Sunday, August 23, 2020
CD Review :: essays research papers
Jay-Z Blueprint Here you have, everything you Jay-Z fans; an eagerly awaited audit of the hot new CD!! 1)The Ruler's Back 3:49 This melody is Jay-Z singing about...Jay-Z. In this tune he sounds very surrendered. He is 'the Ruler', and when he says "I'm back n***a", there are trumpets playing out of sight, jsut like you'd envision them being played for eminence. He discusses how rich he is, and how he couldn't care less in the event that he goes to court, he says"What's two or three dollars to me?" and the main thing he thinks about is that you regard him. I don't know, it's kinda intense regarding somebody with that large a personality. Be that as it may, it's kinda cool, first and foremost the beat goes with his giggle, it helps me to remember how we should get the virbrato on woodwind, the entire "hahaha" thing. 2)Takeover 5:13 I like the beat to this melody. it's the sort you'd go cruising with, turn the bass waaayyyy up. with the goal that you can't hear the words. Int his melody he promotes his record mark Roc-A-Fella, and how ground-breaking he is, and how he and his rappers are "runnin' this rap sh*t". He talk about what number of a greater number of records he's sold than DMX, and disses him. At a certain point he utilizes a DMX cut where they're yelling "NOOOO!" And unfailingly, it never fizzles, I leap out of my seat, it seems as though somebody is sitting right close to you making a ruckus. 3)Izzo (H.O.V.A.) 4:00 This is one of my main tunes on the disc, truth be told, this melody is the explanation I purchased the album. This melody has an enthusiastic beat, and discusses how he, inspite of everything that has transpired, he proves to be the best. Truly, I have no clue about what "H to the izzo, V to the izzy" should mean. The chorale has a young lady singing that line, and Jay-Z saying "Forshizzo my nizzo, used to spill down in VA", at that point the young ladies sing "H to the izzo, V to the izzy" once more, and afterward Jay-Z says "That's the song of devotion, get your da*n hands up". It's the kind of tune you can't resist the urge to bop your head to. It's likewise the ideal length, before its finish, you aren't worn out on the tune not at all like a portion of different tunes on this compact disc. 4) Girls, Girls, Girls 4:35
Saturday, August 22, 2020
French Expressions Using Bout
French Expressions Using Bout The French word un session truly implies the finish of something or a touch of something. Yet, session has different implications too and is additionally utilized in many informal articulations, thing statements, and prepositional expressions. Figure out how to state at a careful distance, barely hanging on, the center of no place, and more with this rundown of articulations with session. Potential Meanings of un session bitendlength (of rope)patch (of sky, land)piecescraptip Articulations with session le session de lanmemorial serviceun session du doigtfingertipun session dessaiscreen test, test filmun session filtrefilter tip (cigarette)un session du mondethe center of no place; the parts of the bargains session de rã'lebit part, stroll on partun session du seinnippleun session de terraina fix/plot of landun bon session de cheminquite far, a reasonable distanceun bon session de tempsa great while, very some timeun (petit) session de chou/zan (informal)a little kidun petit session de femme (informal)a unimportant slip of a womanun petit session dhomme (informal)a minor piece of a man session de brasat a careful distance session carrã ©square-tipped session de courseon its/ones last legs(tech) at full-stroke session de forcesexhausted, destroyed session de liã ¨gecork-tipped session de soufflebreathless, winded session rondround-tipped session portantpoint-clear session de soufflebreathless, exhausted; hanging on by a thread tout session de champall the time, at each opportunity au session deat the end/base of; afterau session du compteall things consideredau session du filon the opposite finish of the telephoneau session dun momentafter a whilebout boutend to endde session en boutfrom one end to the otherdu session dewith the closures ofdu session des doigtswith ones fingertipsdu session des lã ¨vresreluctantly, half-heartedlydun session lautrefrom one end to the next, from start to finishdun session lautre de lannã ©eall year longen session deat the end/base ofen session de courseon its/ones last legs; ultimatelyjusquau bout(right) to the endjusquau session des onglesthrough and through, right to ones fingertipssur le session deon the tip ofsen aller standard tous les sessions (informal)to be falling apartapplaudir du session des doigtsto applaud half-heartedlyconnaã ®tre un session de (informal)to know some things aboutã ªtre boutto be depleted; to be irate, out of patienceã ªtre session deto be out ofã ªtre au session de ses peinesto be free and c lear; to have no more troublesã ªtre au session du rouleau (informal)to be depleted; to be coming up short on cash; to be close deathfaire un session de chemin ensembleto be together for some time (as a couple)joindre les deux boutsto make closes meetlire un livre de session en boutto read a book spread to covermanger du session des dentsto nibblemettre les bouts(fam) to skedaddle, scarpermontrer le session de child nezto show ones face, peep around (the corner, door)parcourir une regret de session en boutto go from one finish of a road to the otherpointer le session de child nezto show ones face, peep around (the corner, door)porter quelque picked session de brasto battle to keep something goingpousser quelquun boutto stretch somebody as far as possible/too farprendre quelque picked standard le bon boutto handle/approach something the privilege waysavoir quelque picked sur le session du doigt/des doigtsto know something inside and outtenir le bon session (informal)to be in good sh ape; to be past the most exceedingly awful of somethingvenir session de nounto get past, succeed, defeat somethingvoir le session du tunnelto see the light toward the finish of the tunnelã‡a fait un (bon) session (de chemin). (informal)Thats a long way.Ce home pas le session du monde !It wont execute you! Its not the finish of the world!Commenà §ons standard un bout.Lets begin/make a start.Le soleil montre le session de child nez.The sun is (scarcely) out.On ne sait pas standard quel session le prendre.You just dont realize how to deal with/approach it.​ On nen voit pas le bout.There doesnt appear to be any conclusion to it.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Flight of the Kittyhawk Essay
The case indicated that HP esteemed specialized development as a key to the business’ achievement. From the earliest starting point, HP had utilized an administration by objective (MBO) process that spurred its kin to concentrate on the potential ways of advancement and methodology to accomplish its objectives. Henceforth, when the thought for the Kittyhawk venture came up, Spenner got the help of Hackborn , and Rey Smelek , similar individuals who elevated Spenner to General Manager of the Disk Memory Division (DMD) and bolstered Spenner’s â€Å"concept-driven reasoning. The task likewise got official help from the top positions of HP notwithstanding the delay of a portion of the R&D area directors considering the indistinct market of the proposed new item. HP appears to have done everything right. They had set up a self-ruling venture group, and gave the task overwhelming senior administration support. It was then simple for Spenner to make the group for the adva ncement of the task. The Kittyhawk group was not represented by the division’s conventional improvement forms and was offered self-rule to build up the drive, find new markets and develop its client base. Seymour and White, both with notorieties for â€Å"quick-thinking and action,†drove the R;D and advertising divisions, individually. The Kittyhawk chiefs painstakingly chose their staff of excellent workers from inside HP, made out of daring people that would be progressively energized by the market capability of a 1. 3-inch drive than by its mechanical abilities. HP has never been a pioneer in the circle drive business, and Kittyhawk was viewed as a spearheading exertion by the organization. HP focused its endeavors on the most beneficial phases of the NPD procedure. The center group for the improvement of the 1. - inch drive originated from inside the organization. The entire procedure of advancement was done inside the organization yet the undertaking group redistributed the assembling of the drive to an outside provider with demonstrated aptitude in scaled down assembling †Japan’s Citizen Watch Corporation †which planned and fabricated a computerized crea tion line for Kittyhawk. Introductory statistical surveying was embraced by Seymour and White yet to give Spenner consolation, the group gotten an exceptionally legitimate research firm that worked in innovative markets to autonomously check the extent of Kittyhawk’s opportunity. Be that as it may, as no unmistakable market was clear yet, the exploration firm wound up getting their decisions from the Kittyhawk group. Therefore, the aftereffects of the autonomous examination just reflected the musings of the group. This may have added to the mistake in the objective market of the Kittyhawk. HP gave satisfactory assets and centered R;D subsidizing to the undertaking group which were basic to the accomplishment of its NPD procedure. In the long run, the Kittyhawk venture neglected to meet its objectives yet HP despite everything recognized its worth.
