Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Progress Report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Progress Report - Assignment Example Chinese Restaurants are facing direct and indirect competition. So, in order to stay and remain competitive in the market Chinese Restaurants should work on increasing the awareness of their products. In the case of Chopsticks Express, this restaurant is targeting only the small amount of Chinese consumers, who are the students of the State College. My efforts would be to make awareness of the Chinese foods in the market along with highlighting how the local customers could be attracted towards Chinese foods. The role of supervisor has been important for this project and I have been guided by my supervisor throughout the project and this has helped in improving the quality. I have been incorporating the feedback of the supervisor and will continue doing so. After receiving further feedback, the research would continue its steps for the submission of its final draft of proposal. Work Completed I have received the approval and feedback from my instructor about my research. The feedback included instructions of carrying out my research and his instructions have been helpful in improving the work. I have identified that Chinese restaurants are facing some direct competition from the other Asian and American restaurants. The draft proposal of the project was due from 10th June and after modifying my research according to the feedback received I submitted my final proposal in the third week of June with my final topic of Research Information of Chinese Restaurants in State College. My research included analysis of different Chinese restaurants. 13 Asian and 8 Chinese restaurants are located in State College Downtown. Among the Chinese restaurants, Chopsticks Express offers the authentic cuisine of Chinese. Chopsticks express, situated in the center of the state downtown, enjoys the advantage that it could attract more customers apart from the local Chinese customers. I have identified the reason why the restaurant has not been highly successful and the reason is that it does not influence other customers of the region. I figured out that majority of the people do not visit Chopsticks Express because of its unpopularity. When I have researched on it further, I identified the reasons why no one would want to visit a restaurant which does not have a welcoming environment. In the ending days of June I was supposed to work on the demographic part. Demography included the study of population and size. The study included sample size of 800 customers who received questionnaires; these 800 people were those who belonged not only to the area of downtown but also those who visit downtown. The questionnaire was also provided for the managers of the Chinese restaurants operating in the State college downtown. Information and awareness play an important role in marketing of the restaurant. The responses suggested that awareness of Chinese food in US was relatively low and only local customers like Chinese students preferred Chinese cuisine in US. For determi ning the possible solutions for the Chinese restaurants to attract larger number of customers I submitted my recommendations on 30th June. Work to be completed Through this questionnaire I will try to identify the tastes and preferences of the people.I will also appoint interviews with the managers of the Chinese restaurants where I will ask questions related to my study. I want to help Chinese
Monday, October 28, 2019
Presidential Voting Essay Example for Free
Presidential Voting Essay The coming presidential election may be seen as a great political turning point for the country as the freshest ideologies are being imposed by the candidates. However, even though that there are two major choices for the presidency, my personal alignment to Hillary Clinton’s disposition is truly evident. I really do think that she has more potential being a woman president that will serve as the ultimate caring and nurturing model for the whole nation instead of having a stiff and rigid type of governance. One very basic attribute of Clinton which I very much like is the fact that she is a woman. In my observation, women leaders tend to be more compassionate towards the members of their jurisdiction. They are more open to suggestions of the general public therefore making them more transparent in understanding the true sentiment of the population. Just like a nurturing and caring mother, her stand about education is very evident that she is for the crucial benefit of the children which are seen as the basic foundation of the society’s future. With her plan to recruit more competitive teachers and increasing their salaries, she will build a connection towards how the right plan of governance should be implemented to affect even the youngest population of her generation. Although Obama, her crucial competitor, also have a good sentiment about public education, her approach towards targeting a surplus for teachers would be more effective instead of making public education more available without any promise for quality as what Obama plans to initiate if elected. Another candidate platform that I like about Clinton is her stand towards the issues related to national security and peace and order. She is very much supportive of capital punishment which is seen to greatly affect the development of a stringent form of law order. On the other hand, her stand towards ending the war on Iraq is very firm. Although she supports the withdrawal of U. S. troops in Iraq, she has devised a three step plan to help the latter become stable with the aid of a high level U. N. peace broker. She has a very good 60 day time frame of plans in executing this crucial foreign policy development which is in direct contrast with Obama’s very vague term of â€Å"responsible ending the war in Iraq†. On the aspect of finance, tax and budget issues, Clinton fully supports the idea of giving out a fair and balanced tax impositions to the different levels of social structures. She believes that in order to make the tax collection more efficient without sacrificing the population’s ability to have a decent lifestyle, there should be a maximized proportion of how much taxes are to be collected. For example, those who earn higher incomes can be subjected to adjusted taxes in order to fund health reforms. On the other hand, the middles class earners as well as the poor will be provided with tax credits and incentives. Moreover, she plans to provide tax deductions for tertiary education. For Clinton’s platform about healthcare, she is supporting the coverage of all Americans to get affordable and credible health care plans. If elected, she will make sure that each and every individual will be required to have a health plan. This will dramatically change the big picture of insurance policies that will generate more opportunities for people to avail lower costs of health services. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both have a very solid standpoint towards the issues pertaining to social development. Actually, they seem to have very common priorities in running a country. However, the main advantage of Clinton is her appealing projection towards the public as being a woman. Caring, nurturing, non-biased and open minded. These attributes are true significant conditions for her to be voted.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Solomon Barney Project :: essays research papers
SOLOMON BARNEY PROJECT Political Website and Online Book Store Project Charter PROJECT MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Solomon Barney Project Document Revision History V 1.1 11/15/04 2nd Draft produced containing updated "project definition" work from 11/08/04 worksession 1.2 11/22/04 Contribution and work flow planning finalized. Roles and Responsibilities finalized. 1.3 11/29/04 Initial project steps defined and waypoints defined with customer. 1.4 12/02/04 Revised final draft containing work from 11/29/04 work session and accepted previous changes 1.5 12/05/04 Final Draft accepted. Table of Contents PREFACE 1 PROJECT STATEMENT 2 PROJECT PLAN PURPOSE 2 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 3 GENERAL OVERVIEW OF PROJECT 3 CURRENT ENVIRONMENT 3 PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES 4 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE 5 TIMELINE 8 RESOURCE ALLOCATION 9 BUDGET 10 COMMUNICATION PLAN 11 PROJECT RISK/CONTINGENCY PLAN 12 Preface Document Version Control: Questions regarding updates and currency of the subject document should be directed to the owner of this document, or the project manager. This plan was generated by the WSC Project Team. WSC will be implemented and deployed for the Office of Solomon Barney Associates. Project Stage: WSC will be based on the commercial-off-the-shelf application titled vBulletin. The project is currently in the Development stage of the life cycle. Approval: A completed stage exit will constitute approval of this plan. Document Owner: The primary contact for questions regarding this document is: Dale Gribble, Project Manager/Planner WSC Project Team Phone: (555) 555-5555 Internet: Document Change History: (Nature and date of each change are recorded here) November 15, 2004 – Document Creation. Privacy Information This document may contain information of a sensitive nature. In particular, staff names and phone numbers, and E-mail addresses. This document should not be distributed outside of the Project Team. 1. Project Statement Create a user friendly, customer oriented website for political debate and a digital store front for the sale of political merchandise. 2. Project Plan Purpose This document provides an orientation on how the Web Site Creation (WSC) project will be managed. It also defines the deliverables, schedules, risks, dependencies, assumptions, estimates, and change management philosophy. This plan will: †¢ Provide a general product description and overview. †¢ Provide a project plan purpose and objectives †¢ Identify a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). †¢ Identify a timeline through schedules and activities to be performed. †¢ Identify required resources through a resource allocation plan. †¢ Identify a risk analysis and contingency plan. †¢ Give a detailed budget. †¢ Establish a communication plan. †¢ Provide a basis for management tracking and control. This plan is an active document and may be formally revised at the end of each of the following stages of implementation: †¢ Research and Testing †¢ Planning †¢ System Integration †¢ Pilot Installation and Testing †¢ Pilot Deployment and Acceptance †¢ Pilot Post-Implementation Assessment †¢ Host wide Implementation 3. Project Objectives †¢ Refine requirements from customer. †¢ Develop an overall plan for project waypoints. †¢ Assign subtasks to the waypoints. †¢ Develop a timeline for completion of each task. †¢ Allow for rework at each waypoint. †¢ Create a preliminary budget for the product, and get customer approval. †¢ Refine the budget. 4.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ebonics Essay -- essays papers
Ebonics Ebonics, which stands for Ebony + Phonics is a new term that Linguistics use to describe Black Dialect or Black English or many of the other names that it has been given for more than 350 years. Ebonics is a "language" that is a combination of "proper English" and a combination of African languages. This combination pattern was formed on how certain words are pronounced such as, this and that, would be pronounced dis and dat in Ebonics. In most Ebonics words with the "Th." sound has an "D" sound. These are just some of the many patterns that were created when Africans were forced to learn the English language. History states that around 1619, during the slave trade, ships collected slaves not just from one nation but from many nations. Some Africans spoke different languages like Ibo, Yoruba and Hausa. They were then separated from each other and had to travel with people whom the could not understand. Captain William Smith (A slave ship owner) wrote, â€Å"There will be no more likelihood of their succeeding in a plot†(lee, 1994,msn). The slaves then had to learn English so that they could have some form of communication with their masters. Their native language and English would be combined and they would speak African-English pidgin. As the slaves began to learn how to communicate with each other, their words would merge into one common word that they could all understand. This is one of the ways that the language became mixed with English. When the African slaves had children they talked to them in African English pidgin. The slaves taught the children both languages so that they could communicate with the slave owners and to other slaves. As each generation went on the Africans began to speak bette... ...tion to generation. Ebonics has improved from the early 1600's to now but some of the improper English still stands today. Bibliography: Fisher, Julene E "Don't Be a Geek; Learn How Black English Has Enriched The Language" The Salt Lake Tribune Internet (1996) Lee, Felicia R "Lingering Conflict in the Schools: Black Dialect vs. Standard Speech," The New York Times Internet (1994) Lewis, Brian C. " Black English: Its History and Its Role in the Education Of Our Children" The Three Twelve Group Internet (1996) North Carolina Discovers, The Origin of Black Folk Music Snow Camp Historical Drama Society (1994) Smitherman, Geneva, "Talkin and Testifyin†: The Language Of Black America. Detroit; Wayne State University (1986) Stoller, Paul ed. Black American English. New York; Dell Publishing (1975)
