Intermediate Sanctions in Sentencing Guidelines†supports this conclusion, â€Å"For offenders who do not present unacceptable risks of violence, well-managed intermediate sanctions offer a cost-effective way to keep them in the community at less cost than imprisonment and with no worse later prospect for criminality. †(Tonry, 1998) While prison has been leaned on for many years as a way to deter crime and to punish offenders of the American criminal justice system, the increase reliability has led to a very dangerous and expensive prison system. Overcrowding has led to violence, health concerns, and substandard prison conditions. It is now time that we look to other means to punish offenders who are not a great threat to society. Through the use of intermediate sanctions, I believe that America can lower its prison population while at the same time punish offenders of state and federal laws. Bibliography Anderson, D. 1998). Sensible Justice: Alternaives to Prison. New Press. Bureau of Justice. (n. d. ). Bureau of Justice. Retrieved 03 09, 2011, from www. ojp. usdoj. gov/bjs Jacobson, M. (2005). Downsizing Prisons: How to Reduce Crime and End Mass Incarceration. NYU Press. Jusitce, B. o. (2010). Bureau of Justice. Lynch, M. (2007). Big, Prisons, Big Dreams: Crime and the Failure of America’s Penal System. Rutgers University Press. Paulus, P. (1988). Prison Overcrowding: A Psychological Perspective. Springer-Verlag. Tonry, M. (1998). Intermediate Sanctions in Sentencing Guidelines. Oxford University Press. . How to cite Prison Overcrowding, Essay examples Prison Overcrowding Free Essays Nowadays, overcrowding in prisons has become a serious concern in the United States, especially in California where there is not enough space for the increasing inmate population. And according to the most recent statistics from Californians Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the state gives a bigger budget to prisons than any other state. With annual spending of about nine billion dollars and forty-five thousand dollars per inmate, California obviously pumps more money on prisons than higher education. We will write a custom essay sample on Prison Overcrowding or any similar topic only for you Order Now On average, murderers and violent criminals are jailed from four years up to twenty-five years. The more time they serve in Jail, the more money the state has to spend. Hence, in order to solve the prison overcrowding problem and save a lot of money, some solutions have been executed such as increasing prison capacity, restitution, or house arrest, but they have not worked so far. There is a better way that may work. That is setting up battle arenas in prisons and authorizing inmates to beat each other to death. The prize for the survivor is the immediate freedom and a certain sum of money. Thereby, we not only avoid prison overcrowding, but also cut prison budgets. It seems like an outrageous idea, but at least it would work because inmates have nothing to lose; thus, they are highly motivated to fight for their freedom. After all, there are three reasons why this cruel solution should be implemented. Firstly, by allowing prisoners to kill each other, every prisoner dies, it immediately decreases forty-five thousand dollars of the prison annual budget. If we had lessened the number of prisoners, we could have stopped deeding them and building new Jails. Through a simple computation, we will get almost five million dollars if one thousand criminals die per year. We could use the saved money to build more supportive housing for people in need, support returning veterans, open more public transportation, and spend more money on subsidies for higher education. Secondly, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice, there is seventy percent of felony defendants repeating their prior crimes. For this reason, inmates, who can’t survive in their fight, have no more Hansen to do their crimes again. Innocent people would be safer. The losses of family members caused by crimes would be reduced. Thirdly, prisons now look like a battlefield, and inmates fight to die, the entertainment organizations could take advantage of this to make the reality TV shows about life in prisons. This would attract not only Americans, but also other foreign countries. Because most people, especially those are under fifty, want to see violent scenes. Indeed, ninety percent of movies and sixty percent of TV shows today show depictions of violence (Nor, 1). For example, WE, a fighting show, has twenty million viewers in a single week. Nevertheless, WE is still staged by actors who are called superstars. On the other hand, we have real fighters in prisons, and they will try their best to fight for their life. Everything happening in prisons are real, and people would even love watching it more than WE for its reality and brutality. As many people watch these prison shows, it would increase the nation’s economy because people will spend money to see them. With all mentioned above, this is one of the best solutions for the prison overcrowding problem at the moment. How to cite Prison Overcrowding, Papers Prison Overcrowding Free Essays This paper will discuss prison overcrowding and what type of numbers have come about over the years when it comes to inmates being imprisoned. It will discuss the cost of a prisoner annually as well as the decision to add verses build when it comes to new facilities. The overcrowding in one particular prison will be touched on as well as whose responsibility it is for upkeep. We will write a custom essay sample on Prison Overcrowding or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will discuss how funding plays a role in overcrowding as well as the â€Å"three strikes†rule in California and how big of an impact it has made on the prison system.Lastly, society’s choice to vote will be touched on as how large of a determining factor it is in overcrowding prisons. State and Federal Prisons housed approximately 1. 3 million inmates in the year 2000, not to mention the jails had an estimate of 600,000 as well. Ten years previous the prisons housed 700,000 inmates and jails were at about 400,000. At that rate, the population of people being incarcerated almost doubled from 1. 1 million to 1. 9 million inmates. The last count in 2008 jumped again to an astonishing 2. million imprisoned within the country (Diiulio, Jr. , J. , 2010, March). Factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding is that so many people are incarcerated each year, funding, upkeep of a facility, the three strikes rule and tax payers are unwilling to pass levees. One of the largest reasons prisons are overcrowded today is that it is reported that one out of every 99. 1 adults are currently in prison or jail. This is the largest number in nation’s history and seven times the inmate rate from 1973.Amazingly ninety-five percent of prisoners are released back into communities to continue living their lives. They are not thrown to the wolves; they are released â€Å"with a basic education, job training and preparation, improved pro-social pattern of thinking, adequate life/social skills, and a lowered risk for substance abuse, anger and self esteem issues†(Boehm, D. P. , Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). If an inmate needs continued treatment once released, they are provided the assistance and resources to make the transition as successful as possible.Even when a prisoner was on a psychotic medication when released they are hooked up with a regional mental health and substance abuse center to make their reentry as flourishing (Boehm, D. P. , Lampert, R. O. , 2008, October). At 157 percent capacity, San Quintin State Prison, a maximum security prison is no doubt overcrowded and it costs about $49,000 each year for an adult inmate to be housed in the San Quintin State Prison (Sterngold, J. , 2008, July/August). Taxpayers are unwilling to pass levees to build facilities to house prisoners which lead to an overcrowding prison. The criminal justice system needs to have stronger sentences for crimes to deter people from offending to begin with and not release inmates early due to overcrowding. Inmates are being released early because there are not enough beds to hold all of the criminals. In the end it leads to a higher crime rate because the inmate’s count of being released early and they are not being reformed. A way to reduce funding problems is to have inmates take care of their own facilities like they would their homes.Cleaning supplies can be handed to the inmates and it can be their job to clean the showers. It should not be the responsibility of the prison staff to keep the facility clean, the inmates should be given duties and be held accountable or forced to live in the conditions they allow for themselves. Funds should not be taken from the taxpayers to pay someone to clean up after the inmates, the taxpayers’ funds could be used for security and building to prevent additional overc rowding. The problem with many jails and prisons today is the upkeep.Most facilities today do not have the funding to build a brand new facility but what needs to happen is to make the additions and upgrades more efficient. Replacing a furnace or air conditioning system for a place a huge as a prison could be extremely time consuming and expensive especially if the newer model is not the most efficient and then has to be replaced again and again prematurely. The best way to spend the taxpayers’ money is to buy the most energy efficient and best model and not replace it as often. As the age old saying, â€Å"you get what you pay for. The same goes for other materials when doing an addition or fixing an existing structure, the administrators need to take the time to research and see what the best materials are for longevity and spend money wisely (Lucas, R. , 2009, November/December). As Robert Lucas (2009) said, â€Å"Money spent well at the beginning of a project may save the facility from spending more in the future. †Like California, many other states have the â€Å"three strikes†rule and one of every nine of the inmates who are on their third strike get 25 to life sentence (Haerens, M. , 2010, May 15). This rule contributes to the vercrowding issue which an individual is taking up more space in jails and prisons. For example, if a person is charged three times with felony drug trafficking and is convicted that would be the third offence and would serve twenty-five year to life in jail. A violent offender, like a murderer, could that the place of that individual and rot in jail and make the community safer, it is the lesser of two evils. There are many factors that contribute to prison and jail overcrowding, funding, upkeep, three strikes rule, taxpayers not wanting to pass levees and the fact that so many people each year are incarcerated. Funding can be redirected if the upgrades were made more efficiently around the prisons. To help save money, inmates can do daily duties and have responsibilities around the prison and jail grounds. The three strikes rule needs to be revised to focus on violent crimes. Tax payers need to stop complaining about criminals in the community unless they are willing to pass the levees to build jails and prisons to lessen the likelihood of overcrowding.References Boehm, D. P. , Lampert, R. O. (2008, October). Thinking Outside the Cell: Expanding Safety and Security Beyond the Perimeter. Corrections Today, 70 (5). p. 4-61, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Diiulio, Jr. , J. (2010, March). Prison Breakout. America,202 (6). p. 11, Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Resource Center. Haerens, M. (2010, May 15). California’s â€Å"Three Strikes†Law Is Fair. †Opposing Viewpoints: Mandatory Minimum Sentencing. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Lucas, R. (2009, November/December). To Build or Not To Build? American Jails,23 (5). p. 493, Retrieved from Criminal Justice Periodicals Index Resource Center. Sterngold, J. (2008, July/August). Worst of the Worst. Mother Jones, 33 (4). How to cite Prison Overcrowding, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Dramatic Significance Essay Paper Example For Students
The Dramatic Significance Essay Paper Consider the dramatic significance of Inspector Goole in An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly, comment on how you would direct an actor playing this role by examining closely one scene of your choice and relating your comments to the play as a whole. In the play An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly the dramatic significance of a character called Inspector Goole is shown in many ways. In this assignment I will be considering the dramatic significance of the Inspector and I will also be directing an actor playing this role in the first scene. Inspector Goole is the main character in this play who is investigating into the death of a young girl named Eva Smith. She had committed suicide by drinking some disinfectant. The Inspector mysteriously arrives at a middle class familys house; the Birlings to question them regarding the case. The family include Mr and Mrs Birling, their children; Eric and Sheila and Sheilas fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ called Gerald. He interrogates all of them and under the pressure they are put under, the truth comes out revealing that each of them has a shameful secret which links them with her death. At the start of the play the atmosphere is very calm. This is due to the fact that the family are celebrating a special occasion. They are celebrating Sheilas engagement to Gerald. Everyone is carefree, enjoying some port and chatting away to each other around the dining table. The lighting is pink and intimate. This creates a calming feeling. Everything seems normal and nothing is out of the ordinary. It is this though that makes the audience nervous because they are constantly waiting for something dramatic to happen. Since everything is normal it is surprising when the doorbell rings as the family is not expecting anyone one and even more dramatic when Edna the maid enters and says Please sir, an Inspectors called. The time that the Inspector comes in the play is quite significant. This is because he is the main character and he is not even shown until 10 or 15 minutes into the play. For them 10 or 15 minutes tension keeps building up because everyone is waiting for the main character to arrive. Before Mr. Birling got married he was in a lower social class than his wife. Now the Birlings are in the middle class and are well off. Mrs. Birling accepts the upper class where as Mr. Birling aspires to be a member of the upper class. To Mr. Birling two things are very important; his social status and his business. Gerald Croft and his family are in the upper class. Therefore it is no wonder that the birling family are so enthusiastic about the engagement because it means that they will be moving to a higher class. Another reason why Mr. Birling is so excited is because Crofts Limited and his business are rivals. If the marriage goes ahead then the rivalry will be destroyed Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but are working together Sheilas engagement to Gerald has both social and economical advantages. It is probably a political marriage but at the start Sheila fails to see this and has her heads in the clouds thinking only about the prospects of love and marriage Oh Gerald It is not only Sheila that is happy but every one at that point in the play has a positive attitude towards life. However by the end most of their attitudes change dramatically as a result of that evenings events. The Inspector is inferior in class to the Birlings and Gerald. The lower class were usually very worried what the upper class thought of them and whether they were good enough or not. This was not the case for Inspector Goole. In fact it was quite the opposite. He speaks to them normally and not as if though they are superior to him. At first he even speaks to them politely Thank you Sir. However as the play progresses he starts to get a bit impatient as the family are not giving him direct answers and shows them no respect showing he is not scared of them. .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .postImageUrl , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:hover , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:visited , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:active { border:0!important; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:active , .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf1880f465820fdb49fbd56fd7fc846eb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo and Juliet : Development of Juliet's Character EssayMr. Birling gets offended because this behaviour is not expected from a professional Inspector and he says I dont like that tone. This shows that the Inspector does think a great deal for the upper class. When Inspector Goole mentions Eva Smith nobody but Mr. Birling recognizes the name. So the Inspector explains that she was employed at his works at one time. Straight away Mr. Birling starts to look down on her because she was in the working class. Inspector Goole talks about Eva Smith as though she was an important person and not in the working class. This shows that he thinks everyone is equal and there is not a social divide.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Selecting A Pure Breed Essays - Dog Breeds, Toy Dog,
Selecting A Pure Breed All dogs, impure as well as pure-bred, and several wild cousins such as wolves and foxes, are one family. Each breed was created by human beings, using selective breeding to get desired qualities. The result is an almost unbelievable diversity of purebred dogs that will, when bred to others of their breed, produce their own kind. A breed standard is a written description of a given breed. This description uses words to define what a breed should look like. A standard exists for each of the breeds recognized by The American Kennel Club (AKC) and is the standard each breed is mentally measured against. Throughout the world there are several hundred distinctive breeds of purebred dogs, not all of which are AKC recognized breeds. There are currently 147 breeds officially recognized by the AKC. Each breed is assigned to one of the following seven groups, based on the uses for which the breeds were originally developed. These seven groups include: Group 1 -- Sporting Dogs; Group 2 -- Working Dogs; Group 3 -- Terriers; Group 4 -- Toy Breeds; Group 5 -- Non-Sporting Breeds; Group 6 -- Herding; and Group 7 -- Hounds. The Sporting dogs are naturally active and alert, likable, and well-rounded companions. Members of this Group include pointers, retrievers, setters and spaniels. Remarkable for their instincts in water and woods, many of these breeds actively participate in hunting and other field activities. Potential owners of Sporting dogs need to realize that most require regular, invigorating exercise. Dogs of the Working Group, of which there are 21, were bred to perform such jobs as guarding property, pulling sleds and performing water rescues. They have been an invaluable asset to human being throughout the ages. The Doberman Pinscher, Siberian Husky and Great Dane are included in this Group. Quick to learn, these intelligent, capable animals make solid companions. The Terrier Group is a group of feisty, energetic dogs whose sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn to the grand Airedale Terrier. This group consists of 25 different recognizable breeds. Their ancestors were bred for hunting and killing vermin. These dogs are very determined and are often described as projecting an attitude that they are always eager for a spirited argument. They require owners with the determination to match their lively characteristics. With 20 separate breeds in it, dogs in the Toy Group are full of energy. These dogs may look little and fragile, but many Toy dogs are tough as nails ( This group is popular for people who do not have a lot of space for a larger dog. This group contains the ever lovable Chihuahua, Italian Greyhound, and Poodle. The diminutive size and winsome expressions of Toy dogs illustrate the main function of this Group: to embody sheer delight ( The Poodle, Dalmatian, and Bulldog are a few examples of the 17 breeds you will find in the Non-Sporting Group. This is an extremely diverse group of dog breeds. Some are extremely rare to find, while others are seen all the time and everywhere. The breeds in the Non-Sporting Group are a varied collection in terms of size, coat, personality and overall appearance ( The Herding Group, consisting of the Collie, Border Collie, and German Shepherd Dog are some of the most popular family pets. This is an astounding group of smart dogs. Formerly members of the Working Group, they were separated into their own group in 1983. All breeds share the fabulous ability to control the movements of other animals ( These dogs make wonderful, obedient pets if given the time for training and exercises. The Hound Group contains such popular dogs as the Basset Hound, Bloodhound, and Greyhound. There are 22 separate breeds in the Hound Group alone. Most hounds share the common ancestral trait of being used for hunting, for example, some use acute scenting powers to follow a trail. Others demonstrate a phenomenal gift of stamina as they relentlessly run down prey. Purebred dogs are found in a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and personalities. Some breeds are old, others are new, and all have been molded over time to serve humanity in some capacity. Thus we have hunters,