Analysis Of Short Story Daisy Miller
Examination Of Short Story Daisy Miller It is exceptionally intriguing to break down this short novel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Daisy Miller composed by Henry James. This epic has a ton of captivating things fit to be found and comprehended, and behind the tale of the novel a great deal of images are hidding prepared to be dyscovered and comprehended. This images are uncovering another point of view upon the story, another method of understanding the account. Another fascinating thing saw with regards to Daisy Miller is the lasting complexity that is being made, similar to a representative restriction among summer and winter, sweltering and cold, youth and mature age, bloom (daisy) and winter, life and demise. Daisy Miller herself is a picture arranged in contrastive sentiments, she fills the role of the blameless young lady, being for all time decided by society, decided by Winterbourne, albeit somewhere inside she is guiltless and unadulterated; along these lines, a disjointedness among the real world and appearance is being made. Another fascinating part of this novel is the setting. From the earliest starting point of the book, the writer makes an extraordinary presentation by arranging the activity, setting the peruser gradually in the circumstance. Right off the bat the area is being named: At the little town in Veney, in Switzerland, in this way, the spot is set. The story strategy utilized by the creator in the principal sections is an intriguing one. The picture is initially developed and afterward gradually with each word, the foundation unites, continuing on the portrayal of the lodging and the traveler, finishing by setting the time: a wonderful summer morning and afterward focusing on one of the books character: Winterbourne. In this way, a piece of the activity partakes in Switzerland and another section of the books activity happens in Rome. These two settings are notarbitrary picked, both have a profound hugeness. These spots are images of other scholarly works or classes. Initially both are tigh t related with Romantic writers whom Winterbourne profoundly respect. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein happens generally in Switzerland, and Mary Shelley composed it during the time that she, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron visited at Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley and John Keats are both covered in the Protestant Cemetery, which becomes Daisys own last resting placeâ [4]â . Section three beginnings with the sentence: Winterbourne, who had come back to Geneva the day after his journey to Chillon, went to Rome towards the finish of Januaryâ [5]â . This sentence focuses precisely the three principle areas where the move of the novel makes place and where the characters of the novel express their connections and their mentalities. Not haphazardly picked, the capital of Italy, Rome may be viewed as a quiet character, a quiet observer of the activity or as a foundation that joins contrastive issues. Rome is the city of Renaissance, the city where workmanship sprouted, a city where the craftsman may handily discover the spot to communicate. Here, Daisy carries on in a profligate way; she doesnt care about any social or moral qualities, keeping up her honesty and her respectability without anyone, particularly Winterbourne to see that. Daisy, similar to a craftsman, is just judged and censured and simply after her dead she is being comprehended and acknowledged. In Rome there was a great deal of discussing the purported Roman fever; this line has a twofold hugeness, albeit right off the bat it could be comprehended as the moms stress over their little girls, this articulation represent a sickness: jungle fever, the disease that was frequenting the city, and who at long last slaughters Daisy. Another significant setting of the books activity is the Coliseum; this is where a significant scene happens. Here Daisy has the last experience with Winterbourne, here she contacts the fever, intestinal sickness and after that she bites the dust. This spot isn't haphazardly picked. In antiquated occasions, the Coliseum was a spot celebrated for various battles and challenges. Yet additionally, the Coliseum is notable as where hundreds of years of Christian sufferings took placeâ [6]â . Considering this foundation from a representative point of view the Coliseum turns into a spot where a blameless young lady was killed without having any blame and being unadulterated and immaculate simply like the Christians in the antiquated occasions. It is regular for Henry James to speak to the general public of individuals keen on thoughts and refinements of unobtrusive way. He frequently was considered just like a cosmopolite since he enjoyed voyaging so a lot and he regularly moved between America, England and Europe. The contention among Americans and Europeans can be found as one of the primary subjects out of sight of his novel. This subject has at its premise an advanced idea explicit to the age. The American birthplace assumes an incredible job in the novel since all the characters that exposed this nationality are the best characters, that develop lastly accomplish an enormity toward the finish of the novel. The standard picture that we find is the one of the American that loses a piece of that underlying honesty while experiencing the figure of the European with life experience. With regards to James structure of the novel, we can find that practically every one of them are organized similarly. We have a focal thing that especially matters, as James himself stated, that all the lines point at. In Daisy Miller , this incomparable issue is Winterbourne desire for the disclosure of Daisys honesty. As a result we have the roundabout structure of the novel as a way to deal with the focal subject. Henry James offers us circumstances of a general public that he was a piece of and we can see that in his books, each occurrence has its capacity in giving us more data about a circumstance or a character. In spite of the fact that we might be enticed to state that he had a kind of authenticity in his works, the main reality we can discover is the depiction of a general public of contention.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Difference Between Traditional and Modern Medicine Essay - 550 Words
Difference Between Traditional and Modern Medicine (Essay Sample) Content: 1. By saying that culture is all encompassing, anthropologists usually refer to the fact that culture is the main explanation behind the behavior of mankind. Humans, in their lives since childhood, get to learn of some behaviors from the surroundings. The various behaviors reinforced by some positive stimuli are perceived as the most desirable ones and such traits are observed as the best. On the contrary, society condemns and punishes some behaviors. Those punishable behaviors are perceived as bad traits. At the end of it all, an average human becomes more or less a product of the behaviors learned over time. The various behaviors and the associated punishments or rewards define what we basically call cultures. Cultures result in natural or instinctive drives to adapt to conform to the well being of a larger society. In fact, culture defines the way humans think, act and react to changes.2 .Using traditional medicine comes with some advantages and disadvantages. On t he part of the advantages, the various patients first of all, access medication at the most reasonable costs. Secondly, traditional medicine is quite effective when it comes to the treatment of chronic illnesses. However, traditional medicine lacks dosage instructions and thus it may be quite dangerous incase one takes in an overdose. The poison risk that comes with the use of traditional medicine is the other risk worth mentioning.Western medicine refers to medicines that have their roots from western civilization whereas scientific medicine is a term commonly used to refer to the modern form of medicine. The medication traces its origin from the synthesis of the Flexnerian medical teaching reforms together with the Germ theory of disease. Scientific medicinesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ first advantage is that they come with a clearly outlined prescription that guides the various patients. Secondly, scientific medicine happens to be suitable for the treatment of a wide array of diseases. On the co ntrary, this kind of medicine is quite expensive especially when it comes to cases of acute illnesses.3. Hypodescent is a term mostly used to refer to children of mixed union that are directed or associated with the subordinate group. The term owes its origin to the numerous historical American colonies. The practice results in the "one drop rule" which refers to the fact that any individual associated with black ancestry definitely qualifies as a black. As it has always been the case, racial segregation has cropped up over time and, eventually leading to great animosity among the people in the United States.4. A ...
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Microsoft Case Study - 1375 Words
Microsoft Case Study (Case Study Sample) Content: Microsoft's Partnership with UNHCR- Pro Bono Publico? Chapter John Mehta Microsoft's Partnership with UNHCR- Pro Bono Publico? Summary of the Case Study UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) together with Microsoft partnered to utilize ICT (information and communications technology) to enhance United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' operations and cultivate programs to assist refugees store their information, reform their lives, as well as access novel opportunities via connectivity and education. Together, Microsoft and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees aimed to support immigrants as an element of the global community's technology crusade and support information and communications technology learning and education in challenging settings. In the alliance, Microsoft supported United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees through affording technological proficiency while United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees contributes its experience in addressing exigent refugee issues. Throughout the Kosovo immigrant crisis during 1999, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Microsoft personnel, and other associates fostered a mobile registering system to afford more than 500 million immigrants with novel identification documents (IDs). This system was developed into a database known as ProGres. Via ProGres, refugees were systematically recorded upon influx. This helped enhance management of refugee camps through accurately establishing the composition and size of refugee populaces, and their needs for help. ProGres issued identification cards, recorded addresses for immigrants living past camps, issued voluntary deportation forms, as well as identified individuals with distinctive needs, for instance, unaccompanied children or the aged. ProGres created a consistent system for immigrant registration, replacing loads of old, irreconcilable databases. Microsoft is amid the founding associates of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' CBL (Council of Business Leaders), launched on the World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos, in January of 2005. The Council of Business Leaders aimed to foster groundbreaking private-public partnerships, better synchronize corporate investments, as well as help United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, find novel private-sector funding sources, as well as, private-public partnerships. The Council of Business Leaders organized regular field missions to better comprehend the actuality of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees' work, as well as, identify actual prospects for partnership. 1. Is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"partnership' the answer and can the company leverage all its assets to contribute pro bono public? In this situation, yes collaboration/partnership was the solution. Microsoft was not constantly as focused upon corporate citizenship/ corporate social responsibility as it is nowadays. Microsoft held a damaging image of being a persistent power procuring everything within their reach. Therefore, when the Kosovo fiasco arose during 1999, Microsoft emerged not only to afford assistance to masses of agonizing people, but to as well enhance the company's image. This partnership thrived in accomplishing just that. Once both affiliates stand to benefit from the collaboration as it is in this case study, then the alliance is a good venture to undertake. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees obtained all the help in serving the refugees, as well as Microsoft obtained a positive public image/impression. A firm can, therefore, leverage its entire resources pro bono publico as Microsoft did during the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees partnership. Microsoft offered software and cash to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, as well as the time plus expertise of personnel, the skills management of managers, as well as online publicizing strategy. Through supporting the stipulations in stand-up with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Microsoft adopted a strategic alliance and partnership, goes well past fulfilling simple investor expectations; mobilizing an enormous personnel base of bequeathed talent and skills assets to help those in neediness. 2. Is Microsoft creating the right partnerships to complement its market opening and opportunity raising? I would articulate that Microsoft is generating the appropriate partnerships/alliances when it comes about their market expansion, as well as, raising prospects. Ages before Microsoft's affiliation with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, people regarded Microsoft as an establishment, which that looked down upon other corporations since they owned a lot of power and money. This formed a damaging image on their part, and I think they had to do something to reinvent their image. Assisting the refugees indicated that Microsoft had noble intentions as an organization, as well as, was available and ready to offer a helping hand for the struggling individuals. This move raised prospects for Microsoft for all of its novel thriving technology. It as well gave immigrants the prospect to lead normal lives after deportation, while pursuing employment and higher education. Microsoft could never have attained any of these undertakings without partnering with United Nations High Commis sioner for Refugees. Therefore, I would articulate that Microsoft did form appropriate partnerships. Moreover, the development of the collaboration amid the software titan Microsoft Corporation and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) expedited a mutually and strategic beneficial alliance, in addition to, shaping the description today of appropriate corporate social responsibility (CSR). Microsoft has remarkable resources, as well as, global status in such tangible resources as capital and technology, in addition to, intangible resources such as human capital information, as well as, skills in management). Evidently, Microsoft recognized that its indispensable resources could give rise to future capacities to reach worldwide social components, therefore, creating remarkable value for each of its investors. 3. Was that lunchtime initiative, in 1999 during the Kosovo crisis, a sign for this vast multinational to serve the challenges of diversity internally and externally? The lunchtime initiative in the Kosovo calamity during 1999 was a terrific prospect for Microsoft Corporation to transform both externally and internally. During 1999, Microsoft Corporation's share value fell following Anti-trust lawsuit, in addition to, a status of being an organization, which tears down small businesses through monopolistic policies. In that time, Microsoft owned a CA (Community Affairs) unit, but they did not have a CSR approach (corporate social responsibility approach). At the lunchtime initiative during1999, some Microsoft personnel at the Europe's office in Paris talked about the immigrant calamity in Kosovo, Serbia. These Microsoft personnel concluded that they Microsoft needed to find a way to help the suffering immigr...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Geography of Human Wellbeing Report - China - 705 Words
Part A Geography China is the 3rd largest country in the world, with a total area of approximately 22,117 km. Located in Eastern Asia, between North Korea and Vietnam, it is bordered by a total of 15 countries, and has access to three seas, the East China Sea, Yellow Sea and South China Sea, and the Korea Bay. As of July 2013, China’s population was 1,355,692,576, the highest population worldwide. Quality of Life Indicators Rank (worldwide): Life Expectancy 75 years #97 Mortality Rate (per 1000) 7 #135 Infant Mortality Rate 14 #88 Population Growth 0% #155 Health Expenditure 5.2% #111 Improved Water Access 92% #-- Internet Users 568,192,066 #1 Energy Use 2029 kj #1 Education (Female:Male) 100:100 #-- GDP per capita US $6091 #93 Part B Economic Position China’s economic position has changed greatly, particularly over the last 50 years. Mao Zedong, leader of China at the time, introduced a new method for improving China, often referred to as the 5 year plans. These plans, as the name may suggest, were used for five years, and had a main focus attached. For example, the first plan, which ran from 1953 to 1957 concentrated on the construction of 694 industrial projects. This would help lay the primary foundations for China’s socialist industrialisation. It also focused on developing agricultural producer’s cooperatives to help in the transformation occurring in the agriculture and handicraft industries. The second plan was created in 1958, and was used untilShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Water Scarcity Of India1413 Words  | 6 Pages Geography inquiry Water scarcity in India Flora Leung What is water scarcity? Water scarcity is the phenomenon describing the lack of water sources or the lack of access to safe and clean water. Water scarcity is happening all over the world. Nearly 1 billion people in the world were suffering from it. In the world Asia is one of the continents, which is serious suffering from water scarcity. 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Functionalism Of Brazil Cause Or Style - 1623 Words
Functionalism in Brazil: cause or style? The premise form follows function was first used by Sullivan in the late nineteenth century and built by Modernist Architecture in Europe in the twentieth century. Reflecting specifically on the Brazilian case, functionalism was an aspect of tension throughout the process of assimilation and appropriation of Modernism as a national language in the twentieth century, because on one side could be an important tool for democratization of accessing to certain programs through the large-scale production, on the other, coming off the social aspect and to being considered in excess, it became a desire of rationality that made no sense; technique acquired new status: has become an end in itself and thus constituting a straitjacket. Nowadays, some architects are contrary to functionalism as they considered as a limit, but despite the controversy is still a reality in national architectural production. In the 30s, in a context of authoritarian rule, the Brazilian architects and artists marveled at the Le Corbusier ideas as Social Revolution instrument in the country. It was believed that to relate to Modernist Architecture to the national industrial production, it would-for the social classes were gradually being integrated industrial production in large cities (Hugo), thereby increasing the internal market and minimally socializing riches. Fortunately, the intellectuals were able to move forward on these wishes, due the fact that theShow MoreRelatedCulture And Cultural Norms And Values2214 Words  | 9 Pagesgain the learning and achieve the qualities that are seen as being desirable in a cultured human being. Secondly culture is seen as under the control of civilisation. Some cultures are seen as more civilised than others for, the indigenous tribes of Brazil still exists today they are also referred to as the uncontacted people who live in a community, or have lived in a community, either by choice or by circumstance without significant contact with global civilisation. Whereas is today’s society we areRead MoreWalmart vs Carrefour26545 Words  | 107 Pagesfollowers. However, there are still first-mover disadvantages (Shaver, Witchell and Yeung, 1997). The most common one is known as pioneering costs, which are costs that early entrants bear and later entrants could avoid (Hill, 2004). There are many causes of such pioneering costs as argued by Hill (2004). They may arise in the form of time and effort spent on learning the rule of business systems in a foreign country. Mistakes that are made as a result of that the early entrant fails to understandRead MoreOrganisational Theo ry230255 Words  | 922 Pagesorganizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writing set the book apart, making it an ingenious read which invites reflexivity, criticalness and plurality of opinion from the audience. This is a book that will become a classic in organization studies. Mihaela L. Kelemen, Professor of Management
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Problem Of Gang Violence - 917 Words
Before starting this class, I already had personal knowledge about gangs but after taking this class, I have a much better understanding about them. From what I ve seen and heard, gangs are and will always be a part of our society. As we ve learned in this class, they have been around for hundreds of years. One thing that came to my mind while I was talking to my husband was pirates. They have territories over seas and anyone that passes their water gets robbed, in today s gangs it s a different setting but the same concept. The sad part of all this is that gang members that are juveniles are the ones suffering more and paying the prices. Gang violence will always be a growing problem in this world. As a parent I panic; it scares me just to think that my kids could get near these gangs. After taking this class, I mentioned to the professor how I noticed I was dressing my kids certain colors that meant certain gang things. I m relieved that I took this class because now I will be more careful on how to dress them, and dress myself depending on where I’m going. Furthermore, when people live around Gang members they intimidate every resident, by doing this they have more control of the territory and it gives them more power. It s sad that street gangs are corrupting and damaging those good juvenile kids that are being raised, and as parents all we can do is pray. It s also horrible how the initiation or hazing process to get in this type of group is. How stupid canShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Gang Violence1356 Words  | 6 PagesGang violence has grown to be a great problem in El Salvador in the last 30 years. Gangs have grown into large, complex organized crime units; the two largest gangs, MS13 (also known as Mara Salvatrucha 13) and Barrio18 (also known as Calle18), now encompass large parts of Central America. Both gangs rely heavily on local drug-peddling, which drives most of the general gang violence. The desire for control over certain areas ha d forged a fierce rivalry, in which civilians are often endangered whenRead MoreThe Problem Of Gangs And Violence995 Words  | 4 PagesThe problem of gangs and violence are commonly found in Chicago, especially during the night time. Although the rate seems to be lower compared to the past, the violence rate is still shocking compared to other states. Therefore, violence in Chicago s neighborhoods and communities cannot be overlooked. Statistics show that 1,109 school-aged youth were shot, and 216 of those were killed in 2010. As a student of UIC, I often receive crime alert emails as violence cases seemed to occur quite oftenRead MoreGang Violence : A Serious Problem1561 Words  | 7 PagesGang violence is a serious problem in America today, and it is also prevalent in the other countries in the world. â€Å"According to a national gang survey, the most recent estimate indicates that there were about 760,000 gang members in 24,000 gangs in the United States in 2004†this just supports the statement that it is a huge problem in the United States (Cooper, 2009, p. 1). Unfortunately, the Youth of America and these other countries have been a large demographic of these gangs for many yearsRead MoreThe Community Problem of Gangs and Related Violence1049 Words  | 4 PagesThe community problem of gangs and related violence is prevalent all over the United States. Young people join gangs for a variety of reasons. 