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Memorial Day Essay
Memorial Day, is a day of joy, a day of sorrow, that means many different things to many different people. Memorial Day is on every last Monday of May. Traditionally on a Monday the Kids will go to school and the parents go to work, but not on the last Monday in May, the school closes, the grills light, the beer cans flood the sidewalks like water during a category five hurricane. Or at least that’s how it use to be, now all of the stores are open, the pools opens, and how you really see what the day is about, the soldiers. Memorial Day for me is all about soldiers and veterans. About four years ago I would always wait anxiously on every Sunday morning from a call from my dad, who was 3,000 miles away on a tiny new found country called Kosovo. Memorial Day is supposed to be a day of remembrance, but some people can’t even bare the thought of thinking about loosing their veteran, like me. Memorial Day was created to honor the soldiers of America, but now it is known for honoring the Memorial Day parade or sales event. Times and traditions have changed drastically, and so have the people of America. In conclusion even though we live in a free country our freedom is still not free. What Memorial Day means to me. When I think of Memorial Day I think of the soldiers I think of the way that these heroes get out of bed each day, and walk to the battlefield to defend our country. Memorial Day is not just a day to respect our current and past veterans, but a day to remember the fallen veterans. Also I think of the heart of a soldier which is like the size of the Titanic, and twice as big, and the soul of a soldier which is free and peaceful. If only the world was free and peaceful. What Memorial Day means to me is the soul of America. Memorial Day is a day that represents no other country on except the United States of America.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Sunne Rising Essays - Fiction, Literature, Congo Free State
The Sunne Rising Essays - Fiction, Literature, Congo Free State The Sunne Rising Heart of Darkness-Conrad in the Congo-Background and Sources The walls between insanity and sanity are often paper thin in ones own mind. Joseph Conrads novel, Heart of Darkness, exemplifies this wall, or realm, through the manipulation of his characters narration. Initially, the narrative simply appears to be a reflection of Conrads style. However, as the story unfolds one may notice that the language and style can be interpreted as a literary tool. A tool that effectively illustrates the gradual deterioration, paranoia, and unresolvable confusion that man can experience when entering mysterious modes of consciousness; as Marlowe does in the African Congo. Conrad himself was subjected to the isolation and darkness of the Congo when he made his own journey through Africa. The complicated rhythm of the narrative with its quotations within quotations allows us, the reader, to partly understand, if not experience, the desolate feeling of loss and isolation that Marlowe is feeling as he is travelling through the Congo. Although Marlowe claims to be sane; the way in which he speaks is often contradictory, and his thoughts seem to suggest that he suffers from perpetual paranoia. Overall, Conrad brings into being a character in Marlowe who is suffering from an, attitude that recognizes the unresolvable confusion of the human world, and grasps outward at anything made to appear firm or familiarreason, God, nation, authority(Solomon, 1) For Marlowe, the point of firmness is Kurts, who he looks to with absolute adoration and searches to be at the same level. The use of Conrads narrative is an ingenious tool to demonstrate the mindset of the men that were hired to explore Africa.
Monday, October 21, 2019
EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides
EXPER IMENT NO 3 Essays - Chemistry, Polysaccharides, Biopesticides EXPER IMENT NO 3 Object: To extract Chitin and Chitosan from Prawn shells. Materials: Prawn shells 5gm 4% HCl solution 1% KMnO 4 4% NaOH solution 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 5 0% Sodium Hydroxide 1% Acetic Acid Theory: Introduction: Chitin is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide after cellulose and is present in the crustacean exoskeleton, insects and fungi. The shell fish industry generates a huge amount of shell waste per processing which usua lly cause environmental pollution . It is estimated that the shell-fish industry produces about 60,000-80,000 tons of waste. The disposal of such an enormous amount of waste has become a serious environmental concern Alternatively, this waste can be utilized as an economic source of chitin and its derivative chitosan. Chitosan, the deacetylated chitin derivative, is a more useful and interesting bioactive polymer. Despite its biodegradability, it can be chemically modified to produce derivatives which have varied applications in biomedical field. These derivatives are easy to produce and can be made commercially available easily. Chitin: Chitin is a biodegradable material and undergoes biodegradation by enzymes such as lysozyme and chitinase . Structure: Chitin is essentially a linear homopolysaccharide (long chain polymer) consisting of repeated units of N-acetyl-glucosamine, which is a monosaccharide derivative of glucose. These units form covalent -1,4 linkages. Chitin with the chemical formula (C 8 H 13 O 5 N) n is considered as a complex carbohydrate, whose structure resembles that of cellulose, with one hydroxyl group on each monomer replaced with an acetyl amine group. Uses: As a fertilizer: Chitin-containing fertilizers are organic, non-toxic, and have shown to increase crop productivity. As a food additive: Microcrystalline chitin (MCC) as a food additive can be helpful to enhance taste and flavor . As an emulsifying agent: It essentially acts as an excellent emulsifying agent, which helps to prevent the breaking of emulsion when exposed to other fluids. Medicinal use: chitin in the diet may help to reduce cholesterol absorption efficiency. As a surgical thread: Chitin is also used for manufacturing strong and flexible surgical threads. Quite a few dissolvable stitches used to close wounds are made from chitin. Chitosan: Chitosan, sometimes known as deacetylated chitin, is a natural polycationic linear polysaccharide derived from partial deacetylation of chitin . Structure: Chitosan is a linear polysaccharide composed of randomly distributed -(1-4) linked D-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (acetylated unit). Uses: Agricultural use: Chitosan is used as seed coating and plant growth enhancer. Medicinal use: Chitosan is used to treat obesity , high cholesterol , and Crohn's disease . In pharmaceutical manufacturing, chitosan is used as a filler in tablets; as a carrier in controlled-release drugs; to improve the way certain drugs dissolve; and to mask bitter tastes in solutions taken by mouth . In Chemical Industries: It improves flocculation and is used in filtration process. It is also used as subsidiary material of the colour fixer, patternizer , adhesive and stabilizer in plastic industry. Environmental protection: Chitosan is used as active mud coagulant, adhesive, adsorbent of the heavy metal ion and organic compound. Procedure: Wash and dry the sample. 5gm of shell waste is then Deproteinised in 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide (4gm NaOH in 100ml water) at room temperature for 24 hours. After draining the alkali, for the removal of residual protein from the shell, it was washed with distilled water repeatedly unless the pH drops to neutral . The de - proteinised shell was de -mi neralized by 4% HCl (4ml up to 100ml) at room temperature for 12 hours . The acid was drained off and washed thoroughly with distilled water. The sample is then dried. Soak the dried sample in 1% KMnO 4 ( 1 ml up to 100ml) for 30 minutes followed by 1% H 2 C 2 O 4 for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The cake obtained is chitin. The Chitosan was prepared by deacetylation of chitin by treating with 50% aqueo us sodium hydroxid e at 40 C for 3 days. After deacetylation, the alkali was drained off and washed with distilled water thoroughly until the pH is less than 7.5. Finally, t he chitosan was dried at room temperature
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Desert essays
Desert essays A desert is basically a wilderness or a wasteland. There is little moisture and poor soil such as sand gravel or rock. There are few plants to offer shade. Deserts can be described as harsh places. Many are burning hot by day and cold by night. Some deserts are cold in which snow sprinkles. Every continent has deserts. Much of the western United States is a desert. A desert region called the outback covers Central Australia. The southern tip of South America is largely desert. Northern Africa is covered by the Sahara, a desert as big as the mainland United States. The Arabian Peninsula, between the Persian Gulf and the red sea, is almost entirely dessert. A large part of central Asia, from China to the Caspian Sea, is mostly desert. Deserts cover 1/8 of our planet. Desert plants have adapted to heat and dryness of the desert. Plants that have adapted by altering their physical structure are called xerophytes. Xerophytes, such as cacti, usually it has special means of storing and conserving water. They often have few or no leaves. Phreatophytes are plants that have gotten used to arid environments by growing extremely long roots, allowing them to acquire moisture at or by the water table. Other desert plants, using behavioral adaptations, have developed a lifestyle in cooperation with the seasons of greatest moisture and the coolest temperatures. Theses types of plants are usually called perennials, plants that only live for several years, and annuals, plants that live for one season. Most desert animals have found a way to solve the heat and water problems the dessert environment creates for animals. Among the thousands of animals there are many remarkable structural adaptations made for avoiding excess heat. The lack of water creates a problem for all dessert organisms. Animals have an additional problem from plants they are more susceptible to extremes of the temperature. Animals receive heat by radiation from the s ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Contemporary Issues in the Real Estate and Impact of a Business Man Essay
Contemporary Issues in the Real Estate and Impact of a Business Man - Essay Example With the great interest and focus I have in real-estate business, I would majorly want to venture into lean upscale store investment as part of the real-estate portfolio I seek to build. This will make it possible to tap on the newly developing market segment in the real estate, which is spelling doom for the traditionally expansive and blotted office and tenant spaces3. Thus, my focus would be to venture in the real-estate development that specifically invests in shopping centers and malls that are strategically located in upscale neighborhoods, which are partitioned into lean stores and tenant spaces. This will enable my real-estate portfolio to take advantage of the increasing demand for lean store tenant spaces, while at the same time enabling my tenants to take advantage of the increasing online shopping trend for the retail customers. The issue of lean-store tenant space is important to me since my focus and business acumen is majorly on the real-estate business, which I seek to expand and move internationally. Online retail shopping is a globally developing customer trend. Therefore, focusing my real-estate portfolio on the construction of commercial structures offering lean tenant spaces is a facilitative strategy both for the future sustainability of my real-estate business as well as for the retail business seeking to enhance the online shopping experience for their customers. This way, building a real-estate business that is focused on upscale lean-tenant space stores development will ensure that my real estate business will have an advantage of offering low-cost renting retail spaces, thus attracting more retail businesses and increasing the demand for my real-estate portfolio in the increasingly competitive real-estate business world.