Monday, November 25, 2019
7 Poor Parking Signs
7 Poor Parking Signs 7 Poor Parking Signs 7 Poor Parking Signs By Mark Nichol I’m inured to ineptly expressed messages on parking signs, but the signage reproduced here prompts a ticketing spree by the spelling police. What, exactly, is a low-emmiting, fuel-efficent vehicle can it park there if it’s magn-efficent? and how do you know whether you have one? This sign should read â€Å"Low-Emitting, Fuel-Efficient Vehicle Parking Only.†Sign makers in the United Kingdom are so polite! They ever so regretful that they must inconvenience you by informing you that this parking area is unsuitable for HGV’s. (In other words – to translate for Americans don’t park your semi here, bub.) That’s a charming sign, but an apostrophe and an s signals possession; an s alone indicates a plural, and that’s what â€Å"HGVs†is. Therefore, the message invites the question, â€Å"Unsuitable for HGV’s what? And who is HGV?†That’s comforting to know that none customers I guess that means â€Å"no customers†will be towed away. (Sometimes, after I dine at a Mexican restaurant, I feel like I need to be towed away or, better yet, hoisted onto a flatbed truck.) Oh, I get it now: noncustomers. What really clinches this failure of a sign is the gratuitous period after away, and the resulting fragment that follows. What’s a privae, and how does one park it (or them, as the Latin plural appendage -ae seems to indicate)? How kind of the sign maker, by the way, to refrain from taking up all that space on the weekends with a fleet of privas. Here, two possessive nouns are rendered erroneously in different ways: They should read Golfers’ and Rafters’ (unless, of course, the sign is targeting a single rafter). Customer’s only what? We expect better of a progressive international grocery store chain. (And â€Å"1 hour parking†? I know that commercial advertising is inimical to hyphenation that is perhaps the most ubiquitous signage error but, really, does Whole Foods Market have to be as careless as every other merchant?) You had to see this one coming: otherwise known as privates parking. (Entrance on Whitley, printing by Witless.) These images are from the websites Apostrophe Abuse, Funny Typos, and The Great Typo Hunt. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating ConjunctionsDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"Confusion of Subjective and Objective Pronouns
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Two Major Competing Brands under the Same Parent Corporation Essay
Two Major Competing Brands under the Same Parent Corporation - Essay Example This essay declares that Dove and Axe are the two competing brands under the same parent corporation, Unilever. Dove is Unilever’s personal care brand that offers products for both women and men and has business interests in more than 35 countries across the globe. At the same time, Axe is a brand that deals with male grooming products under the parent company Unilever. This discussion explores that while dealing with more than one competing brands, an organization might face several challenges. In contrast, Unilever has succeeded in its promotional tactics for Dove and Axe in the international market. Although the success could be attributed to several competitive advantages, as per the reports, globalization greatly contributed to the faster growth of Dove and Axe in the international market. Globalization refers to a process by which national economies and cultures are integrated into an international economy so as to enhance international trade, direct foreign investment, migration, and technology sharing. Both Dove and Axe get the opportunity to attain benefits from foreign markets since the offshore countries provide better business conditions such as cheap raw materials and labor, liberal government laws, and large number of potential customers. The company highly encourages fair competition so that brands like Dove and Axe vehemently dominat e the market in which they operate. The designed purpose and principles of the company state that it always works with integrity, which is also applicable to Dove and Axe (Personal care brands). Both the Dove and Axe brands practice the concept of market segmentation. It is obvious that both these brands target people between the age 18 and 24; and hence they focus their business to areas where youngster highly indulge. Since the two brands deal with almost similar products, they are forced to compete with each other in the same market segments. Kapferer (2008, p.403) opine, under such market conditions, both brands must avoid all references to the parent company when they operate under the same corporation because this practice would help to maximize the perceived difference between the two. As per the Unilever code of conduct, both Dove and Axe managements continuously try to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Corporations and a Sustainable World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Corporations and a Sustainable World - Essay Example It began during the Industrial Age when the machines increased the productivity of manufacturers. Before, they were a group of people who were hired by the government to perform particular functions, like building bridges for the public. It was supposed to be a subordinate entity a gift given by the people to serve the public good. But somewhere along history, corporate lawyers cited the Fourteenth Amendment (not to deprive any person of life, liberty or property). This made the corporation protection because it can now own, buy and sell things, borrow money, sue and be sued and can carry a business. Corporation starts when the government gives a charter to a group of people who want a limited liability when it comes to business. Because of the charter, incorporations are taken by the law as individuals. The movie analyzed the character of this â€Å"individual†and made the audience realize how the corporations that the majority knows, is not what it is, but rather an ideal c onstruct of the corporation so that the public would like them, thus would let them produce more money. As said before, the corporation is made up of various people. They are formed to protect the corporation itself, which means generating money for the corporation. Doing this job causes harm to workers, like: low salaries, lay-offs, union bustings, etc. These decisions are made so that the company can cut the cost of their operations yet deliver the same quality of goods to the consumers. The film put a spotlight on the sweatshops. The products sold in the department stores that are sold for $ 31 are actually being made at factories in Third World countries for 3 cents per hour. The discrepancy is obvious. But according to Michael Walker, this is a good thing, because they give opportunity to people who have â€Å"nothing to offer but their low cost labor†. Basically, they use the people’s need for employment as a resource to outsource their need for low cost labor. H owever, these people who make decisions for the corporation, which is a legal structure, just the same as a building, are moral people with moral responsibilities. Sam Gibara, a former CEO of Goodyear, Inc. states that his personality as a person is different than that of his personality as a CEO. The priorities shift when he is on the job because of the demands of the job that requires him to make certain touchy decisions, like laying off people. Even the former chairman of the Royal Dutch Shell, Sir Mark Moody Stuart stated that they have the same concerns as with the activists, as he interviewed public demonstrators who tried to rally in their house. These ideas of inequality reflect the conflict approach in sociology, specifically the conflict of class approach. Karl Marx presented this idea, which is appropriate since he also introduced the idea of capitalism, which is basically the spirit of the corporation. The conflict approach originated from Marx’s ideas and writing s on class struggles. This theory focuses on the negative aspects of the society, making a way for improvements to happen, because of shortcomings (Schaefer, 423). This film presents the shortcomings of the corporation, along with the opinions of the people who defend it. The movie pokes the sensibilities of the audience who may or may not act on the situation that demands change for the improvement of the way the corporations are being run. This is a perfect example of the
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Use of 5S in Aviation Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Use of 5S in Aviation Industry - Essay Example ver, the lean system does not only improve the products of the company but also the morality and commitment of the employees (â€Å"Clean and Safe,†2007; Ramamoorthy, 2007; Levantar, 2012). Relatively, companies that adopted the lean manufacturing systems established the 5S program as the procedure for making the manufacturing environment safe and clean (â€Å"Clean and Safe,†2007; Levantar, 2012). Particularly, Ramamoorthy (2007) defined 5S program as a â€Å"process designed for planned organizing and standardizing the workplace†(p. 12). Accordingly, the 5S method is a substantial and essential process in implementing the lean manufacturing system in order to acquire and regulate orderly, clean and secure work environment. In relation to this, aerial industries have implemented the 5S program in order to conform to the process of lean manufacturing system. Consequently, this current paper will determine on how aviation industries can implement the 5s process in order to achieve effective and efficient lean manufacturing system. The sortation process is the procedure of segregating and isolating required tools and equipments that are essential in creating a particular product within the work environment. Accordingly, this process involves inventory of materials or tools that are needed and getting rid of those that are not necessary for the work environment. (â€Å"Lean Thinking,†n.d.). In relation to this, the sortation process can be implemented within aviation industries through determining the important equipments and materials in creating aircraft carriers. For example, aviation industries uphold the importance of safe, secure, and functional operating systems, controlling systems, hydraulic systems, fire protection systems, cargo loading systems, flight guiding system, emergency system, oxygen system, electrical system, and water system. Moreover, it is important for an aircraft to have secured and firmed doors and windows that are insulated, well and