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According to the National Gang History, gangs started out in India in the year 1200 ADRead MoreWe Must Raise A Red Flag The Size Of Vatican City Essay1448 Words  | 6 Pageshad problems when it comes to gang violence, but only recently has this violence escalated to the immense issue it is today. I only just recently moved to Denver, and I can already tell that gangs are a major problem here-- that should raise a red flag the size of Vatican City. As an educated African American who has grown up in less-than nurturing environments, I have had much contact with gang members and witnessed gang activity. I extremely urge the policy makers, law enforcement, and gang members--gangRead MoreViolence Is An Everyday Act That We Have Seen In Society,1588 Words  | 7 PagesViolence is an everyday act that we have seen in society, and in result has become a problem. Gang violence, on the other hand, has been a social problem of violence for decades in the United States. In particular, it has been a serious problem in California that is has been known to be the â€Å"gang capital†in the United States, and a problem in a local scale. According to â€Å"†, there are over 33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs(FBI, 2015). Consequently, this bringsRead MoreChicago Gangs and History Essay1307 Words  | 6 PagesChicago Gangs, Then and Now with Solutions Nick Crot Marist High School Abstract This paper deals with gang violence in the city of Chicago since the beginning of time. It takes a deep look into the history of Chicago gangs and how they interact today. Also the past problems the City of Chicago made when dealing with gangs and the problems that gangs today have and how Chicago has the worst gang problem in the country. Also how gangs have turned themselves into big, and lucrative enterprisesRead MoreGang Violence And The United States1470 Words  | 6 PagesGangs have been a part of American culture in the United States since the early 19th century when immigrant youth organized themselves into street gangs as a means of urban and economic survival. Today, gang violence has reached an almost catastrophic level in the United States. Criminal street gangs have become one of the most serious crime problems in California. Gang violence accounts for one of the largest personal threats to public safety for nearly all the cities in this state. Salinas, CaliforniaRead MoreGun Violence1218 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿The Gangs In Our Communities By: Adam Taylor What set do you claim? Isn’t that a question we all hear at some point in our school years and maybe sometimes even after. Well I remember being in elementary school and not having to worry about nothing but recess. 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Biology Case Study - 1087 Words
To determine inheritance patterns of autosomal recessive ebony and cinnabar traits, genetic crosses were performed. True breeding virgin female ebony flies were crossed with true breeding cinnabar mutant males in the Parental generation. The expected Fâ‚‚ phenotypic ratio based on the Mendelian principle of independent assortment was 9 wild type: 3 ebony: 3 cinnabar: 1 cinnabar and ebony fly. The outcomes did not match the hypothesised phenotypic ration. The observed phenotypic ratio was 12.6 wild type: 3 ebony: 3.4 cinnabar: 1 cinnabar and ebony flies. Chi square was used and the critical value obtained was 11.53 (p0.01). After finding the chi-square value it was determined the hypothesis was rejected. Results To test inheritance†¦show more content†¦Based on the chi squared value, there is less than a one percent chance that the difference between the observed and expected phenotypic ratio is due to chance. For this reason the hypothesis was rejected. The observed data did not fit the expected 9:3:3:1 ratio and the variation in phenotype ratio can’t be explained by chance. One prediction why reason the hypothesis could have been rejected was due to misidentification of mutant phenotypes. Wild type fruit flies have a yellow-brown body color, while ebony flies have a brown-black body. When an ebony fly first hatches its body color is lighter and will gradually darken with age. During the experiment, immature ebony flies could have been identified as wild type,due to the lighter body color of newly hatched flies. This would result in an increase count of wild type and the decrease count in ebony flies. To prevent this problem in future experiments, hatched flies should be placed in a new vial and then counted a day later to give the ebony fly body color time to mature. The ebony trait affects the fly’s body color, resulting in a brown-black pigment. Vision, behavior, the color and firmness of the fly’s body are all traits affected by the ebony mutation (1). The ebony phenotype is reflected by a reduce in phototaxis response (1), affecting the fly’s natural movement towards or away from light. The ebony mutation activates beta-alanine to aminoacyl adenylate (1), which is usedShow MoreRelatedBiology Case Study1218 Words  | 5 Pagesconvenient for our sample study since heart attack disease has been found to start developing in as early a range as 20-39 years (Mozaffarian 2015). Some interesting things to note about our population sample is the changes overtime they had from 1950 to 1962. The weight change decreased about 1.4 pounds as did the serum cholesterol by 4.5 mg% and BMI by 0.2298964. Our mean blood pressure readings i ncreased; DBP by 0.99 mmHG and SBP more drastically by 17.4 mmHG. 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Johnny couldn’t find Sodium Chloride on the periodic table because Sodium Chloride is a molecule made up of two atoms: Sodium and Chloride. 3. Sodium Chloride represents two atoms that together form a molecule: NaCl. Na: Sodium and Cl: Chloride 4. An ionic bond occurs when two or more ions (an atom whose number of elections differs from its number of protons) bondRead MoreEssay on Biology Case Study719 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Advanced Cell Biology II Step 1: How will you identify the â€Å"vital†cellular protein that the virus targets for degradation? (Hint: think proteomics). (3 pts.) First, since we know the viral RNA sequence and its targeting protein, we can investigate it in bioinformatics database, and can acquire some clues or hints about the target proteins. From the bioinformatics database, we might be able to find its structure, similarity with other proteins, functions, and binding domains. In other wordsRead MoreBiology Immunology Case Study 3005.21363 Words  | 6 PagesBIOCHEMISTRY IMMUNOLOGY CASE STUDY 3005.2 CLINICAL PRESENTATION A female patient aged thirty-one years old was admitted to a surgical ward with a 48 hour history of emesis and abdominal pain in an unspecified quadrant. There was no account registered regarding the possible existence of headaches, blurred vision, loss of consciousness or change in bowel habit. Her arterial blood pressure was measured at 110/65 mmHG and her pulse 88 beats per minute and regular. A provisional diagnosis of intestinalRead MoreBiology Mice Case Study Essay662 Words  | 3 Pagesinitial observation that previous studies which indicated caffeine (coffee) had a positive effect on diabetes patients was not tested on lab animals. They asked the question, would an animal lab test provide further evidence of the positive effects of coffee in diabetes patients? They hypothesized testing a group of mice which were fed only water compared to mice fed a coffee/water mixture would identify benefits of coffee consumption. Their prediction, based on past studies, was that yes c offee wouldRead MoreI Learn A Great Deal About How Conduct A Case Study Essay908 Words  | 4 Pages I learn a great deal about how to conduct a case study. I gained insight into the struggles Aubri deals with daily. After the initial meetings, our many conversations, and the case study research I felt I knew Aubri much better. I now know why so many of my students struggle with organization and time management (AR 1.8, AR 3.2, AR 3.3). The whole process makes me look at all my students differently (AR 2.5.) Makes me want to be a better teacher, counselor, parent, wife, and friend.Read MoreResearch On The Learning Of An Educational Setup Essay2437 Words  | 10 Pagesstudents (ages 9-11) and Chemistry to secondary section students (ages 13-15), I have observed a change in the students’ approach towards the study of Science. As the students progressed to higher grades, they started losing their interest in science. Applying scientific concepts in practical scenarios became a challenging process and yet, many continued to study science simply due to the pressure of choosing a career in the field of medicine or engineering. 2.0 Aim of my research As a science teacher
Major Methods of Supervision in an Organization Free Sample
Question: Write an Essay on an Investigation of Criteria that affect the day-to-day Management of a Business in Ireland today. Answer: Introduction Supervision is an important aspect in the management process. Supervisory management is the process of overseeing and managing employees in the organizations[1]. It can be seen that businesses all over the world is adopting the strategy of supervisory management in order to make the employees efficient and to provide effective training to the novice employees. Supervisory is one of the crucial responsibilities of the organizational managers as it increases the efficiency and productivity of the business organizations[2]. There is no exception of this fact for Ireland. It has been seen that most of the companies in Ireland has adopted the strategy of supervisory management. Some major responsibilities of the supervisory management of Ireland are to ensure effective staff recruitment, staff training program, evaluation of the staffs and others[3]. Industry Guidelines and Recommended Practices Purpose and Method of Supervision Several purposes are there for which there should be supervisors in a business organization. Some of the purposes of supervision in an organization are discussed under: Mediator or Linking Pin: Supervisors are needed in an organization in order to communicate the plan, policies, decisions and strategies of the management with the subordinates of the organization[4]. Guide: There needs to be superiors in an organization for the purpose of guidance. Superior shows the right ways to the subordinates when they in doubt and in need helps. Issue of Instructions: One of the major purposes of supervision is the issue of instruction. It is the responsibility of the supervisors to make it sure that all the instructions are properly communicated to all the employees of the organization[5]. Control: Control is another important purpose of supervision. The supervisors of the organizations need to establish a control between the actual and expected outcome of the business. Apart from these, there are many purpose of supervision like the optimum utilization of the resources, to implement discipline in the workforce, to improve the communication process of the organizations, to take feedback and many others. Several methods of supervision can be seen in different business organizations. However, there are some major methods of supervision that most of the supervisors follows. They are discussed below: Individual Supervision: Individual supervision is one of the most widely used processes of supervision. In this process, the employees or supervisees use to describe their clinical activities to the supervisors. This method most suitable for most of the employees as employees does not want to disclose their personal problems in front of everyone[6]. Triadic Supervision: This is a new method of supervision where two supervisees pair with one supervisor for the purpose of supervision[7]. Group Supervision: This is another important and popular method of supervision where the one supervisor supervise a group of employees or supervisees. Group supervision is important to develop the group dynamics of an organization[8]. Peer Supervision: Peer supervision is the process of working together to get mutual benefits. In this process, the peer employees supervise each others activities[9]. Staff Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct for the Staffs in Ireland is discussed below: General Conduct and Behavior: As per this code of conduct, the employees of an organization need to maintain honesty, integrity and impartiality towards their job responsibilities. Conflict of Personal and Public Interest: As per this code, the employees must maintain a balance between personal and public conflict[10]. Planning: As per this act, the planning process employee must be transparent Gifts: According to this code, the employee cannot seek any kind of gift from the customers. Hospitality: As per this code, the employees of an organization must not be influenced by any hospitality of the customers. Satisfactory Working Relationship: As per this code, the employees of an organization must maintain a satisfactory working relationship with the consumer[11]. Criminal Conviction: As per this code, an employee that is convicted with any kind of crime must inform this fact to his/her personal officer. These are the major code of conducts of staffs in Ireland. In-House Staffs The advantages and disadvantages of in-house staffs are discussed below: Advantages In-house staffs reduce the training cost of the employees as the training process is conducted in the premise of the organization. In-house staffs can manage both the work and training; and this process reduces the disturbance in the organization. In case of in-house staffs, current work examples can be used for training. In-house staffs help to generate new ideas in the organization. In-house staffs promote the process of team building in the organizations. Disadvantages Training program for in-house staffs can increase the extra administrative costs of the organization. Training session for the employees sometimes hampers their work. Lack of dedication is a major disadvantage for the in-house staffs. In the process of in-house staffs, the employees feel extra pressure. In-house employees often face problem in time management in the organizations. Contract Staffs The advantages and disadvantages of contract staffs is discussed below: Advantages Contract staffs can become permanent by delivering good performance. Contract staff has to do multitask in the organization that increases their knowledge and skills. Contact employees get higher amount of salary in the organizations[12]. Contract employees can enjoy tax benefits on their earnings. The scope for personal satisfaction is high for the contract employees[13]. Disadvantages Contract staffs cannot enjoy all the benefiters in the organization. Contract staffs have to face immense job pressure. There is not any job security in contact staffing. Contract employees are not invited in the inner circle of the organizations[14]. There is not any opportunity for extra pay for contract staffs. Membership of Representative Bodies The advantages and disadvantages of membership of representative bodies are discussed below: Advantages Representative bodies promote the views of various parties in the organizations. Representative bodies help to promote common interest of the employees of the organization. Disadvantages It can be seen that sometimes the Representative bodies become influenced and do not promote the employees. This is a major interest. Steps Required to Recruit Staffs It can be seen that the companies in Ireland use some particular methods for the purpose of sourcing and screening candidates. For souring, both internal and external sources are used. In the process of internal sourcing, employees within the organization are selected for the vacant post. It reduces the cost of the company and it is a dependable source. On the other hand, there are many sources in external recruitment. They are websites, news papers, recruitment agencies, employment job fairs, advertisements and others[15]. Screening is the process of interviewing fewer candidates from a huge number of candidates. It can be seen that in Ireland, two processes are used for screening of the candidates. The first process is to use the job description and employee satisfaction to compare against the CV. The second process is to arrange short telephonic interview rounds to measure the candidates sustainability. These processes are largely beneficial for the companies as these screening processes help the companies to find the most appropriate employees for the organization. Thus reduces save both the time and cost of the companies[16]. Staff Training Processes It can be seen that there are some specific training processes that the business organizations of Ireland use to follow. Various training and development programs are organized for the new employees of the organization. As per the industry standard of Ireland, the companies use two types of training programs. They are on the job training and off the job training. These training programs are used on a regular basis in order to make the employees efficient towards their jobs. At the time of the training programs, it needs to be made sure that that appropriate aids and supporting materials are there for the training programs like proper training rooms, trainers, computers and many others. One of the major aspects of training and development programs in Ireland is to assess the suitability of the individuals at the time of training. In Ireland, training is not enough for the employees. The supervisors of the organization interact with the trainees to know the effectiveness of the trainin g and development program. These interactions help the organizations to identify the loopholes in the training and development programs and to provide the scope for improvement. Staff Evaluation Staff evaluation is considered as an important aspect in Ireland. Employee evaluation is done based on three periods; they are evaluation at the end of the first day or week; at the end of the first month and at the end of the probation period. The main objective of this evaluation process is to judge the effectiveness of the new employees in the organization. Apart from this, another objective of the evaluation process is to measure the effectiveness of recruitment process. In the process of staff evaluation, taking feedback on the performance of the employees is a crucial aspect. Most of the companies in Ireland use to take feedbacks on the evaluation of the employees. Feedbacks from different parties are taken on the performance of the employees. Based on the feedbacks, the employee performances are measured[17]. The evaluation process provides the scope for personal developments of the employees. From different types of feedbacks, the employees can recognize their strong and weak areas. After the identification of weak areas, the can work on them to make them into their strong areas[18]. Conclusion According to the above study, it can be said that supervisors play an integral part in the development of the organization along with the development of the employees. The main purpose of the supervisors is to take care of well being of the employees. It can be seen that there are four major methods of supervision in an organization. As per the above study, the Ireland has a well-developed process of staff sourcing and screening. The two major sources of staffs ate are the internal source and external source. The training and developed programs of Ireland help the new employees to become more efficient. Lastly, staff evaluation is very important for the overall betterment of the employees and the organization. Bibliographies "Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169", 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: "Recruitment and Selection", 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: Allman, Keith, and Ximena Escobar De Nogales. "Sourcing and Screening."Impact Investment: A Practical Guide to Investment Process and Social Impact Analysis+ Website: 11-59. Boniface, Gail, et al. "Exploring the nature of peer and academic supervision on a role-emerging placement."British Journal of Occupational Therapy75.4 (2012): 196-201. Borders, L. DiAnne, et al. "Individual and triadic and group: Supervisee and supervisor perceptions of each modality."Counselor Education and Supervision51.4 (2012): 281-295. Brooks, Charles T., David A. Patterson, and Patrick M. McKiernan. "Group supervision attitudes: Supervisory practices fostering resistance to adoption of evidence-based practices."Qualitative report (Online)17.1 (2012): 191. Freedland, Mark, et al., eds.The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016. Hair, Heather J. "The purpose and duration of supervision, and the training and discipline of supervisors: What social workers say they need to provide effective services."British Journal of Social Work(2012): bcs071. Hawkins, Peter, et al.Supervision in the helping professions. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2012. Kadushin, Alfred, and Daniel Harkness.Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press, 2014. Madaus, George F., Michael Scriven, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam, eds.Evaluation models: Viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation. Vol. 6. Springer Science Business Media, 2012. Parikh, Sejal B., Christopher Janson, and Tiffany Singleton. "Video journaling as a method of reflective practice."Counselor Education and Supervision51.1 (2012): 33-49. Posavac, Emil.Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge, 2015. Sechilariu, Manuela, Bao Chao Wang, and Fabrice Locment. "Supervision control for optimal energy cost management in DC microgrid: Design and simulation."International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems58 (2014): 140-149. Subhan, Arif. "Clinical Engineering Staffing."Journal of Clinical Engineering38.2 (2013): 47-48. Teague, Paul, and William K. Roche. "Line managers and the management of workplace conflict: evidence from Ireland."Human Resource Management Journal22.3 (2012): 235-251 Sechilariu, Manuela, Bao Chao Wang, and Fabrice Locment. "Supervision control for optimal energy cost management in DC microgrid: Design and simulation."International Journal of Electrical Power Energy Systems58 (2014): 140-149. Hawkins, Peter, et al.Supervision in the helping professions. McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2012. Teague, Paul, and William K. Roche. "Line managers and the management of workplace conflict: evidence from Ireland."Human Resource Management Journal22.3 (2012): 235-251. air, Heather J. "The purpose and duration of supervision, and the training and discipline of supervisors: What social workers say they need to provide effective services."British Journal of Social Work(2012): bcs071. Kadushin, Alfred, and Daniel Harkness.Supervision in social work. Columbia University Press, 2014. Parikh, Sejal B., Christopher Janson, and Tiffany Singleton. "Video journaling as a method of reflective practice."Counselor Education and Supervision51.1 (2012): 33-49. Borders, L. DiAnne, et al. "Individual and triadic and group: Supervisee and supervisor perceptions of each modality."Counselor Education and Supervision51.4 (2012): 281-295. Brooks, Charles T., David A. Patterson, and Patrick M. McKiernan. "Group supervision attitudes: Supervisory practices fostering resistance to adoption of evidence-based practices."Qualitative report (Online)17.1 (2012): 191. Boniface, Gail, et al. "Exploring the nature of peer and academic supervision on a role-emerging placement."British Journal of Occupational Therapy75.4 (2012): 196-201. "Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169", 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: [11] "Local Government Act, 2001, Section 169", 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: Freedland, Mark, et al., eds.The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016. Freedland, Mark, et al., eds.The contract of employment. Oxford University Press, 2016. Subhan, Arif. "Clinical Engineering Staffing."Journal of Clinical Engineering38.2 (2013): 47-48. "Recruitment and Selection", 2017. Online. Internet. 4 Apr. 2017. . Available: Allman, Keith, and Ximena Escobar De Nogales. "Sourcing and Screening."Impact Investment: A Practical Guide to Investment Process and Social Impact Analysis+ Website: 11-59. Madaus, George F., Michael Scriven, and Daniel L. Stufflebeam, eds.Evaluation models: Viewpoints on educational and human services evaluation. Vol. 6. Springer Science Business Media, 2012. Posavac, Emil.Program evaluation: Methods and case studies. Routledge, 2015.