Friday, October 18, 2019
2013 Fashion Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
2013 Fashion Promotion - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Promotion" talks about the promotion in fashion. The brand, Release, has every intention to rival well positioned brands in the fashion industry such as ZARA, HM and TopShop. Obviously, this is not a mean challenge as these are well established brands which have largely cut a niche in the fashion market. At the moment, a brand such as ZARA is the biggest fashion retailer in the world, eating into its UK market share will require meticulous planning and exquisite brand positioning. One that puts into consideration the cultural diversity, demographics, and the choices and priorities of the brands focus group. Release has made a deliberate effort to define its customers not on basis of products but on class, with the focus group being the high end clientele who are often in the middle or upper middle bracket. The idea is to provide everything this class of customers requires in terms of fashion under one roof, availing them a chance to shop for the entire family with complete ease. The premium fashion brands segment has arguably witnessed the greatest changes in the consumer market. The segment also faces aggressive competition from the higher-priced luxury and prestige brands and the lower priced mass fashion brands. High end consumers desire innovative and inspiring luxury products to enable them to feel dynamic and alive. They view high-end products as not necessarily the most expensive or the most lavish products, but the best that suits each individual and their outlook of life.
Hostility in Romen and Juliet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hostility in Romen and Juliet - Research Paper Example Accordingly, the theme of the play can be described as the hostility of â€Å"two households†in Verona, Montague and Capulet, who try to attack aggressively the lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who preserve loyalty to their true kingdom of love. Therefore, not love simply must be regarded as relevant in the play, but rather the hostility of two households, which arises between them, trying to destroy the sweet feeling of the young lovers. Then, focusing on the summary of the plot and also sub-plots, both with its outcomes for the proposed theme, it should be concerned that â€Å"ancient rage†was the most powerful motive for action throughout the play for both minor and major characters. Here, Shakespeare shows his constant shifts from comedy to tragedy, and the development of the minor characters, who are able to conduct the supporting atmosphere for the protagonists. The star-crossed lovers present a stable opposition to the hatred, being able to forget about rage in a flam e of their swift and passionate love; however, due to the star-crossed fate or simply by chance they were doomed for the mutual suicides. To force a thesis, some researchers put an emphasis on solely love when treated the play, such as, for example, Lawrence Edward Bowling1, and some suggested that not only factor of love may be objectified in the whole play, such as Thomas Honegger2; but, on the contrary, it should be stated that simply hatred/rage/hostility of the clans was an fundamental factor which determined the development of the relations between the lovers because their love from the beginning contradict strongly with the whole situation within the families. This situation gives a powerful impact on extremely impulsive process of mutual relationship of Romeo and Juliet. Therefore, a quite extravagant thesis should be forced that the lovers’ strongest sympathy is initiated by the powerful hostility/rage/hatred between the clans, which statement is presented in the pro logue of the Act 1 in such a way: â€Å"Two households†¦ / From ancient grudge break to new mutiny†¦ / From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; / Whose misadventured piteous overthrows / Do with their death bury their parents' strife. / The fearful passage of their death-marked love, / And the continuance of their parents' rage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Act 1, Prologue) Therefore, as prologue puts it, two households descended their â€Å"mutiny†long beforehand, but â€Å"a pair of star-crossed lovers†â€Å"bury their parents’ strife†â€Å"with their death;†as a result, great love is determined and initiated by the great hatred, and thus great hostility is defeated by the great passion of the lovers, the conjunction between two principal motives in the dramatic plot of the play is unquestionable. The hostility between the clans in Verona influenced a lot on a very character of the relations be tween the lovers, determines its doomed and swift process. Accordingly, in Act 1, Scene 5, Romeo asks rhetorically: â€Å"Is she a Capulet? / O dear account! my life is my foe's debt†; (Act 1, Scene 5) which phrase is responded by Juliet in such words: â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate! / Too early seen unknown, and known too late! / Prodigious birth of love it is to me, / That I must love a loathed enemy;â€
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Business information system - Essay Example of data that would be captured; date of birth, the year that the student commenced and completed their high school education, the units and courses that were taken by the student, the co-curriculum activities that the students engaged in, sex of the student, academic performance, and their career goals. As stated earlier, the recruiters have set the parameters defining the qualities, which they require from the students. After gathering the above information from the recruits, they will process the data and come up with tangible information that would aid in the recruiting process (Arthur 27). The following are examples of information, which would be processed from the above data; the average age that students start their high school education, the average number of years that students attend high school, the common and least common units and courses that the students take, the common and least common co-curriculum activities that the students engaged in, the sex composition of students in high school, and the average academic performance of the students. In particular, the processed information is an advantage to the recruiters in that, it brings to the light, the features exhibited by the student recruits. The two initial processes; data collection and data processing, gives way to a third imperative process; inference by the recruiters. Before the data collection process, the recruiters had defined the threshold that the recruits had to surpass. However, after processing the information and making some inferences, the recruiters can come to the realization that the threshold was either too high or too low. For instance, the recruiters would infer that, either the students spend more or fewer years in high school contrary to what they had thought. In this regard, they will have to raise or lower the minimum age of admitting students to the university. Secondly, the recruiters may infer that, the units and courses that the students have taken in high school
Documentary for CNN Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Documentary for CNN - Assignment Example Its supporters fight back with the notion that stem cell research can have an extremely positive effect on future medical treatments, as embryonic stem cells can grow into anybody's cell and thus be used to treat diseases like muscular dystrophy, in which the patient experiences a gradual and eventually fatal loss of muscular tissues. As the scientific community is gradually pursuing research activities towards stem cell researches, the voices of opposition are also becoming stronger. Differing positions being taken by politicians and governments also widens the differences. Therefore, it provides a perfect base for producing a relevant documentary. The format of documentary will be somewhat like the steps being explained below; Step-2: An interview would be undertaken with Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till, the first scientists involved in this research. This will help in demonstrating the benefits of stem cell activities and how we human beings can benefit from such researches. Step-4: Political parties and respective governments have a deciding role towards encouraging or discouraging the stem cell research activities.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Business information system - Essay Example of data that would be captured; date of birth, the year that the student commenced and completed their high school education, the units and courses that were taken by the student, the co-curriculum activities that the students engaged in, sex of the student, academic performance, and their career goals. As stated earlier, the recruiters have set the parameters defining the qualities, which they require from the students. After gathering the above information from the recruits, they will process the data and come up with tangible information that would aid in the recruiting process (Arthur 27). The following are examples of information, which would be processed from the above data; the average age that students start their high school education, the average number of years that students attend high school, the common and least common units and courses that the students take, the common and least common co-curriculum activities that the students engaged in, the sex composition of students in high school, and the average academic performance of the students. In particular, the processed information is an advantage to the recruiters in that, it brings to the light, the features exhibited by the student recruits. The two initial processes; data collection and data processing, gives way to a third imperative process; inference by the recruiters. Before the data collection process, the recruiters had defined the threshold that the recruits had to surpass. However, after processing the information and making some inferences, the recruiters can come to the realization that the threshold was either too high or too low. For instance, the recruiters would infer that, either the students spend more or fewer years in high school contrary to what they had thought. In this regard, they will have to raise or lower the minimum age of admitting students to the university. Secondly, the recruiters may infer that, the units and courses that the students have taken in high school
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Personal Selling and Customer Focus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Selling and Customer Focus - Essay Example Of all these methods forestalling and boomerang methods are the most effective methods of encountering objections. Forestalling can be termed as the best method of dealing with objections. Salespeople should understand that no product is perfect. There are bound to be certain vulnerable areas or features of their product or services. These features have immense chances of being materially different from other competitive products in the market or getting misunderstood by a section of the target audience. There may be many disadvantages attached to a product one is trying to sell like high prices, limited features, lack of service representative in the immediate area, absence of cash discount etc. No matter what the drawbacks are, through the forestall method of objection the salespeople raise the objections before giving the buyer the chance to raise them. For e.g. if the price of a product is high. Before letting the buyer to raise the issue during the sales presentation the salesperson should forestall the objection in the following way: " Though you might feel that the price of this product i s higher than the competitors' product you would have to appreciate the fact that no competitor gives the after sales service as good as we do. Also, the latest technologies have been used to design this product which ensures that it would last longer than any other product in the market." Hence if the salespeople are able to forestall the objection convincingly the buyers are surely going to changer their thoughts without articulating the objection that was in their minds. Boomerang method is also very effective. In the words of Weitz " By using the boomerang method of responding to objections, the salesperson turns the objection into a reason for acting now." (1992, p. 290) Though this method appears very pushy, it can be effectively applied to all personality types. In today's fast pace world every body is short of time and might totally want to ignore the salespeople who are eager to seek an appointment or sell their products. The most common answer to sales call is that " Sorry I don't have enough time now. Perhaps we can talk about it later." Through boomerang technique the salesperson can make use of the time constraint of the buyer in the following way: " I know you have a very busy schedule and that is why this product is most suitable to you because it has the capacity of saving a lot of your time everyday which you can devote in other meaningful activities or in chores that you are longing to do but are not able to do due to lack of ti me." Time and money are the two main constraints of the buyer and through the boomerang method the salesperson can sell the product by making him realize the "benefit of investing these resources." (Weitz, 1992, p. 291) Part 2 To resolve the issue in question the 7 Problem Resolution and Recovery Procedures is the best option. The General Manager should deal with the customer in the following manner: Listen: Listening is the most important thing to do when a customer is complaining about something. Even if the General Manager knows about the entire incident she should listen to the customer attentively. This skill would help in resolving the conflict amicably. Its often found that just by listening attentively to a complaining customer his anger or dissatisfaction