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Work Of Saul Bass Film Studies Essay
The Work Of Saul Bass Film Studies Essay Moving and animated sequence titles are common to us nowdays. When we go to the cinema, play DVD or watch a movie in TV, we always know that there will be some. But what we do not usually know is who stands behind this mini-genre. No doubt, the man who is responsible for invinting the opening credit sequences as a free-standing movie-before-a-movie (Thomas, 1996) is Saul Bass, an American graphic designer and director. This essay will decribe his life and his most important outputs. Saul Bass was born on eighth May in 1920. As a kid, he was growing up in Bronx in New York. (Thomas, 1996; Brown, 2002) After graduating from high school, he studied Graphic Art at Brooklin College. Afterwards, he left New York for Hollywood and moved to Los Angeles. (Nourmand, 2000; Thomas, 1996) Initially, he was producing print work for film ads. For instance he created posters The Moon is Blue or Love in the Afternoon. In 1954, Otto Preminger approched Saul Bass and asked him to create a poster for his movie Carmen Jones . Saul Bass designed the poster with a strinkingly simple flaming black and red rose. (Nourmand, 2000). Otto Preminger liked Bass s work so much and decided to collaborated with him on the title sequence as well. (Brown, 2002) This was an important moment of Saul Bass s career. He recognised that graphic design and film design are closely related. Movie s first moments are very important and they create identification for movies. Otto Preminger liked Bass s seque nce title and therefore, one year later (1995), he called him on again to create a visual identity for The Man with the Golden Arm which experienced a great success. (Lamster, 2000, 129) Working on this project, Saul Bass got an idea of the title sequence which would be moving. He created the famous jagged arm design, suggesting the jarring and disjoined existence of drug addict (Nourmand, 2000) Usually titles named only movie, artists, director etc. Suddendly, it turned into an animamated event. Afterwards, Bass said (Lamster, 2000, 130): there was a time when titles were very interesting, going back to the early 1930s or even the late 1920s. Then it bogged down and became bad lettering produced by firms that ground out titles. What I did was reinvent the whole notion of using a title to create a little atmosphere. The idea of titling movies through animation became a classic mini-genre (Thomas, 1996). It influenced many artists and Bass s film-within-a-film (Neef et al., 2006, 166) became very popular. Not only Otto Preminger saw Saul Bass s potencial, Alfred Hitchcock asked him to design stuff for his movies as well. (Nourmand, 2000) Titles for Vertigo (1958), North by Northwest (1959) and Psycho (1960) were all created by Saul Bass. (Kolner, 2004, 104; Thomas, 1996; Nourmand, 2000) Saul Bass s sequence titles spoke to the audience in a familiar language (Brown, 2002) Neverthless, it always reflected the true complexity of the movie and drew out the most important features of the other s work. (Woloski, 2005) In Vertigo, Bass summates Scorie Ferguson s descent into an obsessive hell with the austere and hypnotic image of a spiral (Woloski, 2005) and Bass s title sequence for Psycho was created by linear movement of the black-and-white, horizontal lines, the more phallic orientation of Psycho s particular brand of violence (Kolner, 2004, 108) In Bass s titles for Hitchcock, he presented the director as a star and as an attraction, which made the hidden presence of Hitchcock even more felt. (Neef et al, 2006, 173-174). Regarding Psycho, Saul Bass collaborated with Hitchcock as a directors as well. He drew some sketches for the Psycho s scenes (Kolner, 2004, 17-24). Moreover, Psycho s title music which was composed by Hermann was actually inspired by the Saul Bass s animation. (Tonks, 2001). Saul Bass s techniques were various. He employed visual imagery, hand-drawn type, pictographs, construction paper shapes, cotoun animation, montage, music and many others. Moreover, he used colors and movements precisely and very effectively (Taylor, 2005; Haskett, 2005, 64) With his title sequences which we can describe as a visual references, he developed a new part of the modern business and commercial world . (Brown, 2002) Therefore, he won sich a wide accleim that he was sometimes called the Picasso of commercial artists . (Thomas, 1996) Furthermore, Saul Bass worked also as a director. To his movies belong The Searching Eye (1964), From Here to There (1964), Grand Prix (1966) and probably the most popular one called Why Man Creates (1968) (Lamster; 2000, 134; Taylor, 2005). In 1968, the short movie Why Man Creates was awarded as a Oscar-winning short film. (Lamster, 2000, 134; Thomas, 1996) Besides creating design for movie and directing movies by his own, he was a very a famous graphic designer of logotypes. He devised trademarks and corporate identifications for firms such as ATT, United Airlines, Bell System, Minolta, Quker Oats, Warner Communications, General Food and many others (Haskett, 2005, 64; Thomas, 1996; Economist Books, 2003, 117). We can claim he was a corporate identities genius. His trademarks were extraordinary, clean, legible, readable and symbolic. In the 1960s he created logotyped for lot of the biggest American companies. (Nourmand, 2000) Regarding his personal life. He was married twice. First marriage ended by diverce. His second wife, Elaine Makatura was initially the first employee of his own studio (Thomas, 1996) This versatil and innovative graphic designer died at the age of 75 at Cedars-Sinai Medal Center in Los Angles. According to family, he died on non-Hodgkins lymphoma (Thomas, 1996; Taylor, 2005; Nourmand, 2000) Saul Bass s reputation as a designer of film is legendary. He has left his incredible signature on a number of pictures by Preminger, Hitchcock, Kurbick, Wyler among others. (Need, 2006, 166-168) We remeber his handwriting from title sequences for The Man with the Golden Arm , Psycho or for example from his Academy Award-winning short movie Why Man Creates. His output is so broad and large. He created many posters, title sequences, movies, visual identities, corporate logos etc. He brought a new innovative thinking and working to Hollywood. His innovation created an army of imitators, many of whom have carried his ideas beyond his original conception. (Thomas, 1996). Such was an impact of his work that his style became alsmost a clich of the mid-fifties through the sixties because of how often they were imitated. (Lamster, 2000, 133). In my opinion, the work of Saul Bass contributed to the modern art very significantly and left behind a great heritage not only for design but also for movies. His ideas and new style of creating posters and titles brought to the art industry a new broader dimension. He definitely influenced the contemporary art.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Informative Essay: German Culture: Facts, Customs and Traditions
Come drink a Bit burger and eat a delicious wiener schnitzel in Germany! Germany is just slightly smaller than the state of Montana in the United States. In addition, Germany is located in central Europe and borders the North Sea and Baltic Sea in the Netherlands and, Poland. The culture built around Germany has a foundation of Art, Literature, Sports, Food, and Music. In addition, Germany’s torn past over war of its modern day is very different form our own, but is very similar in many other ways. However to truly understand the unique culture of Germany, one must know the origin of the unique Art’s, Literature, Sports, Food and, Music, that Germany is known for. Germany has many interesting facts. Germans wear their wedding rings on their right hand instead of the left hand as it is in the United States. German students go to school 220 days a year instead of 180 like United States students do. They also have a 500-year purity law that is regarding to their beer. This law makes it where Germany can only have hops, malt, yeast, and water in their beer. In Germany, they allow their animals in restaurants, churches, and other public places. When eating, do not put your left hand in your lap they consider that as looking like your feeding the dog. Germans do a lot of bicycle riding all around there country and, it is one of their favorite recreations. These are many interesting facts about Germany and the people of Germany. Culture and lifestyle in Germany is not quite, as it is in the United States. Germany is a very small country with some of the best cuisines. Foods that are most associated with Germany are Sauerkraut and Bratwurst , with a pitcher of lager. These traditional foods hold special meanings to the... ...y is known as the Bundeswehr. In the States of Germany, they are not allowed to maintain armed forces of their own. However, since the German Constitution states that depending on the matters of defense it can fall into the sole responsibility of the federal government. German Bundeswehr has two parts of their military, one part is the military portion and the second part is the civil part with the armed forces. German military consists of the Army, Navy, Air force and Central Medical services. Due to the history and the present rebuilding of Germany, there is a great variety of aspects in German Life. Everything from food to sports has its own style. All of which is a whole that makes up one great small piece of land. In addition, the culture can’t be considered great without its variety and what it has to offer. What do you know about Germany?