Edocs Inc free essay sample
A no shop clause is common primarily in MA and private equity transactions and prevents the seller or investee/entrepreneur from looking for another bidder/investor- the reason for the inclusion of a no shop clause is that a buyer or investor plans to spend considerable time and resources conducting due diligence and does not want to run the risk of losing the deal or getting out-bid, hence the prevention from â€Å"shopping around. †CRV realizes that this is a hot market (VC commitments 21% CAGR for last 5 years) and that edocs represents a unique, high growth/return potential investment and wants to secure the deal for itself. CRV knows that edocs could take their term sheet and try to get other VCs to outbid/offer better terms to edocs and CRV wants to avoid a bidding war which would drive up the valuation (cost) and reduce CRV’s stake. This is also an important transaction for CRV, particularly for Jonathan Guerster, as this is his first VC transaction for CRV, so he wants to be sure he will not lose the deal. The CRV term sheet signifies instant certification and validation of the edocs business plan and investment opportunity- a no shop clause was necessary for CRV in order to hook in edocs without the fear of needing to enter a bidding war with another VC. However, from edocs perspective, there are both pros and cons to the no shop clause: The benefits for edocs include: ? Higher valuation, CRV term sheet acts as certification for the edocs opportunity and hence VCs will be willing to pay more to seal the deal on a high potential/lucrative deal; a higher valuation will mean that the founders will keep more of the company; which is also good for interest alignment/motivation; ? Renegotiation of key terms in favor of edocs the CRV term sheet would represent the best, most investor friendly option, thus any subsequent offer will need to adjust the terms to be more entrepreneur/edocs friendly or else they won’t get the deal- / minimum offer to edocs- opening up the bid, especially in a hot market such as 1998 could shift the bargaining power to edocs Cons for edocs: May not get additional bidders: edocs has spent months trying to find investors and they run a significant risk if they decide to shop around and in the end do not end up with any financing- time to market/first mover advantage is critical; Negative signaling- the fact the edocs would dump the first, highly credible/experienced investor interested in their business could be a sign to other VCs of the quality and commitment of the sponsors- such an act of defiance could make other VCs questions whether putting up a competing bid would be worth their time- they would not want to get far in the negotiations only to have edocs sell out the first offer they are given; Inability to raise full amount: While $2M may be easy to raise, it may be more difficult to find one investor willing to put in $4M; edocs may even have to try to negotiate with 2 or more parties and that may make the entire negotiation much more difficult and would put edocs in an even worse bargaining position; CRV has an excellent network from which to source the $2M and is able to put up the full $4M if need be. If edocs thinks they can renegotiate some of the stickier/more sensitive elements of the term sheet with CRV then it would be beneficial to allow the no shop clause- this would enable them to access much needed funding quickly when timing to market is crucial. The deal on the table would still leave majority control with the founders. On the other hand, if edocs does not think it can renegotiate key terms then it should not accept the no shop clause. I would advise edocs to accept the no shop clause but narrow the time window (i. e. 20-30 days max) so that CRV will need to act fast in its due diligence and come quickly to a conclusion so that if negotiations do deteriorate then edocs can, without having lost too much time, go back to the market and try to find another financier- in this way they can accept the term while putting pressure back on CRV to make good on/improve the deal on the table. 2. What was the most contentious negotiating point (see Exhibit 7)? Why? Guerster (CRV) on one hand proposes a financing round of $4M against the issuance of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock (CPS). CRV would make an investment of $2M and in line with their general financing model, CRV will also search for one other top-tier venture firm to put in the remaining $2M. However, if no venture firm appears to be willing to put down the $2M, CRV will close the gap. As remuneration for the additional direct financing, CRV does require 500,000 of warrants (exercisable at $0. 10 per share, duration of 3 years) for common shares in addition to the Series A CPS. Although the edocs idea sounds very profitable, CRV is also taking a huge risk with this venture investment. If no other investor is convinced of the potential of the edocs business model, CRV will suffer financial damage. First of all, CRV would need to come up with an additional $2M and the news about this failed collaboration will also damage the edocs investment. Therefore, CRV will argue that it needs some measure of compensation for such damages. In addition, CRV could argue that the idea behind the syndication is to give the investment company (edocs) access to a diverse network and to provide a stronger financial syndicate. So in fact, CRV has the best interest of the portfolio company in mind. Edocs, on the other hand, will argue that CRV, based on the firm valuation, has proposed an investment amount and that CRV should also be responsible for raising the funds. There is no justifiable business reason for penalizing the founders if CRV is not successful in finding a syndicate partner. The founders would not want to bear the risk and the costs of CRV not finding a co-investor. It is not likely that edocs will accept this warrant arrangement, especially since the VC market is booming. The founders even have an offer for their company readily waiting for them back home. Guerster on the other hand will be conservative in his negotiations on behalf of CRV. First of all, Guerster is taking a huge reputational risk with this investment. Secondly, Guerster is a new recruit at CRV and will not want to take big risks for his first deal. He needs to close the deal in a way that CRV’s interests are best secured. 3. What are the most important terms for edocs (Kevin Laracey)? Below is an overview of the most important terms for edocs: Valuation CRV was offering a $10. 5 M valuation for edocs. Considering the increase in the venture investments, Laracey had to make sure that edocs was taking advantage of the competition between VCs while maintaining edocs’ first mover advantage. CRV had after all identified two of edocs’ competitors Just-in Time Solutions (JITS) and Bluegill as a potential investment target so Laracey did not have too much time to negotiate. CEO Position The proposed documents mention that CRV intends to hire a new CEO to run edocs. However, Kevin Laracey clearly wants to stay in charge of edocs operations. Laracey, together with Canekeratne, has developed the innovative idea behind the edocs software product and business model. Both guys have invested their personal savings in developing product in the early stage. Furthermore, Laracey has initiated some strategically important developments for edocs. As an example, Laracey arranged a partnership agreement with CheckFree which was a leading provider of electronic payment and bill presentment services. Following this agreement, Laracey signed a Technology Partnership agreement with CyberCash, the leading provider of technology that enabled secure payments over the internet (credit card/checking account). This strategic partnership enabled the recipients of online bills (edocs generated messages) to make the payments online with just a click on a button. Laracey early on recognized that this would be an important service for future clients of edocs. Taking into account the technical knowledge, industry experience, the commitment and the dedication to develop edocs into a large and successful company, it is understandable that Laracey was not willing to step aside at this stage. After all the hard work in bringing an idea into life, Laracey wants to bring the company to the next level, at least until his limited managerial experience are no longer sufficient to run edocs. Board of Directors (BOD) As regards the composition of the BOD, two issues are of importance for the founders of edocs. The current draft term sheet first of all appoints only one of the founders as a board member. CRV would have two representatives on the board of directors and two outside directors would be appointed after approval by both parties. Before appointing a new CEO by CRV, the BOD would therefore consist of five board members with only Laracey as the representative of the founders. Considering their equity position and their involvement in the company, edocs founders would require a more strong representation on the board. We can imagine that edocs would like to appoint one of the founders as the chairman of the BOD. Secondly, the above described composition of the BOD excludes Canekeratne from a position in the BOD. It is very important for Laracey that his partner from the very first beginning of edocs has a seat on the BOD. First of all, Canekeratne has co-invested in the development of the edocs software and he has served as a key technical advisor to the edocs team. In addition, Canekeatne and his family have helped to facilitate the off shore development of edocs’ software by giving access to software development personnel in Sri Lanka (family had a company in Sri Lanka). Vesting schedule CRV has proposed a vesting schedule of 48 months for the founders’ options (total of 1. 5M). The proposed vesting scheme stipulates a 12-month cliff and linear vesting thereafter. The founders’ shares would vest for 25% on closing and with a linear vesting of 36 months for the remainder shares. Considering the quality and the experience of the founding team, CRV does not want to run the risk that the founders will leave with their equity position after the investment. Laracey feels that vesting of the founder shares is as a signal of mistrust. The founders have already incorporated edocs, Inc. and already own an equity stake in the company. The edocs founders do not want to be tied down by CRV. The founders are already committed to the product and to the company and they are not planning to leave the company. The founders do not need a vesting scheme to stay motivated and committed to the company. Warrants This first financing round against the issuance of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock is for a total amount of $4M. CRV would make an investment of $2M and in line with their general financing model, CRV will also search for one other top-tier venture firm to put in the remaining $2M. If no venture firm is willing to co-invest, CRV will close the gap of $2M. For this additional direct financing, CRV request for 500,000 of warrants (exercisable at $0. 