Psychodynamic Personality Theories Essay Example for Free
Psychodynamic Personality Theories Essay Contemporary society is intrigued with the notion of human behavior as it expresses itself in our personality. Psychoanalytic model is most noted for introspective strategies such as depth interviewing and projective techniques, which have emanated from its theoretical perspective. Classical psychoanalytic conceptualization approached the study of character or personality in two very different ways, each deriving from an early theoretical model of individual development. In the era of Freud’s original drive theory, an attempt was made to understand personality on the basis of fixation. Later with the development of ego psychology, character was conceived as expressing the operation of particular styles of defense. This second way of understanding character was not in conflict with the first; it provided a different set of ideas and metaphors for comprehending what was meant by a type of personality (Magnavita, 2002). The contemporary psychodynamic model of personality is very popular, particularly with clinical practitioners, and offers much that is useful for conceptualizing personality and personal disorders. The strength of this model seems to lie in the power of many of its fundamental constructs, such as the unconscious, defense systems, and the relation among component personality structures. It is hard to imagine a psychology of personality without some reference to these and other constructs. The limitations of this model are many. Unfortunately, after years of perpetuating itself in a closed system, a crisis developed about the viability of this model. Another draw back is the tendency to eschew empirical research, which would have established wider scientific acceptance. For many, the conceptualizations and esoteric language make it difficult to immerse oneself in what seems a dogmatic intellectualized system for those who hide behind language. In conclusion knowing where to approximately place an individual on the structural continuum is as much a clinical art as a science. Reference Magnavita, J. J. (2002). Theories of personality: contemporary approaches to the science of personality. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Benefits of Environmental Law
Benefits of Environmental Law Introduction Dating back to 1970s the concept of environment and resource management in New Zealand has gradually developed to adjust to internationally addressed environmental issues fist recognised by the World Summit held in Stockholm in 1972 when the need to protect the environment was acknowledged by the political world (Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law). For a long period of time and especially in the last three decades, conservation issues have been on the political agenda in New Zealand. During this time, conservationist successful brought issues to the attention of governments and had policies and institutions introduced or changed to meet their demands (Buhrs and Barlett 1993). International influence The local thinking on the need to improve environmental management was influenced following an audit of New Zealands environmental management by the OECD on 1980. (Williams, 1997 cited in ENV 103 Resource Management and Environmental Law, Part 1) New Zealand is nationally and internationally regarded as a clean and green country due to the large areas of the country being relatively untouched and more than twenty per cent of the land being still under native bush. Having a population of only 3.5 millions, the country is seen as sparsely populated and pollution problems are regarded as minor comparing to other, more industrialised countries of the world. (Buhrs Bartlett, 1993) Buhrs Bartlett (1993) stated that New Zealand is able to prevent the environmental problems from emerging by learning from other countries experiences. Even though there have been improvements in some areas such as nature conservation, in other aspect New Zealand environmental policy has been slow comparing to other western countries (Buhrs Bartlett, 1993). Political and law reform in New Zealand Starting with The Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) being passed by Parliament In 1977, political and law reform in New Zealand has regulated the use of land enforcing the need for permission for any activities through local government. The TCPA was concerned with economics and economical development within New Zealand being directed mainly at zoning (Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law). One of the first documents identifying how the key ideas underlying the concept of sustainable development could be applied in New Zealand, The Integrated conservation and development: A Proposal for a New Zealand Conservation Strategy was prepared by The Nature conservation council in 1981 (Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law). Starting with The New Zealand Physical and Environmental Conference recommending the establishment of an Environmental Council, New Zealand has addressed the concerns that environmental costs were often overlooked during economic development (Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law). Benefits of Environmental Law for New Zealanders The clean and green image that New Zealand has managed to project to the world for such a log time is a very important part of the countries international image and has been sustained due to the countries ability to protect its natural heritage and local unique fauna and flora. Every person wants a clean environment in which to leave and leave for future generations. The New Zealanders environment is as much part of the countries image as its own history and culture. The clean environment it is as equally important for people as individuals as it is for the standard of life. The Influences in the development of environmental law in New Zealand have been as much internal as external even though the environmental issues have been in countrys agenda for a very long time. Having a very developed touristic economy, New Zealands environment plays an important role in the countys economical development and prosperity. Environmental law in New Zealand is vital for protecting all the factors influencing New Zealanders standard of life and the economical growth. Contributing factors to Environmental Law in New Zealand According to Buhrs Bartlett (1993), New Zealands unique flora and fauna and its distinctive species and ecosystems have suffered serious losses since human settlement. It is estimated that prior to human settlement eighty per cent of New Zealand was cover in forest. Since then the area covered by forest was significantly reduced to fifty-three per cent by 1840 and further to twenty-three per cent by 1983, making the treat to ecosystem one of the main contributing factors to Environmental Law in New Zealand. (Commission for the Environment, 1985 cited in Buhrs Bartlett, 1993) In 1928 increased public interest in conservation led to the introduction of the Public Reserves, Domains and National Parks Act. Several National Parks have been established by 1929 and another four during the 1950s. (Department of Statistics, 1989, pp.512-13 cited in Buhrs Bartlett, 1993 ). The conservationists concerns in regards to destruction of scenic beauty increased during 1950s continue trough 1970th and the early 1980s. Following battles over government proposal for the utilisation of beech forests, a new, more radical conservation organisation, the Beech Forest Action Council (later named the Native Forest Action Council) was established. The interest of the environment movement in New Zealand moved towards conservation issues to a global dimension during the 1980s and early 1990s. (Palmer, 1990 cited in Buhrs Bartlett, 1993) The Quality of Life Issue and Pollution are just some of many contributing factors to Environmental Law in New Zealand. The quality of life is often associated with the standard of living. However, a good standard of living, like the enjoyment of life, the quality of social relations within society and the satisfaction of psychological needs can contribute to the good quality of live but does not necessarily lead to it, while the low quality of living is often associated with people living in abject poverty(Buhrs Bartlett, 1993). The quality of life issues such as pollution, public health and human environment problems have not been the subject of public concerns until the early 1970s, when they started to play a more important role in the public agenda. Poor disposal and waste management has lead to further environmental health and pollution issues with the cleaning cost estimated at over $600 million. (Ministry for the Environment, 1993; Minister for the Environment, Media Statement, 16 December 1992; Stevenson, 1992 cited in Buhrs Bartlett, 1993). There are several factor categories that help explain why certain conditions or problems have a better chance of reaching the political agenda. The Socio-cultural context of New Zealand society has been receptive to nature conservation issues. The countrys natural environment and scenic beauty is seen as unique which has offered a significant level of support allowing the conservation movement in New Zealand to develop professionally and politically skilled organisations. Significant progress in conservation policy has also been achieved due to the economic factors as well as political-institutional factors. The relative seriousness of environmental problems also contribute to the political recognition of problems. Convergence is another factor which may explain why problems receive political attention despite the weakness, or even absence, of domestic pressure and demands. This is a process by which outside influences induce countries to adopt similar policies, (Buhrs Bartlett, 1993) The RMAs role in New Zealand One of the environmental Lows in New Zealand is The Resources Management Act (1991). This is the only law which is dealt with on a daily basis by many around New Zealand. Having clean air and unpolluted beaches are some of the qualities of our environment that we rely and values, which the RMA seeks to protect. It also encourages the protection of areas of our natural environment that provides habitat for ingenious species. The RMA set out to create a more streamlined, integrated and comprehensive approach to environmental management. The focus of RMA is on managing the effects of activities rather than regulating the activities themselves. The purpose of this Act is to promote the sustainable management of natural and physical resources. In this Act, sustainable management means managing the use, development, and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic, and cultural wellbeing and for their health and safety. New Zealand Legislation: Acts available at: The RMA controls the environmental impacts of activities through the requirement to apply for Resource Consents as well as through any conditions for permitted activities included in the relevant regional or district plan. Conclusions Environmental Law in New Zealand as well as globally is in constant and continuous development and reassessing due to the continuously changing environmental issues nationally as well as internationally. The influences in the development on environmental law in New Zealand have been as much internal as external even though the environmental issues have been in the countrys agenda for a very long time. New Zealands environmental law has gradually change to meet the countrys needs for protecting the indigenous flora and fauna affected by the increasing population and continuously changing environmental conditions. The countrys heritage has suffered dramatic changes over time with species broth to extinction or close to it. Learning from past experiences and from other countries experiences, New Zealand has managed to protect its clean and green image by practicing a environmental issue prevention policy. References BÃ ¼hrs, Ton and Robert V. Bartlett (1993) Environmental Policy in New Zealand. The Politics of Clean Green? Chapters 2 New Zealand Legislation: Acts available at: Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law Williams, D.A.R (1997). Environmental and Resource Management Law; cited in Study Guide 1: Resource Management and Environmental Law Bibliography Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand, (2005). Breaking Down Barriers The Resource Management Act Made Easy. Available from: Environmental Defence Society Website Ministry for the Environment lots of information about the Resource Management Act. Available at: Ministry for the Environment, (2006). Your Guide to the Resource Management Act. Available at: New Zealand Legislation: Acts (2008). Resource Management Act 1991. Available at: Hardin, Garrett (1968), The Tragedy of the Commons Science, 162 (13 December), pp. 1243-1248. (Reprinted in: Ken Conca, Michael Alberty, and Geoffrry D. Dabelko, eds. (1995), Green Planet Blues. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, pp.38-45).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Freshmen Fifteen :: essays research papers fc