Monday, November 11, 2019
Laptop Computer vs Desktop Computer
The computer is one of the greatest inventions in the world. Nowadays, there are more and more people who have their own computers. However, some people easily get confused when deciding to buy a laptop or a desktop. It is obvious that both of them can do well at what they are needed for such as working, studying, researching or entertaining, etc. Both consist of the basic parts like main board, ram, VGA card, hard disk, etc. Yet despite these similarities, there are quite a few differences between these two kinds of computer. A laptop offers some advantages that a desktop doesn’t. The first one is the portability. The laptop is light and portable enough to be brought anywhere. In addition, it only needs a small space to put it on. These things are very necessary for the businessmen because their jobs require them to move continuously. It is also vital for the students who want to surf the internet in the coffee shop or the library for researching or entertaining. The most important thing is the laptop uses a battery to work, so it can work for about 3 hours without plugging into the outlet. The laptop is absolutely a good solution if the people want to use the computer while going camping. Yet, the desktop is so big and heavy that the people can’t carry it with them. It is stable and good for the job, which doesn’t need to move. Unfortunately, the desktop can’t work until it is plugged into the outlet. Another advantage of the laptop is the quietness and the coolness. It uses a device called solid-state drive (SSD) to contain data. Therefore, it doesn’t make noise while working. Besides that, it runs quite cool due to the silent cooling fan and doesn’t waste much electricity. In contrast, the desktop makes loud noise when running due to its regular hard drive and fans. Moreover, it runs very hot – almost hot enough to fry an egg. Some people try to add extra cooling fans for their desktop. Unfortunately, this even makes their desktop noisier. The next benefit of the laptop is the convenience. In the laptop, a mouse is replaced with a touchpad, which is a great solution for the portability. The touchpad certainly cannot be dropped. Moreover, the laptop also has a lot of built-in devices such as speakers, microphone, webcam, etc. You can carry all of them easily while moving because all of them are built in. On the other hand, the owner of a desktop has to buy them and plug them into it through a USB port. It is hard to carry all of them when moving to another place. Nevertheless, the laptop also has some disadvantages. In other words, a desktop has some benefits that a laptop doesn’t. For one thing, a desktop is usually cheaper than a laptop, sometimes just half the price of the laptop. Because of the conveniences of the laptop, the customers are willing to pay extra money for them. The second advantage of the desktop is the compatibility to work. It is believed that the desktop can work better that the laptop. It is really powerful; most tasks can be accomplished in a short time. Its monitor is great to design images, watch DVDs or play games with a large screen, high resolution, and short delay time. Furthermore, a professional video editor often chooses a desktop as a tool for his or her work because of its strength. On the contrary, the laptop is not good to watch DVDs or play games because of its small screen. Gazing at the laptop’s screen for long periods may harm the viewer’s eyes. In addition, many people complain that it is difficult to type with the small keyboard of the laptop. In fact, this problem appears with the laptops whose monitors are smaller than 13†. The users need to practice typing on these small keyboards before working with these laptops. The third benefit of desktop computers is the ability to upgrade. Upgrading a desktop is very simple; anyone can learn to do it by himself, but for the laptop, it is much harder. The desktop can be added and modified as the user pleases. However, the laptop’s users need an expert to help them upgrade it. For that reason, the desktop’s speed can be unlimited, but the laptop’s can’t. The final advantage is the durability. The desktop is very durable; it can work for more than 10 years if it is kept in a good environment. Unfortunately, the laptop is fragile when being dropped. When it is broken, people will probably buy a new one. Based on the differences of these computers, the users can determine which one is better for them depending on their purposes. If they are the white-collar workers or the students who need the computers for their work or study, a small convenient laptop is the best choice for them. On the other hand, if they need the computers for their families or their works relating to graphic design, video editing, or playing hard-core games, a powerful desktop is likely a great choice.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Race Education comparing short stories essays
Race Education comparing short stories essays The two children portrayed in the short stories The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez and Dobys Gone by Ann Petry are at a disadvantage because of their races when it comes to forming friendships, overcoming obstacles, and preserving their childhood. While these two stories focus on one character, the difficulties that these children endure plague entire communities and groups of people. In the stories, both children are from minority backgrounds. The young boy in The Circuit is a member of a migrant family and is forced to change schools and move often while Sue, the little girl in Dobys Gone, is African American and is ridiculed because of her race. This causes them to feel like outsiders, making it difficult for them to form concrete relationships. Judging from the way her classmates hurl insults such as nigger girl, her legs are black, and how do you comb that kind of hair?(401), it is obvious that it is a struggle for Sue to fit in and form friendships. Sue has a stronger relationship with her imaginary friend Doby than she has with any children in her class. It is not so obvious in The Circuit that the boy doesnt make friends with his peers; however, instead of playing with the other children during lunch he spends time in the classroom of his teacher, his best friend at school,(262). Because he is Hispanic and new at the school it would be a challenge for him to make friends with the other students because his family is constantly packing everything into cardboard boxes(257) and moving again. Unlike this boy though, in Dobys Gone, Sue eventually makes friends with two of her classmates despite racial issues. Part of the reason Sue forms the friendships with the two other children is that she begins to fight back against her tormenters. She lashe ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
flashbulb essays
flashbulb essays On December 23, 1972, one of the most memorable games in the history of the National Football League took place at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Pittsburgh Steelers were playing the Oakland Raiders in the AFC Championship Game. The score was 7-6 in favor of the Raiders; then something extraordinary happened. Steeler quarterback Terry Bradshaw dropped back to pass with thirteen seconds remaining in the fourth quarter. The intended receiver was Frenchy Fequa. Fequa collided with one of the safeties from the Raiders and the ball was deflected. Steeler's running back Franco Harris rescued the ball before it hit the ground and scampered 60 yards for a Steeler touchdown and earned the Steeler's a spot in the Super Bowl. If you were to ask any Steeler fan where they were when the "immaculate reception" took place they would probably be able to tell you exactly where they were and who they were with. This is an example of the psychological phenomenon of flashb ulb memory. Flashbulb memory is a clear memory of a significant moment or an event. I think that flashbulb memories occur because the events that happen are often so unpredictable. Since they were so unexpected and bring up so many different emotions, it seems that the enviroment around us is permanently burned into our memories. We remember exactly whom we were with, what we were wearing, our initial reaction, words spoken by friends, and even the smells associated with the environment. Flashbulb memory is still debated among some of the most intelligent neuropsychologists today. The debate centers on whether these memories are encoded into the brain. From a superficial overview of some Internet sites and book reviews, it seems that evidence is split down the middle for and against the encoding view. Although these neuropsychologist still debate the relevance of their finds, one fact remains true: we all have flashb ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Fence discrimination defence(not sure which one) Essay