10 per share, duration of 3 years) for common shares. The founders want to protect and maintain their equity stake in the company. This warrant scheme will chip away from their equity position and give CRV cheap warrants. The founders will not want to bear the risk of CRV not finding a co-investor. Anti-dilution and Right of first refusal Anti-dilution provision allows investors to maintain their equity position in the company in light of subsequent equity issances. In case of a weigthed average basis, there is a re-pricing of the investors’ shares in the event that the subsequent stock issuance is at a lower price. In such an event, the conversion price is reset based on an average of all the prices at which the company has sold stock. edocs, a company in its start-up phase, will consider this instrument as an impediment to future financings. In addition to the general anti-dilution provision, CRV proposes a â€Å"pay to play†provision. Based on this provision, stockholders are required to participate in subsequent stock offering in order to benefit from the antidilution protection. Edocs could request removal of this harsh provision since it could scare away future minority investors. Similar to a call option, the investor wants to secure that in the event that one of the founders decides to sell their shares, an offer is made to the investors. This does mean that the founders will have limited freedom to choose future investors in the edocs company. This limited flexibility is worriesome for the founders. However, our recommendation would be to use this provision as small change in their negotiations with CRV. 4. What are the most important terms for Charles River Ventures (Jonathan Guerster)? CRV, i. e. Jonathon Guerster is aware that the market conditions are dictating the need for CRV to act quickly. This is the reason why CRV offered the term sheet right at their initial presentation. Valuation Considering the stage of the product development, the very ambitious business plan and some of the amounts raised by the comparable firms, post money of $10. 5M seems fair from the CRV side. Also, CRV has committed to finance $2M and to shop for another $2M investor for 45 days. Guerster has canvassed bill presentment solution companies and knows that edocs is a possible star, but since he’s a newcomer in CRV and his reputation is at stake, he’s trying to acquire some cheap equity through warrants, rather than, as he’s trying to present to Laracey, a buffer for unsuccessful co-investor search. Laracey as future CEO CRV wants to keep the right to hire a new CEO according to the proposed board representation structure. Laracey has indeed ambition to stay in charge, he has organized and developed with Canekeratne the online billing and payment solution and strategically directed the company by signing several win-win partnership agreements. But at that point, Laracey didn’t have much senior managerial experience, was 33 years old and had no experience in dealing with VCs. If CRV is not satisfied with the work done by Laracey, they want to have an option to place someone more adequate for this position. Antidilution CRV is not demanding a ratchet provision, but instead more company-friendly weighted average provision, but in the same time insisting on a pay-to-play provision. CRV wants to protect itself since edocs will need syndication in subsequent financing rounds, and CRV preference is to act as lead investor, but since in the draft term sheet is not defined how the pay-to-play†provision is going to be restructured, it could range from losing some of the preferential features (participation rights, voting rights, all or a portion of the liquidation preference etc) to complete loss of all preferential rights. Right of First Refusal/Right of Co-Sale It is important for CRV to have a right to participate in any subsequent equity financing either through option of first offer (RoFR) or right to co-sale its shares along with shareholders of Common or equivalent- this prevents dilution, and potential to acquire more of the company, if things go well, and the freedom to sell, if things go poorly. 5. Why would edocs ask for a second term sheet from CRV? If no, why not? If yes, which terms should bechanged in the second term sheet? Taking into account that edocs has just finished its product development stage and given the state of the VC market, it is legitimate for edocs to ask for second term sheet. Adjusted provisions should include: ? Higher valuation. Favorable market conditions, admitted by Guerster himself, are pushing valuations upwards. Strategically, CRV left some wiggle room if it gets into the bidding war for edocs, so Laracey and the rest of the team could hammer out better valuation by shopping the deal to other VCs. Otherwise, the issuance of warrants, stock options, buy-back provisions or other earn in options could sweeten the deal for edocs founders. ? Expulsion of warrants as a method of compensation. The responsibility for not finding a co-investor should lie solely on CRV, and not on edocs and that’s why it’s unacceptable for edocs to give up of 5% shareholding for $50,000. ? Give Laracey a proper chance. Edocs should fight for it’s CEO, since he has showed already outstanding results, and CRV should give him a chance to manage a company.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Very powerful character Essay Example For Students
Very powerful character Essay Additionally he is characterized as the person that resembles Fate. He is thought of like this for countless reasons. One of the main reasons for this is due to the fact that he hands Mrs Lyons the bible, prompting her to act on superstition. Also this is exemplified in the song Shoes upon the table, which is repeated throughout the play, this song represents a both the idea that he is the devil and fate. The lyrics, You know are repeated throughout the song. This implies everything that is going to happen is already known by the narrator as he sings this to the characters. He wouldnt know that any of this was going to happen if he did not represent this. We will write a custom essay on Very powerful character specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Moreover, the Narrator is thought of as a very powerful character. Russell, however, does this in a very subtle manner. He does this in many different ways, one being the intention that the Narrator is always on a higher surface than other characters, thus giving the supposition that he is closer to god therefore having a greater power than other characters. In conjunction with this he wears simple dark clothes and has a blank emotion on his face, giving him a neutral status, as we cant identify anything about him. His dress sense also gives the audience the idea he is dressed for a dark occasion, such as a funeral. This fits in with the idea that he represents Fate, because he knows they are going to die. During the time when Willy wrote this play, social class difference was a strong talking point, this is well put across from start to finish in the performance, through clothing, setting and language. The language is paramount to the idea of social structure, as it appears so often. A prime example of this is when Mickey and Eddy first meet and Mickey teaches Eddy taboo words, such as pissed and the F word. The fact that Mickey knows these words proposes he has been allowed to have the exposure to these words as he hasnt had the money to occupy himself in other ways. Russells use of colloquial language, swearing and abbreviated speech, linked with a varying vocabulary, between the two 7 year olds is intended to indicate to the audience the way in which their upbringing have already, even at this young age, affected their ability to operate in society. He wants the audience to recognize that the boys different class background differs with great intensity. At the age of seven when the twins first meet the up-bringing they have had becomes extremely apparent through Russells excellent use of language in the dialogue. When talking about their mothers, Mickey uses the term mam, this signifies that Mickey is from a poorer background as the audience would generally link this sort of language with someone from a poorer, un-educated background. However, Edward uses the word mummy, the automatically gives the audience a presumption that he is better off, being a term more commonly associated with people of a higher class. In conjunction with this mummy, infers that because the Lyons were better of, Mrs Lyons had more time to spend with her child and this term confirms this as it suggests the pair were closer, because Mrs Lyons wasnt having to go out to work and earn a living, unlike Mrs Johnstone. Additionally in their first dialogue as a pair, Mickey tends to use slang such as cos and gis a, this implies that he has been brought up around language like this, which obviously portrays the fact he is from a lower class. On the other hand Edward pronounces words fully, which tells the audience he has better educated parents that have bought him up to say words like this. .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .postImageUrl , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:hover , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:visited , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:active { border:0!important; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:active , .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6 .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u100bd0a055cb5b77ab7707930fd482e6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Utilitarianism Analysis EssayAs children Edward and Mickey get into trouble with the police and when the policeman goes to speak to the parents he speaks to them in very different natures. When he is talking to Mrs Johnstone he is very abrupt, he swears and calls her love. Yet on the other hand when he is talking to Mr Lyons he makes a joke, he is polite and calls him sir, and this infers that he has more respect for Mr Lyons because he is wealthier and from an upper-class background. Also, Mr Lyons pours the policeman a glass of whiskey showing that firstly, The Lyons can afford to do this, but most importantly the fact that he is so well-educated, he can calculated such a sly plan, to get the better of the policeman .Willy uses the policeman to show a strong sense of hierarchy between the two classes. The way he speaks down to Mrs Johnstone suggests she is low down in the hierarchy and deserves to be treated poorly. Yet when speaking to Mr Lyons, he speaks to him with a lot more authority, inferring that because Mr Lyons is high up, he doesnt want to get on the wrong side of him. When Edward and Mickey are younger Edward is always dressed in smart clean clothes that change everyday. Where as Mickey wears clothing half his size with rips in them and continuously wears these items for the duration of the characters younger stages of life. This suggests to the audience that Edward is able to afford nice new clothes, while Mickey has to wear hand-me-downs due to his mothers poor income.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