Freshmen Fifteen: An Inescapable College Epidemic? Six months ago, she stood in front of her mirror, examining her body closely. Her stomach was flat and smooth, her waistline was to die for, and her friends and even complete strangers wished they had her shape in her size five jeans. She never had to work out, never played any sports, and she did not know what a squat was. She was happy and confident as her scale read 120 pounds. She smiled at the reflection of herself. She proudly wore her Seton Hall tank top and loved the feel of it. Six months later, she examines herself again. Her stomach has a little bulge and her hips spread slightly. Her skin hangs over her jeans, enticing her friends and family to laugh and pinch at it. The button on those size five jeans always comes undone when she sits down, consequently causing an open fly to embarrass her whenever she leaves class. She had to buy six new pairs of jeans, all of which were size sevens and nines. The Seton Hall tank top that she proudly wore before now has a tear on one of the straps and a hole in the back stitching. Her scale reads an unthinkable 130 pounds; she walks around shell shocked, for the rest of the day. The girl who you have just read about is not fictitious; she is the very real victim of the dreaded â€Å"Freshmen Fifteen†epidemic. Why do so many freshmen gain this excessive amount of weight? The odds of staying the same weight are strongly against us. The first and most obvious reason for weight gain is food. College cafeterias are smorgasbords of hot, greasy, fatty, empty calorie foods. At Seton Hall University, all freshmen are required to purchase a meal plan that comes with various amounts of Pirate dollars that can only be used on food. These Pirate Dollars are equal to one dollar and students are given an overage each semester. In order to avoid losing money, many students use these dollars to buy snacks in between all three meals. At the end of the year, the money is not refundable, so students must splurge once again in order to avoid throwing away their money. Whether students’ classes are far apart or back to back, they are likely to stuff themselves because they need to prepare to sit through about 3 or more hours of lecture, or their next class isn’t for another two or three hours and they plan to eat and â€Å"take a quick catnap.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
College Student Loans Skyrocket Essay -- essays research papers
If you're counting on government student loans to get you through college or graduate school, count on paying them back. The Education Department has become one of the toughest debt collectors around. Over the past decade, the agency has steadily expanded its arsenal for dealing with former students who don't repay. A 1998 change in federal law made it extremely difficult for people to escape student loans through personal bankruptcy. The Education Department also can now seize parts of borrowers' paychecks, tax refunds and Social Security payments without a court order, a power similar to the IRS's. Access to a government database of newly employed workers has enabled the department to make much more effective use of private collection agencies. And it can go after even decades-old student loans, because there's no statute of limitations on them, unlike most consumer debt. As a result, the Education Department collected $5.7 billion in defaulted student loans in the past fiscal year, more than twice as much as in 1998. For current loans that go into default, the department now projects it will ultimately retrieve every dollar of principal, plus almost 20% in fees and overdue interest. The aggressive approach has sparked an outcry from some borrowers, consumer advocates and even some bankruptcy-court judges. They complain that the department runs over some former students who have suffered reversals of fortune. Some who favor a softer stance argue that student loans are ...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Gender, Genocide and Consequence: Srebrenica Examined
Introduction The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines genocide as â€Å"the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political or cultural group†. Genocide is exactly what happened in the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina during July 1995. Between 6 and 11 July 1995 more than 25,000 Bosnian Muslims, most of them women, children and elderly people living in and around town of Srebrenica, were forced to leave the town (Cemic 2007). In addition, 7,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were massacred by the Republika Srpska army in and around Srebrenica (Cemic 2007).The Srebrenica genocide was one of the biggest massacres that Europe has seen since World War II (Simic 2008). The women and children who survived it became witnesses and survivors whose testimonies and courage to find out, face and disseminate the truth gave them hero status in Bosnia and around the world (Simic 2008). Every year on July 11, politicians and key players from the international as well local community come to Potocari to pay tribute to all of the victims identified so far and those still missing (Simic 2008).Each anniversary of the genocide attracts more and more people from around the world who want to come and share their compassion and maybe even ‘guilt' for not doing more to prevent this horrible event (Simic 2008). Following Bosnia’s declaration of independence from the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY) in March 1992, a civil war broke out in progressive stages between the three ethnic communities that had existed in Bosnia for several centuries (Turns 2007).Although initially internal in nature, this conflict was ‘internationalised’ at various points by the intervention of armed forces from both Serbia and Croatia on the sides of their respective co-ethnic forces (Turns 2007). With the internationally recognised government of the new republic in Muslim hands, nationalistic elements in the Serbian component of the population sta rted fighting against the Bosnian Government’s forces (Turns 2007).Although initially the Croats and Muslims combined forces against the Serbs, subsequent fighting also broke out between Croatian and Government forces (largely over the division of the town of Mostar); the Serbs and Croats also fought against each other (Turns 2007). Both of the non-Muslim nationalist leadership groups had similar aims, namely either outright independence for those parts of Bosnia where their ethnic populations primarily resided or, preferably, union with their o-ethnic neighbouring states: the Republics of Serbia and Croatia (Turns 2007). As this would inevitably entail the dismemberment of the Bosnian State, the Muslim Government fought against both groups (Turns 2007). Srebrenica is a small town in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina that lies about 10 miles from the border with Serbia. While essentially ignoring three years of slaughter, the United Nations Security Council did designate Srebren ica a â€Å"safe area†in which encircled Muslims (now called Bosniaks) could find sanctuary (Lischer 2012).But a few hundred outgunned UN peacekeepers from the Netherlands provided only a veneer of protection which cracked under pressure from the Bosnian Serbs. (Lischer 2012). The result was the largest mass killing in Europe since the Holocaust (Lischer 2012). In summary, this literature review will investigate what happened during the genocide, short term and long term impacts, the geopolitical transformation and the controversies surrounding the infamous July 1995 Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Discussion The fall of YugoslaviaYugoslavia (which consisted of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia) was a peaceful nation when formed after the Second World War, and then suddenly everything began to change. In 1991, following the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the former Yugoslavia began to disinteg rate (Totten 2006). The country degenerated into conflict between the three major groups–Serbs, Muslims, and Croatians–that had lived in peace under Dictator Josip Broz Tito (Totten 2006).The Socialistic Republic of BiH was born after WW II with the creation of the Socialistic Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (Simic 2009). The same year this newly independent state was plunged into almost four years of internal conflict (Simic 2009). Yugoslavia maintained peace during the 40 years Tito ruled, but when he died in 1980 following the Cold War, nationalist and separatist ideologies began to arise and disrupt tranquility within the country (Long 2012).Slobodan Milosevic, formerly Serbia's Communist Party leader, strategically adhered to nationalism and became the ruler of Serbia and the most authoritative dignitary in Yugoslavia by 1989 (Long 2012). However, his forceful attempts to take over the federal government of Yugoslavia and unjust decisions he made out of self-int erest drove Croatia and Slovenia to seek independence in 1991, and Bosnia-Herzegovina followed in 1992 (Long 2012). Even though European community and the United States recognized Bosnia as an independent country, the Muslim, Serb, and Croat groups within Bosnia all began to fight for territory (Long 2012).Although many of the Muslims in Bosnia originally thought the Yugoslav National Army (YNA) would protect them, the fourth largest army in Europe was under the command of Milosevic, whose ultimate at the cost of many non-Serbs' lives, to create a Greater Serbia (Long 2012). The YNA launched many vicious attacks against non-Serb citizens in Bosnia with the help of the Republicka Srpska's (the leading Serb par in Bosnia) Drina Corps (Long 2012).An ugly war ensued, especially between the Serbs and the Bosnians (Long 2012). In 1993, Serb attacks on Bosnian Muslims increased in eastern Bosnia, and the latter fled their homes and villages to seek protection in the nearby town of Srebreni ca (and a 30-square-mile area surrounding it), which had been designated a United Nations-sponsored â€Å"safe area†(Totten 2006). The safe area had been developed as a result of Security Council Resolution 819 on April 16, 1993 (Totten 2006).Subsequently, the UN forged an agreement in which the Muslim troops in the enclave of Srebrenica would disarm, the Serbs would halt their attacks on the enclave, and the UN would oversee and enforce the cease-fire (Totten 2006). While both Serbs and Muslims periodically violated the agreement, the Serb forces were the ones who, over the years, applied ever-increasing pressure on the Muslims in Srebrenica (and on the Dutch Battalion, commonly referred to as â€Å"Dutchbat,†charged with protecting the safe area) by periodically shelling them and preventing humanitarian assistance from entering the enclave (Totten 2006).By July of 1995 thousands of civilians had taken refuge in the city of Srebrenica to escape from Serb attacks in northeastern Bosnia (Long 2012). On July 6, 1995, under the orders of Rodovan Karadzic, president of Republika Srpska the VRS began an offensive attack on Sebrenica by firing mortal shells into the city (Long 2012). As the attacks increased in number and ferocity, NATO authorities discussed the possibility of air strikes against Serb-held areas (Totten 2006).When planes were finally able to perform air strikes, after dropping only two bombs on VRS forces outside of Srebrenica the VRS threatened to kill their