Fence discrimination defence(not sure which one) - Essay Example The fences we put up are getting bigger, more inhuman and harder to overcome. It is the argument of this paper that these fences should not be allowed to exist, that we should not fence people in, whether the context is moral, social or cultural. Dr. Christina Kochemidova , in her article The Culture of the Fence: Artifacts and Meanings, brings up the various contexts a fence can be looked at. A fence can be used in many ways; as a bar, or barrier, to prevent ingress or to prevent escape. Alternatively it can be used as simply a marker, to demarcate a boundary. More often, fences are used as a division and increasingly as a means of control. These sorts of fences are invisible; they exist as rules, laws, and attitudes. This is also noted by Naomi Klein in her article Don' Fence Us In. There are numerous examples of this; racism, privatization and property rights are the most prevalent. These create barriers that are incredibly difficult to overcome. Man may have originally have used the fence to demarcate, but over the centuries it has evolved into more; a protective barrier, in one way, to keep the "other" out. The other can be anyone we perceive as a threat, or conversely anyone we wish to control. The fence as a control measure is frightening. This avatar is especially clear in the case of racism Racism is universal. Whether it manifests itself as the oppression and slavery of blacks in the United States, or as hatred of Pakistanis and Muslims in Norway, or the conflict between Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan, the common factor is the segregation and separation of two peoples based on the belief of the inherent superiority of one over the other. In fact, the word "apartheid" was created from the Afrikaans word for "separate"; the whole concept of a fence lies in that word. Racism has been responsible for some of the most horrible atrocities ever committed; the Holocaust, the slavery of blacks. In the United States, prior to the Civil War, Blacks were not even allowed the right to be citizens of the country; they were not even given the right to be considered human. Segregation in the south of the country took the form of separate facilities for everything including transport and housing. Even when they were finally recognized under the Constitution, they were still e ducated separately under the guise of "separate but equal" schools under the law. This sort of segregation is a fence. It separates and empowers one group, and suppresses another as is evidenced by the example given above. Denying an ethnic group the status of "human" is one of the most horrific fences that can be put up. This status was used to control the blacks and keep them "in their place". Denied education, proper housing, denied their very independence, the blacks were successfully controlled by these fences that kept them exactly where they were wanted. Education became an extremely important way to break out of these barriers. However, as noted by Hansman et al, education itself is prone to racist overtones. They remark that in many multicultural institutions, the structure of the work is planned around the majority culture, thereby leading to the ineffectual training of minority groups. Institutional factors therefore have a role in maintaining racial prejudice. Another
Friday, November 1, 2019
Upstream, Downstream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Upstream, Downstream - Essay Example According to the discussion â€Å"Rule of capture†illustrates ground water; landowners have the resources, and the right to use water under their land. Surface water usage is regulated by the Texas state. Individuals or organizations using the surface water must continuously get water right permission from Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). For the Colorado River basin, Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) grants the water usage rights. Due to the worse drought conditions LCRA and TCEQ implemented an emergency relief partnership. This ensures efficient water usage by all stakeholders in Texas. The Austin area of the state utilizes water for diverse purpose. These include industrial usage, domestic usage, and agricultural usage. The continuously increasing population is the Austin area calls for efficient water usage plans to be effectively implemented. TCEQ usually directs the LCRA to change the water plan, so as to effectively manage the downstream releases. This ensures efficient water usage in the state by all the stakeholders. TCEQ has the authority of controlling surface water like spring deliveries. Controls minimizing deliveries negatively affects wildlife and agricultural activities. For instance, the rice industry in Texas is negatively affected but to inadequate irrigation water supply. The TCEQ action is a painful decision, as a result of inadequate rainfall that led to reduction in water volumes of Highland.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Progress Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Progress Report - Assignment Example Chinese Restaurants are facing direct and indirect competition. So, in order to stay and remain competitive in the market Chinese Restaurants should work on increasing the awareness of their products. In the case of Chopsticks Express, this restaurant is targeting only the small amount of Chinese consumers, who are the students of the State College. My efforts would be to make awareness of the Chinese foods in the market along with highlighting how the local customers could be attracted towards Chinese foods. The role of supervisor has been important for this project and I have been guided by my supervisor throughout the project and this has helped in improving the quality. I have been incorporating the feedback of the supervisor and will continue doing so. After receiving further feedback, the research would continue its steps for the submission of its final draft of proposal. Work Completed I have received the approval and feedback from my instructor about my research. The feedback included instructions of carrying out my research and his instructions have been helpful in improving the work. I have identified that Chinese restaurants are facing some direct competition from the other Asian and American restaurants. The draft proposal of the project was due from 10th June and after modifying my research according to the feedback received I submitted my final proposal in the third week of June with my final topic of Research Information of Chinese Restaurants in State College. My research included analysis of different Chinese restaurants. 13 Asian and 8 Chinese restaurants are located in State College Downtown. Among the Chinese restaurants, Chopsticks Express offers the authentic cuisine of Chinese. Chopsticks express, situated in the center of the state downtown, enjoys the advantage that it could attract more customers apart from the local Chinese customers. I have identified the reason why the restaurant has not been highly successful and the reason is that it does not influence other customers of the region. I figured out that majority of the people do not visit Chopsticks Express because of its unpopularity. When I have researched on it further, I identified the reasons why no one would want to visit a restaurant which does not have a welcoming environment. In the ending days of June I was supposed to work on the demographic part. Demography included the study of population and size. The study included sample size of 800 customers who received questionnaires; these 800 people were those who belonged not only to the area of downtown but also those who visit downtown. The questionnaire was also provided for the managers of the Chinese restaurants operating in the State college downtown. Information and awareness play an important role in marketing of the restaurant. The responses suggested that awareness of Chinese food in US was relatively low and only local customers like Chinese students preferred Chinese cuisine in US. For determi ning the possible solutions for the Chinese restaurants to attract larger number of customers I submitted my recommendations on 30th June. Work to be completed Through this questionnaire I will try to identify the tastes and preferences of the people.I will also appoint interviews with the managers of the Chinese restaurants where I will ask questions related to my study. I want to help Chinese
Monday, October 28, 2019
Presidential Voting Essay Example for Free
Presidential Voting Essay The coming presidential election may be seen as a great political turning point for the country as the freshest ideologies are being imposed by the candidates. However, even though that there are two major choices for the presidency, my personal alignment to Hillary Clinton’s disposition is truly evident. I really do think that she has more potential being a woman president that will serve as the ultimate caring and nurturing model for the whole nation instead of having a stiff and rigid type of governance. One very basic attribute of Clinton which I very much like is the fact that she is a woman. In my observation, women leaders tend to be more compassionate towards the members of their jurisdiction. They are more open to suggestions of the general public therefore making them more transparent in understanding the true sentiment of the population. Just like a nurturing and caring mother, her stand about education is very evident that she is for the crucial benefit of the children which are seen as the basic foundation of the society’s future. With her plan to recruit more competitive teachers and increasing their salaries, she will build a connection towards how the right plan of governance should be implemented to affect even the youngest population of her generation. Although Obama, her crucial competitor, also have a good sentiment about public education, her approach towards targeting a surplus for teachers would be more effective instead of making public education more available without