US History B CP Unit - An Essay Sample Review
US History B CP Unit - An Essay Sample ReviewIf you are looking for a US History B CP Unit I recommend that you go online and type in the term 'US History B C Unit.' The first website that pops up has thousands of books, courses, audio tapes, video tapes, and other products to choose from. You can make your decision in as little as five minutes and will be on your way to completing an effective US History B C Unit.I learned to read at a very young age and it seems that my father had a problem with reading. Unfortunately he did not have the proper tools to learn how to read. When I started school my mother taught me how to read and the rest is history. My teachers in school gave me a C+ on my US History B CP Unit I have completed, so I had a goal.The thing about going to school and getting a good grade is that it doesn't have to be difficult. What you need to do is get a history teacher that understands the basics of learning the basics of teaching. You need to get a class of educated students that can effectively use their time wisely and they also need a good teacher.One of the things that make a good teaching experience is using a US History B CP Unit I recommend that you go online and type in the term 'US History B C Unit.' The first website that pops up has thousands of books, courses, audio tapes, video tapes, and other products to choose from. You can make your decision in as little as five minutes and will be on your way to completing an effective US History B C Unit.Now, I understand that you may have to pay for something but you should consider it when you are getting a CD Course. It can help you in terms of money and time. Having a good teacher will help you in your quest for a good grade.Now, I realize that you may have to pay for something but you should consider it when you are getting a CD Course. It can help you in terms of money and time. Having a good teacher will help you in your quest for a good grade.I know that you can find good teachers if you just go online and type in the term 'US History B C Unit' and the site will bring up a list of companies and you can choose which one is right for you. Some of these are listed on an Internet site, while others are in a bookstore or at a library. There are many ways to find a teacher and you will find that a lot of them are good teachers.Just remember that the CD Course that you get will help you in many ways. They are good at teaching the basics of teaching which includes writing an essay, quoting from the bible, making your point with an example, examples, and a whole lot more. Make sure that you look at all of the options before you make your final decision and get a good teacher.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Marketing Plan Essays - Mobile Phones, Mobile Telecommunications
Marketing Plan Essays - Mobile Phones, Mobile Telecommunications Marketing Plan We live in a world where consumers are demanding access to information and service anywhere, anytime, and from any device. For most people, Cell phones will be the devices, which provide them with their first access to the Internet. Time is the most precious commodity and convenience is everything. Access 2000 will allow you to talk, receive emails, news, stock quotes-or surf the web, and at the same time allowing you to use the features of a palm pilot which has word processing capabilities, all while on the move! Access 2000 Combining features of Cell Phones, Pagers, Palm Pilots and Internet into the palm of your hand. This product will arm you with the latest technology that is required for the 21st century. Target Market - Retailers Circuit City Best Buy Conns Comp USA Office Max Access 2000 Descriptions 6 by 4 1 Extendable Antenna 1 Ounce Battery Overall Weight 7 Ounces 2 LCD Digital Screen Touch Screen/Keyboard/mouse Access 2000 Functions Voicemail Caller ID / Call Forwarding / Call Waiting Three Way Calling Speed Dial LCD Icons / Star Code Internet / Email Access Microsoft Word Calendar Address Book / Phone Book Competitors such as Ericsson, Nokia and Motorola have not achieved the combination of features provided by Access 2000. Ericsson with their model R380 has comes close by offering a mini browser and phone. There really is no competition, for Access 2000, because no other company has dared to combine all the features of Cell Phones, Pager, Palm Pilots, and the Internet into the palm of your hand. Marketing Plan Access 2000 Free training for all sales representative of Circuit City, Best Buy, Conns, Comp USA, & Office Max Free samples for all store managers Financial incentive for the sales associate who sold the most Access 2000 biweekly Team up with other business to share advertising costs (AOL, Prodigy Etc) Promote trends or current events, tie Access 2000 to the environment, Olympics, World Series Create fear of not having the Access 2000 ex: missing out of effective business-boosting tool. If people dont buy Access 2000 now, they will miss something big, left behind in the ever changing tech world, a discount, premium free gift, etc TV ads News paper & magazine ads Demonstrating Access 2000s benefits at all the tech conventions Creating a buzz at all the tech, TV shows Promotional offers such as, off with the trade in of your old phone Banners at business functions, sporting events etc Free giveaways on TV shows Offer Store displays & standing cardboard cut-outs Contacting present cell phone users and compare our service to theirs present one Mail out post cards with incentives and bonuses for purchasing Access 2000 One outspoken solid representative (Bill Gates, or a sports figure Michael Jordan) Business Proposition This is a general proposition for Circuit City from Access Inc. Product Access 2000 will be available in stores by November 1st, just in time for Christmas. Suggested Retail Price - $399.99 Access 2000 - Option # 1. No contract required Price per unit - $300.00 Delivery upon order per month Profit per month - (# of units X price) Cost ROI ((399-300)/300) = 33% Access 2000 - Option # 2 6-month contract required Price per unit - $250.00 150 units per month X 30 stores Total price $37,500.00 per month Profit per month - $22,498.50 ROI ((399-250)/250) = 59.60% Access 2000 - Option # 3 12-month contract required Price per unit - $200.00 150 units per month X 30 stores Total price $30,000.00 Profit per month - $29,998.50 ROI ((399-200)/200) = 99.50% This discount is given to retail stores and not to the end customers unless the store decides to do so. In order to receive the discount, Circuit City has to sign a contract for the given amount of period. For example, in order to receive the price of $200.00 per unit, Circuit City has to sign a one-year contract. Access 2000 Mark 4366 7/2/00
Friday, February 28, 2020
Musical cultures of native american and brazil Essay
Musical cultures of native american and brazil - Essay Example "Traditional music culture in Brazil and Native American cultures" essay describes the diversity of music styles of these cultures. These two groups of people have had a long history characterized by struggle, the strife and the final triumph. To begin with, The American Song published by Alexander Street Press. It is a large database that contains over 50,000 tracks which offer room for people to listen to and have a feel of America's past music. As such the database includes songs formulated by the Native Americans, the immigrants as well as slaves. Also inclusive in the database are Civil Rights songs, the political campaigns, Civil War among much more. The Encyclopedia of Natives Music: More Than a Century of Recording from Wax Cylinder to the Internet by Brian Wright-McLeod, illustrated by photographs and cover albums. And printed by Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2005 for Fine Art Music Collections provides vital information concerning the Native American culture. As such, the Encyclopedia of Native American Music recognizes contributions made by some Native recording artists by examining commercially released music history. Indeed it provides an overview of the recorded Native music while pointing out its historical value which has been organized by the genre for a much quicker reference. In addition, soundtracks as well as, compilation albums for artists have been included. As such this book enumerates some spoken word recordings and further includes comedy, poetry and audio books. Indian Blues: American Indian and Politics of Music, 1879-1934 written by, John W.T,  Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c2009. As such, Troutman examines the politics of music on the Indian reservations and public venues as well as, reservation boarding schools at the beginning of the 20th century. During this period , US government (Office of the Indian Affairs) was engaged in controlling the musical practices Indian Americans as a way of assimilating them. The author uses the opening of the Carlisle Indians School in 1879, and the enactment of the Indians Reorganization Act in 1934 at the start and conclusions. As such, he examines how the Native American, government officials as well as , the non-Indian audiences adopted musical practice in order to shape the Indian policy. Music of the First Nations: Traditions and Innovations in the Native North American edited by Tara Browner. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2009. As such, this anthology lays out a numb er of ways in approaching an ethnomusicology of the musical expression of the Native Americans. Concerning the Culture in Brazil, Latin music describes different types of traditional songs performed in Brazil, more particularly; the samba, Bossa nova and Choro have been identified. Additionally, Buzzlle describes different forms of Brazilian music, and the musical instruments used, listing, Bateria, Ganza Shekere, and the tambourine among others RESPONSE TO III The challenges include language diversity, rise of global communications and the ease at which people move, increased competition, the American cultural exchange service, the Bahia
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