Dutch hostages and attack the refugees in an enclave in Srebrenica with mortar shells (Long 2012). NATO responded by immediately ordering a stop to the air strikes (Long 2012). A column of 15,000 weak and underfed Muslim men fled toward Tuzla, a Bosnian government held territory nearly 40 miles away, leaving behind their wives, daughters, young sons, and elderly fathers. (Long 2012).The Serbs were prepared for the Muslim men to flee to Tuzla, and were given orders by Radislav Kr stic, commander of the VRS, to kill every single person in the column; â€Å"You must kill everyone. We don't need anyone alive†said Krstic (Long 2012). Even knowing their escape was a futile attempt, the Muslim men felt they had no other choice but to flee (Long 2012). On 11 July 1995, after they occupied Srebrenica, Bosnian Serb forces executed between 7,000 and 8,000 men (Simic 2009). By the evening of July 11, 1995, Srebrenica was void of a single living Muslim (Long 2012).The genocide in Srebrenica was the largest single act of genocide in Europe in 50 years, or since the Nazi-perpetrated Holocaust (Totten 2006). Court and Controversy On 26 February 2007, one of the longest running and most tortuous pieces of litigation in the history of the International Court of Justice came to a close when a decision on the merits was handed down in the case brought by Bosnia and Herzegovina (‘Bosnia') against Serbia and Montenegro (‘Serbia') in March 1993 (Turns 2007).In 1993 the United Nations Security Council, acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, had established the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (‘ICTY') in order to prosecute persons alleged to have committed serious violations of international humanitarian law–including genocide (15)–anywhere in the territory of the former Yugoslavia; this was largely a response to the atrocities that were being reported from Bosnia in particular (Turns 2007).In its application to the Court, Bosnia requested declarations that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (‘FRY') ‘has breached, and is continuing to breach, its legal obligations' towards Bosnia under a number of international treaties, including the Genocide Convention, the Geneva Conventions of 1949, Additional Protocol I thereto of 1977, the Hague Regulations of 1907, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 (Turns 2007). In April 2001, Serbia filed with the Court an Application forRevision of the 1996 Judgment on Preliminary Objections (Turns 2007). This was followed the next month by another document, in which Serbia argued that: (i) it had not been a party to the Statute of the ICJ until its admission to the UN on 1 November 2000; (ii) that it never had been, and still was not, a party to the Genocide Convention; and (iii) that when it had acceded to the Genocide Convention on 8 March 2001, it had entered a reservation to art IX thereof (Turns 2007).The ICJ affirmed it had jurisdiction and found, by thirteen votes to two, that Serbia had not conspired to commit genocide nor had it incited the commission of genocide in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention (Cernic 2007). The ICJ also found, by eleven votes to four, that Serbia had not been complicit in genocide (Cernic 2007).However, the ICJ did find that Serbia had violated its obligation under the Genocide Convention to prevent genocide in Srebrenica, and that i t had also violated its obligations under the Genocide Convention by having failed to co-operate fully with the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (‘ICTY') (Cernic 2007). The ICJ held that the genocide in Srebrenica was committed by the Republika Srpska army under the command of its VRS Main Staff, which did possess the specific ‘genocidal intent' (Cernic 2007). Can a state commit the crime of genocide?The ICJ held that States can commit the crime of genocide (Cernic 2007). It held that the effect of article I of the Genocide Convention ‘is to prohibit states themselves from committing genocide' which follows from the categorisation of genocide as a crime against international law (Cernic 2007). The ICJ acknowledged the crimes in Srebrenica ‘were committed, at least in part, with the resources which the perpetrators of those acts possessed as a result of the general policy of aid and assistance pursued towards them by the FRY'(Cernic 20 07).The Bosnian Serbs maintained that the graves were filled with Muslim soldiers killed during combat and denied the accusations that a massacre took place (Long 2012). However, on October 29, 1995, reporters from the Christian Science Monitor, during an unauthorized visit, discovered a heap of clothing, shoes, and eyeglasses next to what appeared to be a freshly dug grave in the city of Sahanici (Long 2012). However, there were no signs that a battle took place, and a few canes as well as a crutch were also discovered–evidence that countered the Bosnian Serbs' that the graves contained Muslim combat casualties (Long 2012).Four primary figures emerged as the main conspirators responsible for the Srebrenica massacre: Slobodan Milosevic, the former Yugoslav president; Radovan Karadzic, the former political leader of the Bosnian Serbs; Ratko Mladic, Karadzic's former chief military commander; and Radislav Krstic, former commander of the Drina Corps (Long 2012). The UN court rul ed the Srebrenica massacre a genocide and eventually brought charges against these four individuals, but so far Krstic is the only one who has been convicted (Long 2012). Gender and Genocide While the international community and U. N. eacekeepers looked on, Serb forces separated civilian men from women and killed thousands of men en masse, or hunted them down in the forests (Jones 2002). Realizing the UN would not protect them, around 25,000 refugees, mainly consisting of women, children, and elderly men, attempted to escape to the town of Potocari in hopes of seeking protection in a UN compound within the city (Long 2012). A great many of the men who had sought to flee through the hills to Tuzla were doomed as well (Jones 2002). Around 23,000 women and children were deported over an estimated period of 30 hours to safe Muslim territories (Long 2012).The remaining males (around 1,700) were held in trucks and warehouses to be supposedly interrogated for war crimes (Long 2012). In wha t was a well-planned succession of events, the victims were transported from building to building and held for long periods of time without food or water before they were finally executed (Long 2012). Some men were killed individually or in small groups, but the majority of the murders took place in mass numbers (Long 2012). In one of the mass murders, between 1,000 and 1,500 men were crammed into a pitch-black warehouse (Long 2012).Soldiers began throwing grenades into the warehouse and shooting their machine guns into the building (Long 2012). Any men who tried to escape from the building were immediately gunned down by the soldiers (Long 2012). Many hundreds more were massacred at a football field near Nova Kasaba, the worst killing ground of the entire five-day slaughter (Jones 2002). While at some sites there was grave digging machinery, at the soccer field selected men were forced to dig graves and watch others be shot into those (Long 2012). Eventually, these men and were sho t into their own graves (Long 2012).When a bulldozer finally did arrive, around 400 men were thrown into a grave and buried alive (Long 2012). After all was said and done, between the days of July 11-16, 1995, over 8,000 Muslim men were killed in Bosnia (Long 2012). Srebrenica is a textbook case of gendercide (Simic 2009). While all males were executed, females were forcibly expelled leading to the creation of an ethnically cleansed area (Simic 2009). By killing all males who were capable of ‘holding a gun', the Serbian forces eliminated the direct threat of young potential future fighters, thus reducing the strength of the rival community (Simic 2009).Prior to the war, Srebrenica was a traditional town where males were the prime breadwinners and the head of households (Simic 2009). The gendercide in Srebrenica disrupted the gender cast of BiH society by leaving almost 40% of the internally displaced population with female headed-households (Simic 2009). Left without their hus bands, women suddenly needed skills and education to be able to take part in a job market in BiH where almost 40% of people are still considered as unemployed (Simic 2009).Thus, the elimination of the male population had tremendous social, economic and psychological consequences on the women, leaving them to be sole breadwinners while coping with traumatic experiences they had endured and searching for the bones of their sons and husbands (Simic 2009). However, despite the challenges they faced these women joined together and left their private sphere of mourning to go into the public domain demanding a series of actions to be taken by local and international governments (Simic 2009).In doing so, they transformed their experience as victims into an activism that has attracted international attention and respect (Simic 2009). Aftermath Following the massacre, a handful of survivors from various massacre sites came forward and offered their testimonies, describing the brutal and horri fic murders they witnessed (Long 2012). Finally, almost a year after the massacre, in July of 1996, forensic experts performed exhumations of some of the mass grave sites without the permission of Serb authorities (Long 2012).As time drew on, more grave sites were discovered and examined, and more bodies were accounted for, Investigators found many bodies in smaller graves in areas farther from Srebrenica (Long 2012). The bodies were easily linked to Srebrenica, as several licenses and photographs of Muslims who had been in Srebrenica were found in the graves (Long 2012). Even in the large graves with fewer bodies, forensic investigations found significant evidence suggesting that most of the victims were not killed during combat (Long 2012).Also, prosthetic limbs, canes, and crutches found in the graves suggested that many of the victims were severely handicapped and would not have been able to fight in combat (Long 2012). Extensive forensic investigations of the Srebrenica massacr e sites have so far turned up some 3,000 bodies but only a few have been successfully identified (Jones 2002). The forensics teams who worked on the Srebrenica site gathered vital experience in their exhumation of the graves, and were able to employ their skills anew in the Kosovo gendercide four years later (Jones 2002).The memory of Srebrenica's men has been kept alive by their womenfolk, even though the women survivors of the Srebrenica genocide still live scattered as displaced persons in BiH (Simic 2009). In Tuzla where the majority of them fled during the genocide, these women established the association of the ‘Mothers of Srebrenica' (Simic 2009). The association has an important voice in BiH, demands a complete investigation of the massacre, the opening of mass graves and the identification and burial of their sons, husbands and fathers who vanished in July 1995 (Simic 2009).Although the ‘Mothers' only registered as association of citizens in 1999, their protests and persuasive efforts to bring about justice started back in 1996, when they stormed the Red Cross offices to protest a stalled investigation on the fate of their missing men (Simic 2009). The group's list of primary demands reads as follows: †¢The full facts of Srebrenica should be revealed and publicised. †¢All graves should be exhumed and bodies identified without delay. †¢Any survivors of Srebrenica held prisoner in Republika Srpska [Bosnian Serb territories] or the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should be released immediately. The people of Srebrenica should be enabled to return to their homes. †¢There should be a full & open international investigation into the failure of the UN to protect the Safe Area of Srebrenica. †¢All indicted and suspected war criminals, including Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic and Slobodan Milosevic, and all those complicit with genocide, should be arrested and brought to trial (Jones 2002). In spring 2000, General Radislav K rstic, â€Å"the highest-ranking Bosnian Serb commander before the UN War Crimes tribunal in The Hague,†stood trial for the genocidal atrocities at Srebrenica (Jones 2002).In August 2001, Krstic was convicted and sentenced to 46 years in prison (Jones 2002). Conclusions In conclusion, the war between the Bosnian Muslims and the Bosnian Serbs was a turning point for the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Not only did it impact the citizens of the country, but it also impacted the structure and the politics of it. This began with the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia which consisted of the countries