any promise for quality as what Obama plans to initiate if elected. Another candidate platform that I like about Clinton is her stand towards the issues related to national security and peace and order. She is very much supportive of capital punishment which is seen to greatly affect the development of a stringent form of law order. On the other hand, her stand towards ending the war on Iraq is very firm. Although she supports the withdrawal of U. S. troops in Iraq, she has devised a three step plan to help the latter become stable with the aid of a high level U. N. peace broker. She has a very good 60 day time frame of plans in executing this crucial foreign policy development which is in direct contrast with Obama’s very vague term of â€Å"responsible ending the war in Iraq†. On the aspect of finance, tax and budget issues, Clinton fully supports the idea of giving out a fair and balanced tax impositions to the different levels of social structures. She believes that in order to make the tax collection more efficient without sacrificing the population’s ability to have a decent lifestyle, there should be a maximized proportion of how much taxes are to be collected. For example, those who earn higher incomes can be subjected to adjusted taxes in order to fund health reforms. On the other hand, the middles class earners as well as the poor will be provided with tax credits and incentives. Moreover, she plans to provide tax deductions for tertiary education. For Clinton’s platform about healthcare, she is supporting the coverage of all Americans to get affordable and credible health care plans. If elected, she will make sure that each and every individual will be required to have a health plan. This will dramatically change the big picture of insurance policies that will generate more opportunities for people to avail lower costs of health services. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both have a very solid standpoint towards the issues pertaining to social development. Actually, they seem to have very common priorities in running a country. However, the main advantage of Clinton is her appealing projection towards the public as being a woman. Caring, nurturing, non-biased and open minded. These attributes are true significant conditions for her to be voted.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Solomon Barney Project :: essays research papers
SOLOMON BARNEY PROJECT Political Website and Online Book Store Project Charter PROJECT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Solomon Barney Project Document Revision History V 1.1 11/15/04 2nd Draft produced containing updated "project definition" work from 11/08/04 worksession 1.2 11/22/04 Contribution and work flow planning finalized. Roles and Responsibilities finalized. 1.3 11/29/04 Initial project steps defined and waypoints defined with customer. 1.4 12/02/04 Revised final draft containing work from 11/29/04 work session and accepted previous changes 1.5 12/05/04 Final Draft accepted. Table of Contents PREFACE 1 PROJECT STATEMENT 2 PROJECT PLAN PURPOSE 2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 3 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF PROJECT 3 CURRENT ENVIRONMENT 3 PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES 4 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE 5 TIMELINE 8 RESOURCE ALLOCATION 9 BUDGET 10 COMMUNICATION PLAN 11 PROJECT RISK/CONTINGENCY PLAN 12 Preface Document Version Control: Questions regarding updates and currency of the subject document should be directed to the owner of this document, or the project manager. This plan was generated by the WSC Project Team. WSC will be implemented and deployed for the Office of Solomon Barney Associates. Project Stage: WSC will be based on the commercial-off-the-shelf application titled vBulletin. The project is currently in the Development stage of the life cycle. Approval: A completed stage exit will constitute approval of this plan. Document Owner: The primary contact for questions regarding this document is: Dale Gribble, Project Manager/Planner WSC Project Team Phone: (555) 555-5555 Internet: Document Change History: (Nature and date of each change are recorded here) November 15, 2004 – Document Creation. Privacy Information This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. In particular, staff names and phone numbers, and E-mail addresses. This document should not be distributed outside of the Project Team. 1. Project Statement Create a user friendly, customer oriented website for political debate and a digital store front for the sale of political merchandise. 2. Project Plan Purpose This document provides an orientation on how the Web Site Creation (WSC) project will be managed. It also defines the deliverables, schedules, risks, dependencies, assumptions, estimates, and change management philosophy. This plan will: †¢ Provide a general product description and overview. †¢ Provide a project plan purpose and objectives †¢ Identify a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). †¢ Identify a timeline through schedules and activities to be performed. †¢ Identify required resources through a resource allocation plan. †¢ Identify a risk analysis and contingency plan. †¢ Give a detailed budget. †¢ Establish a communication plan. †¢ Provide a basis for management tracking and control. This plan is an active document and may be formally revised at the end of each of the following stages of implementation: †¢ Research and Testing †¢ Planning †¢ System Integration †¢ Pilot Installation and Testing †¢ Pilot Deployment and Acceptance †¢ Pilot Post-Implementation Assessment †¢ Host wide Implementation 3. Project Objectives †¢ Refine requirements from customer. †¢ Develop an overall plan for project waypoints. †¢ Assign subtasks to the waypoints. †¢ Develop a timeline for completion of each task. †¢ Allow for rework at each waypoint. †¢ Create a preliminary budget for the product, and get customer approval. †¢ Refine the budget. 4.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ebonics Essay -- essays papers
Ebonics Ebonics, which stands for Ebony + Phonics is a new term that Linguistics use to describe Black Dialect or Black English or many of the other names that it has been given for more than 350 years. Ebonics is a "language" that is a combination of "proper English" and a combination of African languages. This combination pattern was formed on how certain words are pronounced such as, this and that, would be pronounced dis and dat in Ebonics. In most Ebonics words with the "Th." sound has an "D" sound. These are just some of the many patterns that were created when Africans were forced to learn the English language. History states that around 1619, during the slave trade, ships collected slaves not just from one nation but from many nations. Some Africans spoke different languages like Ibo, Yoruba and Hausa. They were then separated from each other and had to travel with people whom the could not understand. Captain William Smith (A slave ship owner) wrote, â€Å"There will be no more likelihood of their succeeding in a plot†(lee, 1994,msn). The slaves then had to learn English so that they could have some form of communication with their masters. Their native language and English would be combined and they would speak African-English pidgin. As the slaves began to learn how to communicate with each other, their words would merge into one common word that they could all understand. This is one of the ways that the language became mixed with English. When the African slaves had children they talked to them in African English pidgin. The slaves taught the children both languages so that they could communicate with the slave owners and to other slaves. As each generation went on the Africans began to speak bette... ...tion to generation. Ebonics has improved from the early 1600's to now but some of the improper English still stands today. Bibliography: Fisher, Julene E "Don't Be a Geek; Learn How Black English Has Enriched The Language" The Salt Lake Tribune Internet (1996) Lee, Felicia R "Lingering Conflict in the Schools: Black Dialect vs. Standard Speech," The New York Times Internet (1994) Lewis, Brian C. " Black English: Its History and Its Role in the Education Of Our Children" The Three Twelve Group Internet (1996) North Carolina Discovers, The Origin of Black Folk Music Snow Camp Historical Drama Society (1994) Smitherman, Geneva, "Talkin and Testifyin†: The Language Of Black America. Detroit; Wayne State University (1986) Stoller, Paul ed. Black American English. New York; Dell Publishing (1975)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Memorial Day Essay