now known as Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro. After Bosnia’s independence declaration the country was plunged into conflict between the three major groups; Serbs, Muslims and Croatians.An ugly war ensued between the Muslims and Serbs that lasted nearly 4 years. By July of 1995, thousands of civilians had taken refuge in the town of Srebrenica w hich was deemed a safe zone. In my opinion, the UN troops that were supposed to be protecting the country did a very poor job. The Serbian army began a vicious attack on the city and began the execution of thousands of Muslim men. Over 8000 men had been killed from July 11-16, 1995. Mass killings were performed in warehouses, schools and even soccer fields. Men were shot, bombarded with grenades and buried alive in some cases.Years later in 2007, the International Court of Justice came to a decision on the merits handed down in the case brought by Bosnia against Serbia where Bosnia accused Serbia of violating international humanitarian law, including genocide. The question of whether or not a country could commit the act of genocide was brought up; the ICJ decided that it was possible. I, however, do not agree with this statement. I believe that in order for a country to commit genocide, every single citizen would have to take part in it and that was not the case.Of course the four men accused should be found guilty of genocide, but as for the country, I do not believe so. Serbia argued against the claims, stating that the bodies that were buried were Muslim soldiers and combat casualties and not victims of genocide. However, evidence of clothing, shoes, eyeglasses, canes and prosthetic limbs were found. Men who needed canes or prosthetic limbs would not be allowed to fight in combat and therefore the graves could not have been filled with soldiers. The massacre was ruled a genocide and charges have been made against the Serbs in charge of the attacks.In the future, I will conduct more research on this case to find a more in depth examination of both parties and what they had argued. Following the massacre, survivors came forward and offered testimonies, describing the events that happened. An exhumation of the grave sites began which helped gives names to bodies found in the graves. The skills learned through this process were later used in other genocides. T he memory of the victims of Srebrenica has been kept alive by its women. They have started organizations such as Mothers of Srebrenica and changed the gender cast of society.With the men gone, women were forced into the role of head of household leaving social, psychological and economic consequences on the women. As devastating as the massacre was, I believe that the consequences have had an overall positive impact on Bosnian society. Women were now seen as members of society who could work the same jobs as men, and the Mothers have accomplished a lot for the citizens, for example ensuring that the facts of Srebrenica were available to the public. Further research could be conducted on the association to see more of what they had accomplished and how they did it.In my opinion, the Mothers of Srebrenica are inspirational and prove that no matter how bad an event may be, something positive can always come out of it. What happened during the Bosnian war was heartbreaking and terrible; however, focus should be put on the good that came out of it, and the lessons that can be learned from the events that happened. References: Cemic, J. (2007). Case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), judgment of 26 February 2007, General List No. 91. Australian International Law Journal.Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA191955759&v=2. 1&u=ko_k12hs_d68&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w Jones, A. (2002). Case Study: The Srebrenica Massacre, July 1995. Gendercide Watch. Retrieved from http://www. gendercide. org/case_srebrenica. html Li, D. (2000). Anatomy of a Balkan Massacre. Harvard International Review. Retrieved fromhttp://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA67318464&v=2. 1&u=ko_k12hs_d68&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w Lischer, S. (2012). The Scars of Genocide. American Scholar. Retrieved fromhttp://go. galegroup. com/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA302117166&v=2. 1&u=ko_k1 2hs_d68&it=r&p=AONE&sw=w Long, L. (2006). The Srebrenica
Thursday, October 10, 2019
My Christian Way of Life Essay
I would not start this personal essay by saying that I am a devout Christian and that I love helping people or something to that effect. I am a Christian; however, I am not the devout type. I do not regularly attend church gatherings. I do not really engage in community services or avoid vices. My moral beliefs were first cultivated by my parents’ teaching. They are devout Catholic, so it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus Christ is the most influential philosopher in my life. It is because of Him that I am able to walk through life confidently and accept different challenges. I am against violence and vengeance because He has taught us to forgive. Nevertheless, I still have my own spiritual doubts and questions about life and about being a Christian. I also consider myself as a victim of popular culture who has the tendency to get easily influenced by unreasonable circumstances. I am skeptical most of the time which is why I am convinced that Pepperdine is the most fitting university which can cater my needs for spiritual development. The fact that George Pepperdine did not mean for any of the university’s students to become full-pledged or devout Christians is what attracts me most in the university’s mission. It interest me not because I do not want to become strictly dictated by Christian values but because in this critical point of my life, I believe that I need all the freedom to make my own choices so I can later ponder about them and reflect on my own life. At a young age, a person must be allowed to discover his or her own spirituality by his or her own means. This way, this person can become more experienced and driven to arrive to what he or she believes is the truth about one’s spiritual being. If one would analyze one’s surroundings closely, it is evident that we live in a material world. Everything that our eyes conceive is physically material. On the contrary, I believe that there is much more in this world than earthly things. The world is a puzzle that we need to piece togetherâ€â€a problem that we need to solve. However, it is a problem unsolvableâ€â€a problem too complex and beyond comprehension. Yet, we can only see the world as such if we close our eyes from superficiality and open them to greater extents. Simply put, the world is merely an illusion that we have created to fulfill our sightâ€â€and the only way to avoid being fully blinded by it is to develop our own spirituality. A person who aspires to accomplish a developed spiritual being must learn how to act in his or her own accord. Religion can be quite pressuring at times, which can even cause a person to lose his way. However, if one is given enough leeway to discover everything on his or her own, this person becomes more responsible in choosing the right path without any feeling of rebellion or being forced. I am confident that through the guidance of a university which values Christianity, I can become more disciplined and responsible in discovering the spiritual aspect of my life. I do not usually attend Sunday church but I honestly have my so-called personal relationship with God. I am more comfortable in talking to Him like a confidant who is always ready and available to listen than repeating prayers everyday. George Pepperdine is right. Maybe I am not fully aware yet of what is the real Christian way of life. Maybe â€Å"personal relationship†with God is not enough to be called a true Christian. Maybe it includes so much more than just a relationship. I guess I am not that confident yet about my own spirituality which is more than just a reason enough for me to become accepted in this university.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
FAT file systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
FAT file systems - Essay Example File Allocation Tables (FAT) is of huge significance to the users of Compact Flash (CF) because the requirement of FAT type is different for the devices that are optimized with over 2.14 gigabytes (GB) of storage capacity unlike those that require only 2.13 GB. This topic has gained huge importance specifically after the hard disk’s application into the personal computers. This paper tends to create awareness among the camera users regarding the FAT through a comprehensive discussion of its history. Introduction: The subject of this white paper is the illustration of FAT File Systems. This white paper is directed at creating an understating among the users of camera regarding the File Allocation Tables, which are generally referred to as FAT. Because of the disparity between the need of FAT type among different devices, Compact Flash (CF) users need to be given a thorough understanding of the FAT so that they may be able to make the right choice as per their device. The scope of this white paper is limited to the discussion of history of FAT File Systems along with a brief review of the relation of FAT with the Compact Flash (CF) devices which generate files with sizes up to 5+ mega pixels. This white paper first gives a comprehensive account of the historical background of FAT. This is followed by a review of the use of FAT File Systems in CF. Finally, the findings are concluded in the last section. History of FAT File System: Development of FAT File System: In February, 1976, during his stay at the Albuquerque’s Hilton Hotel spanning five days, a child known as Bill Gates who has gained immense fame for his contributions in the world of computer developed and coded FAT (Gilbert). â€Å"FAT was designed for small disks and simple folder structures†(Microsoft). Replacement of floppy disks with double-sided diskettes: The original Personal Computers made use of floppy disks for carrying the data whose capacity usually used to be 180 kilobyt es. After the floppy disks, use of double-sided diskettes increased. The double-sided diskettes used to be double the capacity of the floppy disks and were up to 5 ? inches in size. The initial DOS developers indicated the relation of sectors to individual files as well as identified the vacant tables by creating tables with a view to organizing the data. As a result of this, the Operating System (DOS) was able to use the limited space on the double-sided diskettes to the maximum limit. There was no more the need of availability of a continuous series of sectors for saving the files. It was possible to break up the data for the files and distribute that everywhere in the double-sided diskette in an increasingly organized and sequenced fashion; a process that is frequently referred to as fragmentation. Nevertheless, it was fortunate in those times to be able to keep the data in one diskette because one would not need to switch the diskettes in and out alternately time and again while the program’s operation would continue. Selection of table length: There are 768 sectors upon a diskette with a capacity of 360 KB. This required the table to be large enough in order to determine every single sector of the total of 768. There was also the requirement of some room for expansion because the developers were aware of the on-going creation of larger diskettes. Number of possible values permitted by the use of one byte per table did not exceed 512, so that would not practically serve the purpose. On the other hand, two bytes would waste the disk space by permitting 16384 entries. Thus, decision had to be made somewhere in between one and two bytes. So finally, table with the length of 12 bits that were equal to 1.5 bytes were chosen so that the usage of sectors on the first double-sided diskettes could be traced. As a result of this, 4096 possible values were permitted. Such a FAT table was able to deal with storage devices with the capacity as large as 2 GB prov ided that each entry
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Fighting Crime Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fighting Crime Case Study - Essay Example The problems that accost the efforts of fighting crime are multifaceted, with some touching on the nature of criminal justice, while others are not related to the American justice system. One of the problems that beset war on crime is overcrowding in prisons. Walmsley (2005) for instance points out that not only is America imprisoning more people than Russia is doing, but that for every 100,000 Americans, 714 are in prison also. Racial profiling is presented as a force against the fair justice system. For instance, the African American makes up 13% of the US population yet it accounts for 40.7% of America’s 2.1 million convicts. As is pointed out further, these politicians are part of policymakers who relegate themselves to linear thinking, instead of approaching issues from general to specific perspective.Again, it is pointed out that part, this is because law-abiding citizens naturally prefer malefactors to be in jail, yet they also make up the American majority. Because of this, candidates whose policies favor incarceration in lieu of parole are likely to win. The flipside of this is that overcrowding in the prison system proliferates crime in the same system.Â
Monday, October 7, 2019
Principles of Detail Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Principles of Detail Design - Essay Example Clements et al differentiate architectural design from detailed design in a uniquely interesting way. He alluded that architecture could be defined as a form of design yet the reverse was not possible. The interpretation is that design is not within the realms of architecture since the end of any masterpiece can be manipulative. There is a close relation between detailed design, architecture and construction. From this, designers aiming for success in detailed design are obligated to have or obtain full understanding of the requirements and architecture of the system. Proficiency in particular design strategies such as object-oriented, programming languages, and methods and processes for software quality control becomes a requirement. Detailed design acts as a bridge between design and code in the same way that architecture provides a link between requirements and design. When it comes to implementation, it can be debated that most problem solving activities occur in the detailed des ign phase. This can be demonstrated in the case where a formal process is followed, and the requirements are met by the detailed design and architecture. In numerous real-world applications, intricate problem solving is deferred by the architectural design activity to the detailed design, predominantly through abstraction. In some instances, specifying requirements is also submitted to detailed design. In view of these reasons, detailed design has to assume the role of gatekeeper to ensure that the specification and design of the system are sufficiently completed even before construction begins. This can be particularly hard for large-scale systems built from scratch devoid of experience with the development of systems that are alike. Tasks such as understanding the requirements and architecture, documenting software design, evaluating detailed designs, monitoring and controlling implementation, and creating detailed designs, become major factors in implementing detailed design acti vity. In contrast to software architecture, where the comprehensive set of conditions are assessed and well understood, detailed design activity calls for designers to focus on the requirements assigned to their explicit components. After understanding the architecture and requirements for allocated components, is when the detailed design of software modules can begin. The components of detailed design include both behavioral and structural designs. This is demonstrated by the focus on interface design (which includes internal interface design and external interface design), graphical user interface design-which could be an extension of the designs started during architecture, and internal component design (both structural and behavioral), and data design. The Open-Closed principle (OCP) is a crucial principle for creating recyclable and adjustable systems that advance gracefully with time. The key idea behind the OCP is that working code should remain untouched and any new addition s should come as extensions of the original work. This does not mean that designs modification cannot occur; it means they should be done by incorporating new code
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Critical Analysis of Company Value Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical Analysis of Company Value Chain - Essay Example The firm has communicated the standards required, an aspect that has improved the strategic relationship with the suppliers. Starbucks operations are undertaken in more than 65 countries across the world. According to the company’s profile, there are 8870 subsidiaries that are operated by the company across the world. Moreover, there are approximately 8000 stores that have been licensed to operate on behalf of the company. Starbucks’ outbound logistics involves selling products through its stores without the use of the intermediaries. However, currently, some of the company products are being sold through various leading supermarkets in the country. Starbucks, mainly depend on the word-of-mouth to market its products and services. This is achieved through provision of high quality products that meets the tastes and preferences of the target market (Dijk, Trienekens, & European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes 2012). Nevertheless, in some cases, the company gives prospecting customers an opportunity to sample the products. Furthermore, the company uses audio, visual, and print media in order to reach the target market. This plays a significant role in attracting the customers towards the company’s products. The company’s main objective is driven from its mission statement. It entails providing quality and superior level customer services. Subordinates are encouraged to put more focus towards the satisfaction of the customers. This has been critical to the overall success of the company. Storage is one initiative that costs Starbucks a lot of money. In many cases, the firm is forced to store excess products in anticipation for better prices. The costs of electricity, administration, and maintenance of the stores increases the overall costs of production. However, in order to reduce the costs of storage, the company can contract a logistic company to operate its stores. This is
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Management Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Management Accounting - Assignment Example The information is used to analyse the influence of the company’s undertakings on key accounts such as costs and profits. Therefore, it is fair to mention that the costing systems facilitate decision-making by providing critical information suitable for operation analysis. The common types of costing systems are the activity based costing and the absorption costing system. The paper will provide a profit and loss statement prepared using both the ABC and absorption costing system. In addition, a discussion will be included to explain to Riptide Plc’s manager that the ABC system provides extra information suitable for decision-making. Let us determine the absorption rate for the two departments (machine and assembly department). The absorption rate for machine department = (overhead allocated to machine department/ machine hours) = (504,000/420,000) = $ 1.2/ machine hour. Therefore, the overhead cost per product is as below. The absorption rate for the assembly department = (overhead allocated to assembly department/ direct labour hours) = (437,000/530,000) = $ 0.8245/ labour hour. Therefore, the overhead cost per product is below. Profit statements have been prepared using the ABC system and the absorption costing system. In the process of making the profit statements, the costs incurred by Riptide plc when producing the three products have also been identified based on the two costing systems. Based Table F below, the cost per unit under the ABC system for product XYI, YZT and ABW are  £ 39.25,  £ 92.025 and  £ 73.583. Under absorption costing, product XYI and YTZ cost more than the same products’ costs under the ABC system. However, product ABW cost more under the ABC than it costs under absorption system. Therefore, the differences in the cost of the products under the two costing systems are summarized in Table F below. Based on Table G below,
Friday, October 4, 2019
Compare and Contrast the NW Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast the NW Essay In this essay I intend to compare and contrast the region of North West Brazil to South East Brazil. The purpose of this essay is to see if dependent on which area of Brazil you are situated in reflects on the education, health care etc. you are provided with / can receive. The location of Brazil is that of which Brazil occupies almost one half of the entire South American continents, and is the fifth largest countries in the world. It borders all Latin American countries except Chile and Ecuador. Brazil also occupies 7,491km coastline and the 50,000km navigable inland waterways. Brazil has many large cities the top 6 most populated are Sau Paulo, Rio Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Brasilia in that order. The main city of North West Brazil and that is the country that I will mainly focus on and the main cities of south east Brazil are Rio Janeiro and Sau Paulo and they are the cities I will focus on for the south east part of this essay. Brazil is a republic. In a republic, the people vote for members of the government. Brazils government is made up of three different parts, or branches. These three parts are called the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The executive branch is made up of the president, vice president and the cabinet. The president and vice president are elected by the people and serve for four years. The cabinet is a group of people the president chooses to help him or her. The executive branch makes sure the laws are obeyed. The government doesnt alter in accordance to the area of which you are situated in Brazil the government tries and succeeds in providing equal terms of governing throughout the country no matter where you live weather it is in Manaus or in Rio de Janeiro. The legislative branch is the National Congress which makes the laws. It is made up of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The judicial branch is made up of judges. They make sure that he laws are fair. Education in Brazil can vary between areas such as in Amazonia For this reason many schools were built in the villages local towns and run by volunteer teachers as they had no financial backing. This is different in the south east because e the schools there have financial backing and are in larger more productive atmosphere this is so because it is a larger and a larger cities it has colleges and universities which can help children get more out of life and to help with their future and is more inclined to do this because the up growing city is based on education and without one you are not likely to succeed in the up and coming city and all that comes with it where as in Amazonia an education isnt needed as much as it is the city this is because you generally dont need to be educated to survive but it is still as in Sao Paulo classed as important because they know that the children may one day wish to leave and they will need and education to help them in their chosen future. In Amazonia the majority of people live in a village/ tribe where they build their own homes / huts to live in these are made of the trees and the resources found in the forest and arent really set into certain classes yet in the city that is very different where the lower class has to put up with home made houses made from rubbish and disgarded wood and tin where also the middle class live in houses e.g. flats rented accommodation as they have jobs which either pays well enough to be able to afford to rent or that the company provides housing. The housing of the upper class is very different they are that of big large villas which so of their wealth and show people which statues they belong to. The informal sector is where a lot of people in the cities work as it is where anyone can work and buy/ sell and get anything repaired and they dont have to pay taxes so this is the best way for people to earn a living if they are uneducated. Brazils climate is very warm and most of the country does not get cold even in winter. Although it is hot, there is often heavy rain. The region around the Amazon rainforest is close to the equator. The average temperature there is about 27decreese centigrade. Rainforests are also very humid and get far more rain then anywhere else, which is how they get their name. Brazil is on the opposite side of the equator to Europe and the USA, and in the northern half of the globe, above the equator. Brazil and Australia are in the southern half of the globe. When it is winter in London and New York, it is summer in Brazil and Sydney. In conclusion to this essay I have found out that the North West (Amazonia) is not as well appreciated/ recognized and so doesnt receive the resources it requires in compares to the South East of Brazil.
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