Memorial Day, is a day of joy, a day of sorrow, that means many different things to many different people. Memorial Day is on every last Monday of May. Traditionally on a Monday the Kids will go to school and the parents go to work, but not on the last Monday in May, the school closes, the grills light, the beer cans flood the sidewalks like water during a category five hurricane. Or at least that’s how it use to be, now all of the stores are open, the pools opens, and how you really see what the day is about, the soldiers. Memorial Day for me is all about soldiers and veterans. About four years ago I would always wait anxiously on every Sunday morning from a call from my dad, who was 3,000 miles away on a tiny new found country called Kosovo. Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of remembrance, but some people can’t even bare the thought of thinking about loosing their veteran, like me. Memorial Day was created to honor the soldiers of America, but now it is known for honoring the Memorial Day parade or sales event. Times and traditions have changed drastically, and so have the people of America. In conclusion even though we live in a free country our freedom is still not free. What Memorial Day means to me. When I think of Memorial Day I think of the soldiers I think of the way that these heroes get out of bed each day, and walk to the battlefield to defend our country. Memorial Day is not just a day to respect our current and past veterans, but a day to remember the fallen veterans. Also I think of the heart of a soldier which is like the size of the Titanic, and twice as big, and the soul of a soldier which is free and peaceful. If only the world was free and peaceful. What Memorial Day means to me is the soul of America. Memorial Day is a day that represents no other country on except the United States of America.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Sunne Rising Essays - Fiction, Literature, Congo Free State
The Sunne Rising Essays - Fiction, Literature, Congo Free State The Sunne Rising Heart of Darkness-Conrad in the Congo-Background and Sources The walls between insanity and sanity are often paper thin in ones own mind. Joseph Conrads novel, Heart of Darkness, exemplifies this wall, or realm, through the manipulation of his characters narration. Initially, the narrative simply appears to be a reflection of Conrads style. However, as the story unfolds one may notice that the language and style can be interpreted as a literary tool. A tool that effectively illustrates the gradual deterioration, paranoia, and unresolvable confusion that man can experience when entering mysterious modes of consciousness; as Marlowe does in the African Congo. Conrad himself was subjected to the isolation and darkness of the Congo when he made his own journey through Africa. The complicated rhythm of the narrative with its quotations within quotations allows us, the reader, to partly understand, if not experience, the desolate feeling of loss and isolation that Marlowe is feeling as he is travelling through the Congo. Although Marlowe claims to be sane; the way in which he speaks is often contradictory, and his thoughts seem to suggest that he suffers from perpetual paranoia. Overall, Conrad brings into being a character in Marlowe who is suffering from an, attitude that recognizes the unresolvable confusion of the human world, and grasps outward at anything made to appear firm or familiarreason, God, nation, authority(Solomon, 1) For Marlowe, the point of firmness is Kurts, who he looks to with absolute adoration and searches to be at the same level. The use of Conrads narrative is an ingenious tool to demonstrate the mindset of the men that were hired to explore Africa.
Monday, October 21, 2019
EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides
EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides EXPER IMENT NO 3 Object: To extract Chitin and Chitosan from Prawn shells. Materials: Prawn shells 5gm 4% HCl solution 1% KMnO 4 4% NaOH solution 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 5 0% Sodium Hydroxide 1% Acetic Acid Theory: Introduction: Chitin is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide after cellulose and is present in the crustacean exoskeleton, insects and fungi. The shell fish industry generates a huge amount of shell waste per processing which usua lly cause environmental pollution . It is estimated that the shell-fish industry produces about 60,000-80,000 tons of waste. The disposal of such an enormous amount of waste has become a serious environmental concern Alternatively, this waste can be utilized as an economic source of chitin and its derivative chitosan. Chitosan, the deacetylated chitin derivative, is a more useful and interesting bioactive polymer. Despite its biodegradability, it can be chemically modified to produce derivatives which have varied applications in biomedical field. These derivatives are easy to produce and can be made commercially available easily. Chitin: Chitin is a biodegradable material and undergoes biodegradation by enzymes such as lysozyme and chitinase . Structure: Chitin is essentially a linear homopolysaccharide (long chain polymer) consisting of repeated units of N-acetyl-glucosamine, which is a monosaccharide derivative of glucose. These units form covalent -1,4 linkages. Chitin with the chemical formula (C 8 H 13 O 5 N) n is considered as a complex carbohydrate, whose structure resembles that of cellulose, with one hydroxyl group on each monomer replaced with an acetyl amine group. Uses: As a fertilizer: Chitin-containing fertilizers are organic, non-toxic, and have shown to increase crop productivity. As a food additive: Microcrystalline chitin (MCC) as a food additive can be helpful to enhance taste and flavor . As an emulsifying agent: It essentially acts as an excellent emulsifying agent, which helps to prevent the breaking of emulsion when exposed to other fluids. Medicinal use: chitin in the diet may help to reduce cholesterol absorption efficiency. As a surgical thread: Chitin is also used for manufacturing strong and flexible surgical threads. Quite a few dissolvable stitches used to close wounds are made from chitin. Chitosan: Chitosan, sometimes known as deacetylated chitin, is a natural polycationic linear polysaccharide derived from partial deacetylation of chitin . Structure: Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed -(1-4) linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit). Uses: Agricultural use: Chitosan is used as seed coating and plant growth enhancer. Medicinal use: Chitosan is used to treat obesity , high cholesterol , and Crohn's disease . In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chitosan is used as a filler in tablets; as a carrier in controlled-release drugs; to improve the way certain drugs dissolve; and to mask bitter tastes in solutions taken by mouth . In Chemical Industries: It improves flocculation and is used in filtration process. It is also used as subsidiary material of the colour fixer, patternizer , adhesive and stabilizer in plastic industry. Environmental protection: Chitosan is used as active mud coagulant, adhesive, adsorbent of the heavy metal ion and organic compound. Procedure: Wash and dry the sample. 5gm of shell waste is then Deproteinised in 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide (4gm NaOH in 100ml water) at room temperature for 24 hours. After draining the alkali, for the removal of residual protein from the shell, it was washed with distilled water repeatedly unless the pH drops to neutral . The de - proteinised shell was de -mi neralized by 4% HCl (4ml up to 100ml) at room temperature for 12 hours . The acid was drained off and washed thoroughly with distilled water. The sample is then dried. Soak the dried sample in 1% KMnO 4 ( 1 ml up to 100ml) for 30 minutes followed by 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The cake obtained is chitin. The Chitosan was prepared by deacetylation of chitin by treating with 50% aqueo us sodium hydroxid e at 40 C for 3 days. After deacetylation, the alkali was drained off and washed with distilled water thoroughly until the pH is less than 7.5. Finally, t he chitosan was dried at room temperature
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Desert essays
Desert essays A desert is basically a wilderness or a wasteland. There is little moisture and poor soil such as sand gravel or rock. There are few plants to offer shade. Deserts can be described as harsh places. Many are burning hot by day and cold by night. Some deserts are cold in which snow sprinkles. Every continent has deserts. Much of the western United States is a desert. A desert region called the outback covers Central Australia. The southern tip of South America is largely desert. Northern Africa is covered by the Sahara, a desert as big as the mainland United States. The Arabian Peninsula, between the Persian Gulf and the red sea, is almost entirely dessert. A large part of central Asia, from China to the Caspian Sea, is mostly desert. Deserts cover 1/8 of our planet. Desert plants have adapted to heat and dryness of the desert. Plants that have adapted by altering their physical structure are called xerophytes. Xerophytes, such as cacti, usually it has special means of storing and conserving water. They often have few or no leaves. Phreatophytes are plants that have gotten used to arid environments by growing extremely long roots, allowing them to acquire moisture at or by the water table. Other desert plants, using behavioral adaptations, have developed a lifestyle in cooperation with the seasons of greatest moisture and the coolest temperatures. Theses types of plants are usually called perennials, plants that only live for several years, and annuals, plants that live for one season. Most desert animals have found a way to solve the heat and water problems the dessert environment creates for animals. Among the thousands of animals there are many remarkable structural adaptations made for avoiding excess heat. The lack of water creates a problem for all dessert organisms. Animals have an additional problem from plants they are more susceptible to extremes of the temperature. Animals receive heat by radiation from the s ...
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